On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 2:34 AM, Andy Allan <gravityst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A few other things spring instantly to mind - an ill-advised redesign
> of the Undo system, a few problems with the Magic Roundabout system
> (e.g. having a 50% chance of nuking a way when trying to shorten it)
> and, more than anything else, lots of cases of commits generating
> compiler warnings. That these commits were to trunk kept necessitating
> other developers stepping up and fixing the build before they could
> continue with their own work. That was getting quite disruptive.

I see - thanks for elaborating. I hadn't realised that those issues
were so problematic. I guess one advantage of "commit first, discuss
later" is that some of these issues (eg, the undo system) get forced
into the limelight. There's clearly a balance, though, so I look
forward to seeing how it works out this way in practice.

> I'd written that before the situation was clear. But there's also the
> distinction that it's not necessarily what OSMF is deploying, and I
> try to discourage anyone from getting worried about which repo to
> clone from. If you clone from mine, and then want to pull changes from
> someone else, it all comes out the same. Any notion of One True Repo
> just causes more confusion later on!

I guess it's the difference between "there is one true repo (and also
other true repos)" and "there is no one true repo". Again, thanks for
the explanation.

> Make sure you realise that there's nothing that makes it the
> definitive repository other than social factors. Unlike svn there's no
> central repository. It's only "definitive" in that Richard is the
> current maintainer, and the only difference he has over the rest of us
> is that TomH generally doesn't disagree with him (on p2 matters at
> least!). But you could also view the OSMF repo as "definitive" if you
> care about the version that's actually deployed on osm.org

Ok, so Richard runs the debug repository, Tom runs the production repository.

Anyway, I have now got a working build again. I think the gotcha that
hit me last time was that you can't do this:
1) Clone from the OSM repository to your computer
2) Make changes
3) Publish to Github

You have to do this:
1) Clone from OSM repository to your Github account
2) Clone from your Github account to your computer
3) Make changes
4) Publish to Github, and optionally send pull request (git push/git
push origin)

There's probably some way of recovering if you go down the wrong path
(rebasing maybe), but it was beyond me. Anyway, I'm all good now.


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