Hi there!!!

This is great material about Self-efficacy theory, also self-efficacy to 

1. Bandura, A., ?Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change?, 
Psychological Review, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1977, pp. 191-215.
2. Karsten R. & Roth R.M. /Computer self/-/efficacy: a practical indicator of 
student computer competency in introductory IS courses/. Informing Science. 
Vol1, No. 3, 1998, pp. 61-68.
3. Ramalingam, V. and Wiedenbeck, S., ?Development and Validation of Scores on 
a Computer Programming Self-Efficacy Scale and Group Analyses of Novice 
Programmer Self-Efficacy?, /Journal of Educational Computing Research,/ Vol. 
19, No.4, 1998, pp. 367-81.
4. Askar, P. and DaVenport, D.,?An Investigation of Factors Related to 
Self-Efficacy for JAVA Programming Among Engineering Students?, /The Turkish 
Online Journal of Educational Technology ? TOJET,/ Vol. 8, Issue 1, Article 3, 
Jan. 2009.

Scheila Martins

Citando Thomas Green <green...@ntlworld.com>:

> Dear Stefano
> Since nobody else has replied yet, and you say it's urgent:
> YES:
> Mathematical and logical skills, yes. But I really don't think you 
> need to do more than ask them what educational qualifications they 
> have.
> Previous programming experience - the best criterion might be number 
> of languages known, but if you're working at a lower level then your 
> suggestions are fine - loops and conditionals and function 
> definitions.
> NO:
> linguistics, no (plenty of good computer scientists whose native 
> language is English aren't good at spelling and punctuation)
> other domains - nothing good found so far.
> There is very little that anyone can do that will predict specific 
> success at learning to program, other than general tests of ability.
> One other thing I would recommend is a test of self-efficacy. Someone 
> else must know more about testing that than I do. Self-efficacy 
> means, roughly, believing in your own ability; there's evidence that 
> people who believe in themselves do better than people who don't.
> There are people on this list who know a whole lot more about this 
> than I do. If they speak up, believe what they say, not what I said.
> Thomas Green
> On 18 Mar 2011, at 14:40, Stefano Federici wrote:
>> Dear collegues,
>> I want to thank you the list for the precious suggestions about the 
>> evaluation of programming environments.
>> Now I have an urgent need to know which (if any) are the specific 
>> tests that would allow me to group students that have an inclination 
>> to programming from students that have so such an inclination, and 
>> students that already know how to program a computer from students 
>> that have never tried to program a computer.
>> I can imagine that I have to test their mathematical and logical 
>> skills. I can check if they have previous knowledge about 
>> programming and programming languages. But should I check if they 
>> have good knowledge about specific areas of linguistics, such as, 
>> e.g., syntax? Are there other domains that may be relevent for an 
>> individual so to understand in advance if they have an inclination 
>> to computer programming?
>> Going in more detail:
>> - which are the mathematical and logical skills I have to evaluate? 
>> I can imagine fractions, series, simple equations, geometrical 
>> analogies, problem solving, truth tables
>> - which are the programming knowledge I should pre-evaluate? I can 
>> imagine variables, loops, conditionals, function definition
>> - maybe even the following skills in linguistics can be of help: 
>> phrase understanding, knowledge of punctuation
>> Are there other domains/skills I could/should check? Which are the 
>> specific tests that can allow me to evaluate their relevant skills?
>> Thanks a lot in advance
>> Stefano Federici
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>> Università degli Studi di Cagliari
>> Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione
>> Dipartimento di Scienze Pedagogiche e Filosofiche
>> Via Is Mirrionis 1, 09123 Cagliari, Italia
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