Alright, after trying it for over 20 times, and knowing that I am not
totally out of my head (usually), I downloaded version 5.2.3 of PM and
as expected, not the slightest problem in getting to the first aid
window, 3x in a row instantly there. But it does NOT work under 5.5.1 of PM.

Hiro, are you using version 5.5.1 of PM and are you able to open the
first aid window?

Anyone else not able to open the first aid window under 5.5.1 (OS X 10.4.8) ?


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>heh, I hear you.
>the thing which I do not understand is why now suddenly I should not be
>able to do it but never had problems in the past - did the timing margin
>then change to such an extent? even if it did, I really did try every
>1/10 of a second variation (it's all the time I have between clicking
>and having PM open) and still no go... but if I still am missing just
>the right moment, it is more than odd and definitely shouldn't be that
>hard... and never was, well, I'll go practicing until somebody else
>confirms that this is a problem with the latest PM version.
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>Marlyse Comte / 2006/12/06 / 09:26 PM wrote:
>>>aha! ... or so I thought.
>>>but I tried it with delay and still no go, PM opens each and every time
>>>without opening the first aid dialog box. 
>>>it IS opt+command or did that change?
>>It's still Opt+Cmd.  Trust me.  You are in a tight timing margin.  It
>>needs practice :-)
>>- Hiro

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