----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jonatan Lassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 5, 2008 11:55:48 PM
Subject: [beasiswa] [info] Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels

Two PhD Scholarships in Brussels
Funding for two doctoral research scholarships will be available for one year 
in the first instance, extended to a maximum of three years, based on 
satisfactory progress. Successful candidates will be registered as full-time 
students of the University of Kent; registered initially for the MPhil they 
will be expected to transfer/upgrade to the PhD within 18 months of 
Candidates will receive a maintenance grant of €9000 p.a. and tuition fees 
(€13,690 in 2008/09). Scholarship holders will normally be expected to teach a 
maximum of 6 hours per week in term time, at the direction of the Dean. 
Candidates will be subject to an annual review of progress and performance in 
both research and teaching and will be expected to perform at a satisfactory 
level in both areas to ensure renewal of their award. 
Successful applicants will pursue a thesis topic in an area of research 
strength of the school. We particularly welcome research proposals in European 
Public Policy, International Relations, International Conflict Analysis, 
International Political Economy, and Political Strategy and Communication. 
Applicants should normally have obtained, or be about to obtain a relevant 
Master's degree at merit or distinction level. In addition to making an 
application to study for an MPhil/PhD, applicants are required to submit a 
research proposal, CV and covering letter. Applicants should also ensure that 
two academic references are submitted by the closing date of 16 June 2008.

To submit an application for the PhD scholarships please follow the 
instructions as detailed on the following webpage: http://www.kent. 
ac.uk/brussels/ admissions. html.

Once you have submitted your application to study at UKB, you may apply for a 
scholarship by sending a research proposal, CV, and covering letter outlining 
your interest in the scholarship by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ac.uk. UKB must 
receive your scholarship application no later than 17:00 Brussels time on 16 
June 2008. 
http://www.jobs. ac.uk/jobs/ LT143/PhD_ Scholarships/

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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