powermail-discuss Digest #2900 - Friday, November 19, 2010

  Does CTM really exist or is the customer service just abysmal?
          by "Bob Parks" <b...@kidsource.com>
  Re: Does CTM really exist or is the customer service just abysmal?
          by "John Snippe" <j...@snippe.ca>
  Fwd: Your personal PowerMail 6 registration info !
          by "CTM info" <ctm-li...@ctmdev.com>
  Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2899 - 11/18/10
          by "joe hallett" <joe...@mac.com>


Subject: Does CTM really exist or is the customer service just abysmal?
From: "Bob Parks" <b...@kidsource.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 08:59:29 -0800

Ok, I hate to put this on the public list, but I am about to give up.

Or, maybe some things got lost in spam filters, in which case this has a
better chance of getting through..

I have been using Powermail for 7 years.  I have had several licences
for my company.  When PM6 came out, I upgraded two of them, and paid for
the multiple upgrade. I have a receipt for what I paid.

At the time I got the new key, I actually only installed one copy.  Back
in June or July, I went to upgrade the other copy, and found out that
CTM had sent me a licence key for only one copy, not the multiple I had
paid for.

I emailed them at the time (late June or early July ).  I emailed them a
week later (mid July).  I emailed them in mid August.  At that point I
got an email saying that the person was in a course and would respond
the next week.  Never happened.  I tried again in September. No
response.  I have sent a total of about 7 emails now and still do not
have my very simple problem solved.

CTM, this is absurdly bad customer service.  I want my license key or I
want my money back.

Please reply publicly to this list, just to let us know someone is
actually there!

Bob Parks


Subject: Re: Does CTM really exist or is the customer service just abysmal?
From: "John Snippe" <j...@snippe.ca>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 12:13:08 -0500

On 19-Nov-10, at 11:59 AM, Bob Parks wrote:

> Please reply publicly to this list, just to let us know someone is
> actually there!
> Bob Parks

They are around, Bob.  We get occasional responsive missives...
John Snippe


Subject: Fwd: Your personal PowerMail 6 registration info !
From: "CTM info" <ctm-li...@ctmdev.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 19:36:45 +0200

Hello Bob,

As far as I could tell, this case was closed over two months ago when we
sent you your second key. Please see the actual key forwarded to you in
separate mail; you asked for a public reply here so the excerpt is
snipped below.

Our system for issuing licences has been automated for a while now, but
one if its limitations is that the script does not automatically loop in
sending a number of licenses greater than one automatically, this is a

Finally, I've never been shy of admitting an occasional incompetence in
customer support publically on this list; however this case is a bit
unfair, but you may not have received the key I guess.

Please follow up with either Chantal or myself in private mail if there
is anything else we can do.

Kind regards,

jean michel/ctm qa

 ---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Subject: Your personal PowerMail 6 registration info !
Date Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 3:49 PM
From: CTM registration <ctm-sa...@ctmdev.com>
To: b...@kidsource.com

To the attention of Bob Parks ,

Thank you for choosing PowerMail 6, a sustainable alternative to Mac e-
mail clients evolving since 1995.

Please save this message as your proof-of-purchase, it may be required
if you request technical support in the future.

Kind regards,

Chantal Favre
CTM Development
----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------


Subject: Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2899 - 11/18/10
From: "joe hallett" <joe...@mac.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2010 10:48:57 -0800

I agree.

Joe Hallett

On Nov 18, 2010, at 11:00 AM, PowerMail discussions 
<powermail-discuss@ctmdev.com> wrote:

> I for one may take Jean Michel up on this offer.

End of powermail-discuss Digest

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