You are receiving this message as a subscriber to one or both of the PPIG 
mailing lists.

The mailing lists at are being replaced with two dedicated Google 
Groups. This new location offers receiving messages by mail or just reading 
them on the web site.

I have started transferring the 700 e-mail addresses but I am limited by Google 
to 100 a day.

Subscribe yourself

To speed things up, please feel free to subscribe yourself to the new lists.

To do so, send a message to the following address(es) from the mail address you 
want to subscribe:

To subscribe to PPIG Announce, mail a blank message to

For PPIG Discuss, mail

The 700

I am going to continue transferring e-mail addresses to the new location, 100 a 

If you end up subscribed with two different e-mail addresses, unsubscribe by 
mailing from that address to: or

Read-0nly domains

Please note that addresses from some domains will receive messages from Google 
Groups but cannot post to the list as determined by the “domain administrator”.

The affected domains I know of so far are:

If this affects you, please subscribe a different e-mail address if you have 

If you don’t have a second address, the workaround is to create a Google 
account and set up mail forwarding.
create a Google account (this is also your gmail address)
set it up to forward all mail to your real address (my address is used in the 
screenshot below) 
subscribe to the list using your new gmail address


In other news, the PPIG web site was relaunched today. I have taken it over 
(again), copying over and restructuring content from 26 years of PPIG. A 
zillion thank you’s to Lindsay Marshall for continuing to host the PPIG web 
site and for tolerating my request to use Drupal. Thank you also to Maria 
Kutar, Marian Petre and Alan Blackwell for their help and support.

My goal has been to make PPIG information discoverable and findable. To that 
end, a fully indexed PPIG paper database is under construction.

I will be mailing the discussion list separately to ask for volunteers to 
complete information for the 530+ papers presented at PPIG workshops!

In the meantime, please mail me if you spot any problems or have any 



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