[ppiindia] Stanford Graduate School of Business goes to India

2005-01-23 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Stanford Graduate School of Business Goes to India FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Helen K. Chang, 650-723-3358, Fax: 650-725-6750 January 13, 2005 STANFORD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS—MUMBAI—The Stanford Graduate School of Business hosted its first ever Executive Forums in India on Jan. 6, 10, and 12

[ppiindia] Google releases photo organizing software

2005-01-23 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Saya kerepotan waktu membangun BLOG dengan foto yang saya buat di Picasa. Dengan menyatunya Picasa di Google, saya yakin kesulitan itu teratasi. Salam, RM --- January 18, 2005 Google Releases Photo Organizing Software By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at

[ppiindia] Key molecule in plant photo-protection identified

2005-01-22 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
January 20, 2005 news releases | receive our news releases by email | science beat Key Molecule in Plant Photo-Protection Identified Contact: Lynn Yarris (510) 486-5375, [EMAIL PROTECTED] BERKELEY, CA – Another important piece to the photosynthesis puzzle is now in

[ppiindia] New model for high-speed broadband transmissions

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Center for Digital Education) New Model for High-Speed Broadband Transmissions Penn State researchers develop new model for high-speed broadband transmissions over U.S. overhead electric power lines By Newsdesk - January 2005 Penn State engineers have developed a new model for high-speed

[nasional_list] [ppiindia] Titan mission 'resounding success

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
** Mailing List Nasional Indonesia PPI India Forum ** Titan mission 'resounding success' By Paul Rincon BBC News science reporter in Darmstadt, Germany Scientists have released the first results from the Huygens probe's journey to Saturn's moon Titan, along with amazing new images. They

[ppiindia] India's choice

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Obat antiretroviral hanya memperpanjang umur, dan dengan demikian menjaga produktivitas, para penderita HIV/Aids. Jelasnya, antiretroviral bukan obat penyembuh HIV/Aids karena sampai sekarang penyakit satu ini belum ada obatnya. Sekalipun khasiat obat antiretroviral 'cuma' segitu, obat ini

[ppiindia] Measuring literacy in a world gone digital

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Alangkah enaknya menjadi pelajar/mahasiswa sekarang ini. Untuk menyusun karangan atau paper, bahannya tinggal mengambil di Google. Tapi awas, selain sumber terpercaya juga ada sumber blo'on dan sengaja mengeluarkan racun, Joe Vialis, umpamanya. Pelajar yang sedikit kritis tentunya segera tahu

[ppiindia] Global MapAid seeks clearer disaster maps

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
www.sfgate.com Global MapAid seeks clearer disaster maps Stanford project helps aid groups get real-time data - David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer Monday, January 17, 2005 Picture landing in a remote stretch of Sumatra ravaged by last month's tsunami, your ship or

[ppiindia] India musn't treat inflows as bad cholesterol

2005-01-19 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Bloomberg Columnists Andy Mukherjee is a columnist for Bloomberg News. The opinions expressed are his own. India Mustn't Treat Inflows as Bad Cholesterol: Andy Mukherjee Jan. 18 (Bloomberg) -- It was a perilous idea that could have cost investors billions of dollars and set back the

[ppiindia] Memberi les privat lewat internet

2005-01-17 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Halo Pak/Ibu guru di Indonesia, terbuka luas peluang mendapat penghasilan tambahan. Demand berupa anak-anak Amerika yang memerlukan pelajaran tambahan matematika dan science. Seumpama Anda bisa charge seorang anak $4/jam, atau separo upah minimum, dan umpama Anda punya murid 4 anak, maka dalam

[ppiindia] Do you want to live forever ?

