On 29/04/2004 at 7:49 AM I saw Don V. Zahniser type:

>Now - What I really want to do is to move messages (not just the
>attachments) having attachments with specific suffixes to a folder (e.g.
>- Mail Trash or one named 'Spam').

I used a script to move a message into the mail trash and the attachment
to another folder on my hard drive to archive later. The script was as


tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        set destination to "Macintosh HD:Users:kename:Documents:Archive:"
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                repeat with attach in every attachment of msg
                        tell application "Finder"
                                set f to file of attach
                                move f to destination
                        end tell
                end repeat
        end repeat
end tell


You could just as easily define the destination as the Finder's trash so
the attachments end up where you want, or set the destination to a
PowerMail message container.


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