Graduate Consortium on Democratizing Computational Tools

2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
Madrid, Spain, September 21-25

**DUE Friday, May 28**


Graduate students interested in democratizing access to computational tools 
(including end-user programming, novice programming, human-centered software 
development tools, or studies of any of these) are invited to participate in 
the Graduate Consortium at the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and 
Human-Centric Computing in Madrid, Spain.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has provided travel and expense support 
for participating graduate students who are attending U.S. universities and 
research institutions.

Applications involve a 2-page abstract, CV, and letter of recommendation, due 
Friday, May 28th. Details on eligibility, panel, and travel support are 
available here:


Panel members and organizers include:

Andrew Ko (University of Washington)
Andrew Begel (Microsoft Research, Redmond)
Judith Good (University of Sussex)
Emmanuel Pietriga (INRIA, France)

We're looking forward to your submissions!

Andrew J. Ko
Assistant Professor, The Information School
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engineering
University of Washington

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