2005-01-16 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
TechnologyReview.com Do You Want to Live Forever? By Sherwin Nuland Febuary 2005 Wandering through the quadrangles and medieval bastions of learning at the University of Cambridge one overcast Sunday afternoon a few months ago, I found myself ruminating on how this venerable place had

[ppiindia] Indonesian defence minister denies deadline for foreign troops

2005-01-16 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Agaknya terjadi kesalahan penyampaian komunikasi disini. Salam, RM STI Jan 16, 2005 Indonesian defence minister denies deadline for foreign troops JAKARTA - Indonesia's Defence Minister said on Sunday that there is no three-month deadline for foreign

[ppiindia] Once a village, now nothing: even the bodies are gone

2005-01-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
January 14, 2005 ABSENT REMAINS Once a Village, Now Nothing: Even the Bodies Are Gone By IAN FISHER CALANG, Indonesia, Jan. 13 - This town was not just destroyed. It vanished. After almost three weeks, only 323 bodies have been found. Before Dec. 26, when the tsunami swept in from both

[ppiindia] U.S. calls Indonesia deadline for troop pullout reasonable

2005-01-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
January 14, 2005 AID RESTRICTIONS U.S. Calls Indonesia Deadline for Troop Pullout Reasonable By RAYMOND BONNER JAKARTA, Indonesia, Jan. 13 - The American ambassador here said Thursday that the United States was not troubled by the Indonesian government's demands that aid workers in Aceh

[ppiindia] Mengapa ditolak penganpunan utang ?

2005-01-14 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Hari ini ada pernyataan yang agak aneh: Indonesia menolak tawaran pengurangan hutang. Setengah tidak percaya, saya cross-checked beberapa sumber berita ternyata hasilnya sama saja. Sebagai rakyat biasa, saya agak heran. Kesempatan emas yang tidak akan terulang untuk kedua kali mumpung

[ppiindia] Facing a multinational onslaught

2005-01-13 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Facing a multinational onslaught Sanjay K Pillai / New Delhi January 12, 2005 (Business Week) Multinational companies are beginning to hire the best and the brightest from campuses – and they're stepping up their hiring. The outcome could be job hopping. Here’s a forecast that

[ppiindia] Xenophobia thicker than humanity

2005-01-13 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Dalam situasi normal, mana ada negara yang cuek atas kehadiran armada asing berikut lebih dari 13,000 personil AL dalam wilayahnya ? Jadi dalam situasi normal, sikap Panglima TNI masuk akal, sama masuk akalnya dengan 2 x 2 = 4. Namun situasi bencana tsunami di Aceh, adalah situasi bencana besar

[ppiindia] Andhra Pradesh to digitize lkand records

2005-01-12 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Saya berharap DKI juga mendigitalkan akte kepemilikan tanah di wilayah Jabotabek. Salam, RM - AP to digitise land records Our Economy Bureau Hyderabad, Jan 10 The Andhra Pradesh government has embarked on a revolutionary project to digitise land records, while

[ppiindia] Health care? Ask Cuba

2005-01-12 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Sejelek-jeleknya sosialisme, paling tidak sistem itu membawa kebaikan pada dua hal, yaitu jaminan kesehatan masyarakat dan pendidikan untuk semua warganegara. Dan kesehatan serta pendidikan berbanding lurus dengan perolehan medali Olimpiade. Salam, RM

[ppiindia] Relawan Aceh

2005-01-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Satu-satunya relawan Aceh yang saya menjadi kenal adalah Ibu Wahyu Setyowati, seorang co-founder sekaligus director dari Dilts Foundation yang berkantor di Pejaten Timur, Pasar Minggu, Jaksel (website: dilts-foundation.org). Beruntung setelah kedatangan saya ke tanah air for good, tadi malam

[ppiindia] Science for development ?

2005-01-11 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Newindpress) Science for development? Thursday January 6 2005 17:18 IST David Dickson It was meant to happen in 1999. The year the World Conference of Science, held in Budapest in July, was meant to draw the attention of world political leaders to the importance of science and technology in

[ppiindia] C-DAC --- high tech road to supercomputing

2005-01-10 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Untuk membuat supercomputer yang tidak jauh dari yang dipunyai Amerika dan Jepang, tidak cukup dengan satu dua orang brilliant tanpa semangat kebangsaan yang tinggi. Kalau India dibolehkan membeli Cray supercomputer yang memang dapat digunakan dual-purpose (sipil dan militer), agaknya India akan

