I got my version 5 key today. I was really excited about the new features
I read in the release notes, so I quickly made a backup of my PowerMail
files. Dropped my PM Key onto the new application and was glad that my
old stuff was updated very speedily.

But, I've noticed a major problem with the update. No speech recognition.
Or at least, all my custom speech recognition commands were no longer
available. So, I tried unsuccessfully to make new ones. The speech
recognition window acted like it worked, but none of the commands I just
created showed in the Speech Commands window. Nor did anything happen
when the commands were spoken. So, it looks like the new version de-
activates customizing the speech commands except for the system defaults
that allow switching to different applications and closing windows? Does
anyone else use speech recognition in PowerMail without any problems?

I'll repair permissions and other stuff and hope something gets the
speech recognition working again. I use the speech recognition daily in
PowerMail and never had any trouble before, nor in other apps. It was
definitely working in PM 4.2.1 earlier before I upgraded. But this is an
accessibility feature that will force me to go back to version 4 if it's
broken and no fixes are planned in the near future. I have hand problems
that are alleviated with the respite speech recognition provides.

Is there not 
An art, a music, and a stream of words 
That shalt be life, the acknowledged voice of life? 
- William Wordsworth (1770-1850), British poet. 

* 867 PowerBook G4 * OS X 10.2.8 * 768 MB Ram *
* Addictions: iTunes 4 * WarCraft * The Sims * FileMaker Pro

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