Ohoo......(indian style)  I was soo late to check my e-inbox, so I lost many news and happiness.
first for my lovely Izam who got grace periode on his mobile and couldnt reply my message although using 1 paisa Airtel sms service, zam u have very nice explanation about experiences on pilgrim and hopely i'll be like you....
second for alumni or HAI, wooww...keren bgt! for Mr. Rizki and our KOHATI (korps. HMI-wati) Mala, burn your HMI spirit. did u remember, Yakin Usaha Sampai?. Btw, if you go to PB-HMI Diponegoro, Menteng give my great wish to Fajar Zulkarnaen, Asep whom in commitee...
I'm very salute to our alumni who came from Denpasar, (I'm sorry sir, i dont knowing you) and very anthusias to that meeting. Great Alumni India!!!
Mario Gagho, very nice article! you always have time to do this although you are writing your thesis now, very good, have you any article about the boring and stupid cricket game??.
Anyway, we can learn everything even from simple thing, no need complicated or such a big concept, anyway what Phillips said "Let's make things better"
Our new Alumni, Mbak Heni, thanks to sent me message, definately I remember you and I'm very happy and enjoy in Delhi, She give us wish for all member.

All the best!!

F a c h i m
School of Computer & System Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi - INDIA
Knowledge is Power.

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