[ppiindia] Indonesia praises India for its help

2005-01-10 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Presiden SBY kan sudah menegaskan, bahwa kita terima bantuan asalkan bentuknya hibah bukan hutang baru dalam bentuk apapun. Jadi, terhadap tawaran Menlu Natmar Singh ini kita harus tegas bilang: thanks, but no thanks. Salam, RM -- Indonesia praises India for its help

[ppiindia] Malaysia allows Acehnese tsunami survivors to stay: reports

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Bagaimana Pemda Batam? Salam, RM - Malaysia allows Acehnese tsunami survivor to stay: Reports KUALA LUMPUR (AFP): Malaysia will allow a 20-year-old Acehnese tsunami survivor to remain in the country after he was rescued from the Indian Ocean, reports said on

[ppiindia] Tsunami tests U.S. Forces' logistics

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Salah satu dari yang paling effektif memberi bantuan ke Aceh adalah US Navy. Kesulitan transportasi darat diterobos dengan pengerahan 76 helicopter Seahawk yang diterbangkan dari helicopter carrier Bonhomme Richard. Sebanyak 90 pesawat diterbangkan dari kapal induk Abraham Lincoln. Jumlah

[ppiindia] Brains abroad

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Tenaga terdidik yang ngendon di luar negeri jangan dianggap barang hilang, begitu nasehat McKinsey Ltd. Diam-diam, Taiwan memanfaatkan mereka. Sistem ekonomi negara dimana PB pernah tinggal ini memang seperti magnit bagi mereka yang berorientasi ekonomi-pasar. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya

[ppiindia] What is dual citizenship

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Memang ada perbedaan besar antara orang India di perantauan dengan orang Indonesia di perantauan. Tetapi tidak ada salahnya kita kaji bersama konsep dwi-kewarganegaraan ini. Anak saya Niken yang diperantauan segera bilang: those lucky Indians. I wish I were them. Salam, RM

[ppiindia] The lost generation ex

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
The Times of India Online Printed from timesofindia.indiatimes.com All That Matters The Lost Generation Ex INDIASPORA/CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA [ SUNDAY, JANUARY 09, 2005 12:45:56 AM ] The migration of Indian

[ppiindia] How the tsunami warning system works

2005-01-09 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Sify News) How the tsunami warning system works By Richard Ingham in Paris Wednesday, 05 January , 2005, 10:29 A tsunami alert system is a combination of real-time sensors, data-crunching computers, orbiting satellites -- and the nuts-and-bolts task of training the public to respond

[ppiindia] How difficult is it to make it big in America?

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Saturday, January 08,2005 How difficult was it to make it big in America? LALITHA SUHASINI Mumbai, January 7: Muhammad Majeed, a 23-year-old B. Pharma student from Kerala left for US with $8 in 1975, and established Sabinsa Corporation in 1988. ‘‘My friends told me coming back to

[ppiindia] Asian economies catching up with US

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Friday, January 07, 2005 India catching up with US: Top biz lobby PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Washington, January 6 Asian economies like India and China are posing an unprecedented challenge to US competitiveness, a top American business lobby has warned, seeking firm government steps to

[ppiindia] C-Reactive Protein has a big role in heart disease

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
January 6, 2005 Two Studies Suggest a Protein Has a Big Role in Heart Disease By GINA KOLATA educing the levels of a certain protein secreted by the body may be as powerful a tool in slowing heart disease and preventing heart attacks and cardiac-related death as lowering cholesterol, two

[ppiindia] President Kalam pays tribute to his role model scientists

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kalam pays tribute to his role model scientists Wednesday, January 05, 2005 AHMEDABAD: President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam is a role model for many, but who are his role models? He answered the question while addressing a special session of the 92nd session of the Indian Science Congress here

[ppiindia] Dual citizenship to all overseas Indians

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Hari ini konperensi NRI (non-resident Indians) dari seluruh dunia bertempat di Hilton Hotel, Mumbai, ditutup. Pimpinan sidang adalah (lupa namanya) Wakil Presiden Suriname. Pemerintah India berkepentingan besar pada NRI, dan kelihatan memobilisasi mereka untuk pembangunan negara. Di Amerika

