REMINDER: The PPIG conference for 2011 will be held in York from 6-8 September.

PPIG (Psychology of Programming Interest Group) has wide interests, so if you think your own interest might just possibly interest PPIG, then it almost certainly will do. So come along and tell us about it.

SUBMISSIONS: The deadlines for submission are full papers, 9 July; doctoral consortium, 31 July

See main PPIG website, , for submission templates (in Word and LateX), details of topics, technical committee, etc.

REGISTRATION: the facilities for registration are now open. From the main PPIG website, follow link to the registration site, part of the University of York system.

STUDENTS: our doctoral consortium aims to supply helpful advice and a chance for friends to spot mistakes before your examiners do. The consortium will be on the morning of 6th Sep, so you may want to book accommodation for the night of the 5th. We've kept the prices low.

EVERYONE: We're looking forward to seeing lots of people. PPIG is the warmest conference series I know, where people are always pleased to share information and make positive suggestions. And York is a great city with a stunning campus.

Thomas Green
Alistair Edwards

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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