              Smart Systems Integration 2009
        Technology - Smaller! Smarter! Integrated!
Smart Systems Integration allows you to form a system out of
components which is able to gain information from the environment, to
process it electronically, to communicate signals and data and to give
enabled feedback signal to the ambience. 
The whole system is
subject to the trend of today’s world: miniaturization, networking
capability, energy-autonomy and reliability. Due to increasing
complexity and multidisciplinarity developing teams in fields of
microsystems- and nanotechnology, optics, fluidics, biology, medical
science, electronics and wireless communication technologies face
highest demands.

The exhibition
Here Europe demonstrates its potential! You present your company to
a high-level international audience of experts, users and scientists. 
The concurrent exhibition addresses research institutions,
manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, producers of
sub-assemblies, components and systems in the sectors microsystems and
nanotechnology, microelectronics, micromechanics, sensor technology and
wireless communication.
Imec has a booth on the Smart Systems Integration Exhibition
Read more on the event website:


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