[ppiindia] When not to outsource

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Forbes) International When Not To Outsource Penelope Patsuris, 01.05.05, 6:00 AM ET Outsourcing is often viewed in black and white terms--a boon for corporate America and a bust for U.S. workers. Every job and every business strategy is seen as potential fodder for the outsourcing mill,

[ppiindia] Diet and lose weight ? Scientists say 'Prove it'

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(The New York Times) January 4, 2005 Diet and Lose Weight? Scientists Say 'Prove It!' By GINA KOLATA With obesity much on Americans' minds, an entire industry has sprung up selling diets and diet books, meal replacements and exercise programs, nutritional supplements and Internet-based

[ppiindia] Family of four spent New Year's Eve sorting out relief donations

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
STI Jan 9, 2005 Family of four spent New Year's Eve sorting out relief donations IT WAS 9pm on New Year's Eve. While most people were at parties getting ready to usher in the new year, the Tehs - Thien Yew, 49, Lai Yip, 47, Ernest, 16, and Erwin, 12 - were at a disused school at Lowland

[ppiindia] Public urged not to fear foreign soldiers' presence

2005-01-08 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Bravo, Theo Sambuaga, Ketua Komisi I DPR. Salam, RM (The Jakarta Post, Jan 08, 2005) Public urged not to fear foreign soldiers' presence JAKARTA (Agencies): A lawmaker urged Indonesians on Saturday not to be suspicious of the motives of the foreign militaries

[ppiindia] Batam rejects Aceh refugees

2005-01-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Perda No.2/2001 ada tujuannya, yaitu untuk memagari Pulau Batam agar daerah itu tidak kebanjiran pendatang. Namun, pengungsi Aceh yang ditampung oleh keluarganya disana harus dikecualikan. Kalau tidak begitu, Pemda terpaksa harus rela kena cap lebih egoistis dan materialistis daripada Barat.

[ppiindia] Waves of change

2005-01-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Saya punya quiz: Mengapa tsunami tidak menghempas pantai selatan Jawa atau Pulau Christmas yang masih berdekatan? Dari segi geofisika, barangkali bisa diterangkan oleh RDP yang memang ahlinya. Yang ahli perklenikan juga monggo. Yang jelas, marilah kita berharap hendaknya musibah ini membawa

[ppiindia] Australians may let Achenese immigrate

2005-01-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
A friend in need is a friend indeed ? Ya, memang orang Aussie hampir selalu mengulurkan tangan dikala kita sedang membutuhkan. Dulu buruh pelabuhan Aussie memboikot kapal-kapal Belanda sebagai pressure agar segera memberikan pengakuan kepada RI, begitu pula ketika kita berjuang mendapatkan

[ppiindia] No more untouchables

2005-01-07 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Untouchables di India adalah golongan terbawah dari yang terbawah, yaitu harijan. Marilah kita jadikan Adiguna Suitowo orang pariah seperti itu. Salam, RM -- (Editorial Jakarta Post, January 08, 2005) No more untouchables How much do people trust our police and

[ppiindia] Scientists develop hydrogen motorcycles

2005-01-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Z News) Scientists develop hydrogen motorcycle Ahmedabad, Jan 04: As part of India's hydrogen energy programme, scientists have built a hydrogen motorcycle which would soon be tested in Delhi, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy sources said today. The country had made several

[ppiindia] GM trees and forests are on their way

2005-01-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Jan 6th 2005 From The Economist GM trees are on their way IN SEPTEMBER 2004, a group of scientists from around the world announced that they had deciphered yet another genome. By and large, the world shrugged and ignored them. The organism in question was neither cuddly and furry, nor

[ppiindia] Adiguna's blood contained traces of illicit drugs

2005-01-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Awas, anak-anak dan menantu Sutowo adalah orang-orang tega dan julig (sly). Boleh jadi mereka sudah menyuruh pengacara untuk mengancam polisi dan jaksa. Jangan terlalu gembira dulu dengan penemuan adanya indikasi bahwa Adiguna mengkonsumsi narkoba. Bisa-bisa nanti yang dipersalahkan adalah

