Dear all

Chris Roast has asked me to forward this to you all. Please reply to him, not me! Hope to see lots of you there, though.

Thomas Green

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Roast, Chris" <>
Date: 22 February 2011 16:17:13 GMT
To: 'Maria Kutar' <>, Thomas Green < >
Subject: PPIG WIP 2011


PPIG Work-in-Progress Meeting 18-19 April 2011

Invitation to submit extended abstracts - deadline 18th March

The Psychology of Programming Group (PPIG) invites abstracts for its 7th Work-in-Progress meeting, to be held at the Communication and Computing Research Centre in Sheffield Hallam University (UK).

The PPIG work-in-progress workshop is a forum in which researchers at all levels can present and discuss current work and recent results, findings and developments. The intention is to help researchers by encouraging constructive suggestions for taking their work forward.

Despite its title, PPIG is interested not only in psychology of programming and software engineering, but also in psychological aspects of related activities. Indeed, a feature of the PPIG workshops has always been their openness to a wide spectrum of concerns: principally related to programming and software engineering, from the design of programming languages to communication issues in software teams, and from computing education to high-performance professional practice, but also related to other domains with similar concerns. Recent events have touched on learning mathematical formalisms, creativity and digital design, understanding websites, and live coding in the laptop music world. Similarly, PPIG entertains a broad spectrum of research approaches, from theoretical perspectives drawing on psychological and social theory to empirical perspectives grounded in real-world experience. We have open minds if you think we might be interested, try us.

Experienced researchers and practitioners, as well as doctoral students, are equally invited to submit an abstract. Although the abstract need not describe completed work, the work described should be aiming to produce scientific output of publishable quality.

Conference is located at Sheffield Hallam city campus in walking distance of the railway station and in centre of the city. We look forward to finding out about your ongoing work and seeing you at the meeting.


Extended abstracts are expected to be no more than two pages, following an academic format.

More details are on the WIP PPIG 2011 pages

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