for checking your textfiles, a good choice is SubEthaEdit, which can be
found here:
with this editor you can convert or reinterpret a textfile in different

But allow me a question, why do you want to export your mails to Filemaker?

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +31-736-56-3905
Am/On: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 17:32:10 +0200 schrieb/wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>> As I export Traditional email to tab-delimited format I loose totally
>> all my Chinese Words. What do I need to do to keep my db encoding
>> intact so I can use it properly.
>The "tab delimited" export format uses the system script encoding. So,
>you must set your preferred language to chinese in the system
>preferences, log out and in, then export to tab delimited format, to get
>a file in mac chinese encoding.
>I tried to follow your advice
>Choose Traditional Chines in Panther as main language. Restarted, 
>exported as tab while everything on my monitor was in Traditional 
>Chinese, exported to tab my Mailboxes.
>Before importing in File Maker Pro I took a look at the generated files 
>(while still using Traditional Chinese) in Tex-Edit, Word, Text-Edit 
>and the Chinese looked as plain garbage, while the Latin Words were 
>However I imported in File Maker and there was no difference with the 
>previous import using my Standard Settings.
>> Although my date an time preferences in my Machine are Set to
>> dd-mm-year, and I receive my mail in this format. while I export to tab
>> delimited for FMP7 the date changes although my preferences in the FMP7
>> are set to read as dd-mm-year.
>I think the tab delimited format is always saved with the american date
>format, so you need to use this format if FM to import it. You can
>probably change the format after you have imported the data.
>The tab delimited format wants one of the presets, so as I used 
>Australian for the date (dd-mm-year) but 24 hours for the time The tab 
>export gave indeed the American format for everything. I learned this 
>Because the only Chinese part of my export was the date, which follows 
>the Chinese standard : year-mm-dd (I didn't change anything in the 
>system prefernce settings once choosing Traditional Chinese as main 
>However I can always correct the date in FMP while my Chinese text 
>simply refuses to appear no matter how I set the sys prefs-
>What am'I doing wrong?

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