Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread karsten
I installed proj-bin v 7.2.1-1 that was available from the apt packages but in postgres (also after) restart of the db it still list PROJ="6.3.1" being used. How can I make postgresql use the new proj ? -Original Message- From: postgis-users

Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread karsten
Yes will try to get this to work and report back here. The stack exchange issue mentioned that it worked with an older gdal version so will try with both different proj and gdal combinations Karsten -Original Message- From: postgis-users []

Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
There's something very particular about your environment and I don't know what it is. Try upgrading your proj version, and jimmying with other version combinations. There's nothing special about the SRID numbers, they work fine for me locally. I can't invest the time in setting up a mirror

Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread karsten
yes they are in there the queries give me back PROJCS["NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS)",GEOGCS["NAD83",DATUM["North_American_Datum_1983",SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7019"]],TOWGS84[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread karsten
I found this related to the issue but no additional information apart from that r-many-srid-on-ubuntu-20-04-2-lts _ From: karsten [] Sent: Friday, October 15, 2021 11:12 To:

Re: [postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
srid entries have to exist in spatial_ref_sys table, do they? select srtext from spatial_ref_sys where srid in (2263, 4326); > On Oct 15, 2021, at 11:11 AM, karsten wrote: > > Hi All, > > on new server with Ubuntu 20.04 , PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 I am trying to > import a plain sql dump .

[postgis-users] PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 import - could not form projection

2021-10-15 Thread karsten
Hi All, on new server with Ubuntu 20.04 , PostgreSQL 13, PostGIS 3.1 I am trying to import a plain sql dump . This mostly worked but when the script is executing the creation of a geohash (involving a transformation from srid 2263 to geographic 4326) like this CREATE INDEX parcels_geohash ON