International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), Elsevier
Topic: Interplay between User Experience Evaluation and Software Development
Deadline for submission: 28th February 2013 (Thursday)
Guest Editors: Effie L-C Law, Silvia Abrahão

While the gap between HCI and Software Engineering (SE) with regard to usability has somewhat been narrowed, it may be widened again due to the new emphasis on user experience (UX). This Special Issue aims to build a body of applied knowledge on the increasingly relevant topic of Interplay between User Experience (UX) Evaluation and System Development. Specifically, the topic will be studied from both the HCI and SE perspectives, identifying plausible resolutions to the challenge of optimizing the impact of UX evaluation feedback on software development.

Usability evaluation methods (UEMs) and metrics are relatively more mature. In contrast, UX evaluation methods which draw largely on UEMs are still taking shape. It is conceivable that feeding outcomes of UX evaluation back to the software development lifecycle to instigate the required changes can even be more challenging than doing so for usability evaluation. It leads to several key issues:

 UX attributes are (much) more fuzzy and malleable, what kinds of diagnostic information and improvement suggestion can be drawn from evaluation data on experiences?  Conducting usability evaluation in the early phases of a development lifecycle with low fidelity prototypes may facilitate necessary changes to be made cost-effectively. However, is this principle applicable to UX evaluation? Is it feasible to capture authentic experiential responses with a low-fidelity prototype? If yes, how can we draw insights from these responses?  The persuasiveness of empirical feedback determines its worth. Earlier research indicates that software development teams need to be convinced about the urgency and necessity of fixing usability problems. Is UX evaluation feedback less persuasive than usability feedback? If yes, will the impact of UX evaluation be weaker than usability evaluation?  The SE community has recognized the importance of usability. Can such recognition and implications be taken for granted for UX, as UX evaluation methodologies and measures could be very different (e.g. artistic performance)?  Analysis approaches developed by researchers are applied to a limited extent by practitioners. Could such divorce between research and practice be bitterer in UX analysis approaches, which are essentially lacking?
This Special Issue aims to address the above as well as other related ones.

Contributions, preferably with empirical studies, are invited but are not limited to the following topics:: * Which artefacts of software development are useful as the basis for UX evaluation and how do such artefacts influence the selection of UX evaluation methods? * What are the forms and characteristics of UX evaluation feedback that are considered or proved useful and necessary for software development (including the UI design)? * How can UX evaluation methods be integrated in emerging techniques and approaches for software development (e.g., agile development, aspect-oriented software development, model-driven development? * How do software designers/developers perceptions of UX evaluation feedback relate to their redesign strategies and approaches (e.g. prioritisation)? * How can the effectiveness of UX evaluation feedback in improving software quality be evaluated (i.e., the issue of downstream utility)? * How can analysis in UX practical evaluation be supported with techniques and tools applicable to actual industrial practices?


* Deadline for submission: 28th February 2013
* Author notification (1st round): 30th April 2013
* Paper revision submission deadline: 11th June 2013
* Camera-ready version submission ready: 23rd August 2013

Guest Editors
* Effie Lai-Chong Law, University of Leicester, UK
* Silvia Abrahão, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain

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