[ppiindia] Wealthy, arrogant, armed and above the law

2005-01-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Sayang orang-orang ini tidak menyadari bahwa jaman sudah berganti. Salam, RM --- Wealthy, arrogant, armed and above the law Meydiatama Suryodiningrat, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta (January 07, 2004) A waiter returns a rejected credit card to a feisty

[ppiindia] USS Abraham Lincoln enjoys Aceh humanitarian mission

2005-01-06 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
'USS Abraham Lincoln' enjoys Aceh humanitarian mission A'an Suryana, The Jakarta Post, On board the 'USS Abraham Lincoln' off Banda Aceh Coast (January 07, 2005) The ship's alarm sounded at 5:40 a.m., prompting Lt. Eric Danielsen, a helicopter pilot, to quickly rise from his bed in his

Tiga serangkai Maimonides + Ibnu Rushd + Thomas Aquinas ==== Re: [ppiindia] Re: Orang Baik Dihukum Tuhan

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
--- Robertus Budiarto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ade menganjurkan kita supaya tetap memakai Logika. Sebuah masukan yang baik. Memang tulisan saya TIDAK MENGANJURKAN untuk membuang logika. Tulisan saya hanya bermaksud untuk menunjukkan batas Logika dan sekaligus menegaskan bahwa Tuhan

[ppiindia] Post-tsunami India's image rises globally

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
India tidak ingin kelihatan sebagai sosok yang egoistis. Meskipun juga tertimpa kesusahan, tetapi dia ikut menyingsingkan lengan baju membantu Sri Lanka, bantuan tenaga tidak kalah nilainya dengan bantuan duwit. Itu satu point. Point lainnya, adalah penolakan bantuan dari pemerintah lain

[ppiindia] Images of 2004 ... and 2005

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Baru saja rekan saya, Irena Krasnicka, dari Czech Republic, menelpon dan menyatakan kesedihannya setelah mengikuti perkembangan bencana tsunami di Aceh. Saya sampaikan terima kasih, setelah dia mengatakan bahwa ia ikut menyumbang sekedarnya bersama orang Czeko lainnya. Kebetulan bulan Februari

Re: [ppiindia] A clear line between life and death

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
-tikus rakus. InsyaAlloh! - Original Message - From: rahardjo mustadjab [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ppiindia@yahoogroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Wisnu Sindhutrisno [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Kenny Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Nithianandum Katherayson [EMAIL

[ppiindia] Tsunami carnage shocks Powell

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Tsunami carnage shocks Powell Wednesday, January 5, 2005 Posted: 9:40 AM EST (1440 GMT) BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (CNN) -- U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell has taken a firsthand look at the tsunami-ravaged Indonesian province of Aceh by helicopter, saying he was shocked by what he saw. I

[ppiindia] A clear line between life and death

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kapak induk Abraham Lincoln, 13,000 personil, 46 helicopter Seahawk yang melakukan 30 sorties tiap hari, 21 kapal, dan 29 pesawat semuanya membawa bantuan, mungkin bagaikan setitik air di samudra mengingat begitu besarnya kerusakan di Aceh. Salam, RM ---

[ppiindia] Advanced courses in high school may not mean success at college

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Setuju dengan tulisan dibawah ini, bahwa IB tidak menjamin keberhasilan di college. Seperti pernah saya singgung waktu gayung bersambut ke Dr. No, materi IB adalah materi college. Dua tahun terakhir dari high school, terpaksa siswa harus berjuang mati-matian menyelesaikan syllabus IB --

[ppiindia] Official says 30,000 terrorists in Iraq

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Official Says 30,000 Terrorists in Iraq Wed Jan 5, 3:01 PM ET By MAAMOUN YOUSSEF, Associated Press Writer CAIRO, Egypt - As many as 30,000 well-trained terrorists are actively operating throughout Iraq (news - web sites) at the behest of former regime leaders based in Syria, Iraq's

