powermail-discuss Digest #2902 - Thursday, November 6, 2008

  Re: AppleScript to move messages to folder matching sender's name?
          by "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject: Re: AppleScript to move messages to folder matching sender's name?
From: "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 11:12:10 -0800

Try something like this:

1st: make an address book "Folder" containing just Sally Smith. Another
with Just John Doe. (Click folder icon in Address book window toolbar).

PowerMail Filter:

If  "From"   "is in Folder"  "Sally Smith"
Move Message into Folder:  "Sally Smith"

Next PowerMail Filter:
If  "From"   "is in Folder"  "John Doe"
Move Message into Folder:  "John Doe"

And so forth.

You can use during mail collection to auto-file messages, or (uncheck
the box to not Filter incoming messages) then Select messages and
"Perform all filters" on them. (option apple m).

It is not a single script, but it may meet your criteria anyway.

Hope this helps.

 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Marlyse Comte's message of 9:01 PM, 11/4/08

>why not use PowerMail's simple and elegant filtering option? then you
>don't have to manually activate the script but it filters automatically... ?
>------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------
>>Hi all,
>>I use a custom AppleScript to move a message into a specific folder in
>>my folder list.  For example, let's say my folders are organized like this:
>>    Dave's Team
>>        John Doe
>>        Sally Smith
>>So, to move a message I am reading to John's folder, I select my "Move
>>to John" custom AppleScript from my Scripts menu:
>>tell application "PowerMail"
>>    set messageList to the current messages
>>    if messageList is {} then display dialog "This script applies to the
>>selected messages (or it can be used as a mail filter script)" buttons
>>{"OK"} default button "OK"
>>    repeat with aMessage in messageList
>>    move aMessage to message container "John Doe" of message container
>>"Dave's Team"
>>    end repeat
>>    end tell
>>I have a unique script in my Custom Scripts folder, for everybody on my
>>team.  It's getting quite long and, every time my team changes, I need
>>to modify my scripts.
>>What I would love to be able to do is have a single AppleScript that
>>grabs the sender's name ("John Doe") from my address book and, if a
>>folder with that same exact name exists in my Folder List, automatically
>>move it into that folder.  That way, as long as my address book entry
>>matches a folder name entry for the sender of a message, it will
>>automatically be moved to their folder, when I activate the script.
>>Does any happen to have an AppleScript that does this, or something similar?

End of powermail-discuss Digest

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