The ACM SIGPLAN has put forth a proposal calling for all computing programs 
that follow ACM/IEEE standards to require functional programming:

In support of that proposal, a claim is made in the comments on the current 
draft of the CS curriculum standards:

The Psychology in Programming Interest Group has published several papers on 
studies concerning the
economic and psychological effectiveness of programmers. The key result is that 
it is *not* the number of
years spent on programming that count; instead it is the number of through 
"paradigm" switches that
make programmers more effective as software engineers. In light of points 1 and 
2, I consider it obvious
that FP is the proper compromise solution as a second paradigm for students. It 
will open their minds and
prepare them for the quickly changing world of real-world software engineering.

I am trying to find these PPIG "several papers" and have not succeeded yet. I'm 
guessing that their authors probably read here.  Could you please send me 
references or links to papers, please?

Many Thanks!
  • PPIG 2008 Blog John Rooksby
    • Seeking PPIG Papers on Paradigm Switching guzdial

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