[ppiindia] We humbly thank you

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Thank you, thank you, thank you all. Editorial The Jakarta Post sudah mewakili sanubari rakyat Indonesia. Tidak disangsikan lagi, bahwa musibah ini mengurangi kesombongan kita, dan mengikis prejudice kita. Semoga. Salam, RM -- (Editorial Jakarta Post, 6 Januari 2005) We

[ppiindia] India shows its sphere of influence to the world

2005-01-05 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
India menunjukkan kebolehan kekuatan lautnya dengan mengirim personil, kapal-kapal dan helicopter AL ke Sri Lanka untuk membantu mereka yang terkena musibah tsunami disana. Ya, sea power adalah world power. Imperium Inggris ketika jaya-jayanya adalah kekuatan laut. Begitu pula imperium Soviet.

[ppiindia] CDs on Ramanujan

2005-01-04 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Vol:22 Iss:01 URL: http://www.flonnet.com/fl2201/stories/20050114004910600.htm Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920) adalah salah satu matematikus India yang paling brilliant. Banyak sumbangannya pada teori analitik bilangan, persamaan fungsi elips, dan persamaan tak terhingga. Setelah

[ppiindia] Gulf Arabs wonder: are they being stingy with aid ?

2005-01-04 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(The New York Times) January 4, 2005 DISASTER DONATIONS Gulf Arabs Wonder: Are They Being Stingy With Aid? By NEIL MacFARQUHAR CAIRO, Jan. 3 - The newspaper Al Qabas in Kuwait set off a debate spreading throughout the country and beyond on Monday by suggesting that Kuwait deserves its

Re: [ppiindia] Yale University woos Indian brains

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
--- ANDREAS MIHARDJA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Tetapi suatu soal yg saya tetap sulit terima adalah -- Yg highly educated hanya dari class Brahma dan yg dari class Catri dapat kita hitung. Kebanyakanpun kalau mereka dari class Catri [ saya hanya lihat dari namanya] mereka keturunan Shik.

[ppiindia] 100 years of Einstein

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
100 years of Einstein Miraculous visions Dec 29th 2004 From The Economist print edition A century after Einstein's miracle year, most people still do not understand exactly what it was he did. Here, we attempt to elucidate IN THE span of 18 months, Isaac Newton invented

[ppiindia] Reinventing the wheel (and the tire, too)

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kapan ban Michelin tanpa udara ini mampir di Indonesia? Salam, RM January 3, 2005 TECHNOLOGY Reinventing the Wheel (and the Tire, Too) By NORMAN MAYERSOHN REENVILLE, S.C. THE first automobile to use

[ppiindia] Marine life could take centuries to recover from killer waves

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Sun Network) Marine life could take centuries to recover from killer waves Hong Kong - Beaches around South Asia devastated by tsunamis could be restored to their former glory within a few years, but the marine life through which the huge waves passed could take centuries to recover,

[ppiindia] Singapore to be UN regional relief centre

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Ini soal nyawa, yang terpenting adalah bantuan cepat sampai ke rakyat Aceh, harus didahulukan adalah air dalam botol makanan dan obat. Bantuan lain boleh menyusul. Karena infrastruktur transportasi darat hancur lebur begitu pula landasan terbang tidak ada lagi, kecuali yang masih tersisa di

[ppiindia] RI TVs's disastrous Aceh coverage

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Ibu Irma sudah mengatakan semua uneg-unegnya tentang TV Indonesia, termasuk TV-7 (konon kepunyaan Kompas). Tidak perlu saya tambahi lagi. Salam, RM -- Print January 04, 2005 (Letters, The Jakarta Post) RI TV's disastrous Aceh coverage Despite the deepest

[ppiindia] Age old warning systems saved Andaman tribes

2005-01-03 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Siapa tahu, suku Baduy dan Kubu juga mampu membaca bakal datangnya bencana tsunami: ikan berlompatan ke darat, ular pada menjauh dari pantai. Kemana mBah Soel? Salam, RM NATIONAL QUAKE-ABORIGINE Age old early warning systems saved Andaman tribes: ASI

