Hi all,

The next version of Potlatch 2 will have a couple of major changes to the MapCSS parser that you need to know about if you're writing custom stylesheets. These are to bring it in line with other software that understands MapCSS.

The changes are:

1. casing-width is now relative to the stroke width.
        OLD: { width: 5; casing-width; 7; }
        NEW: { width: 5; casing-width: 1; }

2. Separate strokes for the same way (or whatever) should now be given distinct 'subpart' names, rather than relying on z-index to separate them. Subparts are defined by appending '::name' to the selector.
                way[highway=primary] { color: red; width: 5; z-index: 2}
                relation[type=route] way { color: blue; width: 7; z-index: 1}
                way[highway=primary] { color: red; width: 5; z-index: 2}
relation[type=route] way::routehighlight { color: blue; width: 7; z-index: 1}

The code for this is in my refactor branch on github (https://github.com/systemed/potlatch2/tree/refactor) should you want to try it out. Before it goes live I'll make the changes to the bundled styles; the Potlatch style is already mostly adapted.


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