I've just transferred my addressbook and email folders from Entourage X to
Powermail 5.2.3, and would appreciate help with 2 questions.

First, in my Entourage addressbook, some of my groups are made up of other
groups.  However, when I transferred to Powermail, any groups composed
solely of other groups showed up empty (i.e., if group X is made up solely
of group A and group B, group X showed up empty).  Does PowerMail support
2nd-order groups in the addressbook, and if so, how can I create them?

Second, I have been unable to find any AppleScript or other way to automate
transferring my sig files from Entourage to PowerMail.  Does anyone know of
a good strategy for making the transfer (rather than transferring each one
individually by hand)?

Thanks for your help with this.


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