
I'm quite new to postfix and got a a little bit confused about the different 
ldap result attributes.

I'd like to implement these adressing rules:

0. There are three domains (a.com, b.com and localhost - of course ;-) )
1. Valid e-mail receivers are stored as ldap objects. If an e-mail adress of 
a.com or b.com is valid, there is exactly one ldap-Object with 
attrbute "mail: ent...@a.com" or "mail: ent...@b.com"

For each adress, exaclty one of these conditions is to be applied:
2a. The adress is a posix-Account (uid attribute is set) if an posix account 
is adressed, mails are to be deliverd locally.
2b. The adress is a forwarding account. If the attribute "forward: 
someu...@foreignhost.com" is set, e-mails ought to be forwarded.
2c. The adress is a mailing list. The attribute "member: ..some_dn..." 
specifies all its members. E-mails ought to be send to all members, then.
2d. The adress is a subtree. E-mails ought to be delivered to all leaf-objects 
within the tree's scope.

Refering to http://www.postfix.org/ldap_table.5.html I'd have to set:

search_base = dc=local
query_filter = (mail=%s))
result_attribute = uid,forward
special_result_attribute = member
scope = sub

Is this correct? I'm quite uncertain about one thing:

2d: How do I make sure, that E-Mails are delivered to leaf objects only?
Lets say we have:
dn: ou=staff,dc=local
mail: st...@a.com

dn: ou=support,ou=staff,dc=local
mail: supp...@a.com

dn: uid=joe,ou=support,ou=staff,dc=local
mail: j...@a.com

And I send an e-mail to st...@a.com. Just one e-mail ought to be delivered to 
joe (and not two: one, for his membership in staff, and another one for his 
membership in supp...@a.com)
I'm using Debian Lenny / Postifx 2.5.5

Thanks in adavance,
Keep smiling

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