Rajin banget posting lowongan beasiswa---

Salut bangets---

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Setio Pramono <hafidz...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Starting from *September 2009*, the *Institute of 
> Statistics<http://www.uclouvain.be/stat.html>
> * of the Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, *Belgium*, is
> offering a series of full time teaching assistant positions and one research
> assistant position *for preparing a PhD in statistics*, as well as* one
> postdoctoral research position*.
> *Description of the positions*
> Starting as of now, and until the application deadline (*May 22, 2009*),
> the Institute of Statistics (IS) is filling *7 teaching and one 
> research*position for preparing a PhD and
> *one postdoctoral* *position*.
> As a teaching assistant (up to 6 years’ contract with average monthly
> salary of about 2600 Euros including social security) the doctoral student,
> besides working on his/her thesis, is teaching tutorials in a variety of
> service and master courses of the IS.
> As a research assistant (up to 4 years’ tax-free monthly grant of about
> 1500 Euros) the doctoral student’s main activity is working on his/her
> thesis in the field of asymptotic theory for semiparametric statistics, but
> he/she can be involved on a small scale into some teaching activities of the
> IS.
> The postdoctoral position (1 year grant, roughly 2000 Euros per month
> tax-free) is not linked to a specific domain but can be in any of the fields
> connected to those represented by the researchers at the IS.
> Description of the working environment
> The Institute of Statistics is a renowned research centre of high
> international reputation which offers a very stimulating working
> environment. It is equipped with modern computing facilities, a statistics
> library, a vivid visitors’ programme and ample funding for scientific
> travel. At the IS there are about 15-20 doctoral students working under the
> supervision of 10 professors <http://www.uclouvain.be/en-22615.html>, in a
> variety of fields <http://www.uclouvain.be/en-39959.html> of
> methodological and applied statistics, including biostatistics and actuarial
> sciences. They are integrated into the Graduate School in Statistics and
> Actuarial Sciences <http://www.stat.ucl.ac.be/edt/index.html> which offers
> them an up-to-date training in their field via regular seminar series, short
> courses and workshops, all in English and often given by international short
> and long-term visitors. A high percentage of the PhD students graduate from
> the IS and succeed in starting a promising career, be it in academia or
> industry.
> The IS is part of a large international research 
> network<http://www.stat.ucl.ac.be/IAP/PhaseVI/index.html>.
> It has numerous academic contacts, including those to neighbouring fields
> (medicine, agronomy, social science, economy, finance and engineering) as
> well as collaborations with industry. It is placed in the heart of a modern,
> vivid and international university 
> campus<http://www.uclouvain.be/en-acces.html>,
> in close proximity of Brussels and its international airport, and in short
> travel distance to other European capitals.
> *Required qualifications*
> -    For the PhD positions: degree on the master level in statistics,
> mathematics or physics, bio-engineering, commercial or civil engineering,
> quantitative economics, finance or actuarial sciences. This *diploma* must
> be obtained with at least *distinction* or an equivalent grade.
> -    For the postdoc position: PhD in statistics or mathematics.
> -    Good active knowledge of French for the teaching assistant positions
> (however, French is not a requirement for a research grant position).
> *To apply *
> * *
> ·       *For the teaching positions, please register and send the required
> documents following the link http://www.uclouvain.be/11617 under the item
> : Assistant,  as of now and at the very latest before May 22, 2009.*
> * *
> ·       *For the research and postdoc position, please send the following
> documents to the administrator of the IS, Isabelle Petit (
> isabelle.pe...@uclouvain.be) as of now and at the very latest before May
> 22, 2009:*
> -        *a letter of motivation (which can -  but does not have to -  include
> a statement of interest in one or several of the diverse fields of research
> at the IS)*
> -        *a curriculum vitae including a list of the relevant courses
> taken within a qualifying progamme (including evaluation grades)*
> -        *copy of diplomas*
> -        *two letters of reference to be sent by e-mail directly by the
> referees*
> * *
> *Please understand that only duly completed applications can be taken into
> account*. *Simultaneous applications (teaching and research position) are
> possible by explicitly stating so in your letter of motivation.*
> For further information please contact Professor Ingrid Van Keilegom (*
> ingrid.vankeile...@uclouvain.be*) and/or Professor Rainer von Sachs (*
> r...@uclouvain.be*).
> Further information on the Institute of Statistics can be obtained from
> http://www.uclouvain.be/en-stat.html .

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