[ppiindia] Reap biotech rewards through suitable infrastructure

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Date:02/01/2005 URL: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2005/ `Reap biotech rewards thru suitable infrastructure' V. Rishi Kumar (foto) Dr Raghu Kalluri Hyderabad , Jan. 1 DR Raghu Kalluri, Associate Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School, and the Programme Director in

[ppiindia] Four developments to watch

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
AUGUST 9, 2004 DEVELOPMENTS TO WATCH Illumination Brighter LEDs Could Give Lightbulbs The Boot Light-emitting diodes are likely to replace old-fashioned bulbs someday. They use a fraction of the power and can last 100 times as long. Yet while they have shown up in car signals and traffic

[ppiindia] Website created by an Italian schoolboy helps find the missing persons

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(CIOL) Website helps find the missing A free web page set up by a schoolboy helps find the missing of the Asian Tsunami disaster by merely enabling people post information and getting responses. Thursday, December 30, 2004 ROME: An Internet site set up by an Italian schoolboy and

[ppiindia] ISRO goes global

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(SiliconIndia) ISRO goes global Thursday, December 30, 2004 NEW DELHI :In 2004 the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) stepped out into the world and took steps to engage it. This marks a watershed in the life of an organisation that has had to rely on its own devices. During the

[ppiindia] GE completes global outsourcing sale

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
GE Completes Global Outsourcing Sale The Associated Press Friday, December 31, 2004; 10:56 AM NEW YORK - General Electric Co. completed the sale of a majority stake in its global outsourcing business to two U.S.-based equity firms for $500 million, the conglomerate said Friday. General

[ppiindia] Yale University woos Indian brains

2005-01-02 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Yale Univ woos Indian brains A high-level delegation visits India with sizeable scholarships and stipends for Indian students for the academic year 2004-2005. Thursday, December 23, 2004 BANGALORE: Dr. Richard C. Levin, President of Yale University, America's leading research

[ppiindia] Edisi khusus tsunami di koran Guardian

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(Guardian) Latest Aid arrives in Indonesia · Helicopters land in Banda Aceh · Fears remain over distribution · Rains increase disease risk Death toll nears 150,000 Japan pledges $500m Donations exceed government

[ppiindia] Sumbangan dari industri teknologi ke dana tsunami

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Industri teknologi yang terdaftar di Nasdaq mengulurkan tangan membantu sesama yang terkena musibah tsunami. Meskipun Microsoft belum mengumumkan sumbangannya, Bill Melinda Gates Foundation akan menyumbang $3.5 juta. Cisco yang berpusat di San Jose, California, menyumbang $2.5 juta, termasuk

[ppiindia] U.N. urges expansion of tsunami warning system to Indian Ocean

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(The New York Times) December 30, 2004 TECHNOLOGY U.N. Urges Expansion of Tsunami Warning System to Indian Ocean By WARREN HOGE UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 29 - A tsunami warning system that could have saved thousands of lives this week should be in place in South Asia and Southeast Asia within a

[ppiindia] Tsunami: a technology blunder

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Tsunami: A technology blunder As thousands perish due to the gigantic killer wave, fingers point at forecasting agencies, ill-equipped to predict such calamities. Shrikanth G Tuesday, December 28, 2004 CHENNAI: If technology and tsunami had gone hand in hand on December 26, 2004, may be

[ppiindia] Tsunami survivors mob U.S. aid copters

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Bukan, istilah yang tepat bukan mobbing, melainkan memeluk melepaskan kerinduan antara dua saudara yang sering saling salah paham. Salam, RM Tsunami Survivors Mob U.S. Aid Copters 25 minutes ago By DENIS D. GRAY, Associated Press Writer ABOARD THE

[ppiindia] Bush: lower flags for tsunami victims

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
No comment aja, yah. Salam, RM - Bush: Lower flags for tsunami victims President says carnage 'defies comprehension' Saturday, January 1, 2005 Posted: 10:26 AM EST (1526 GMT) CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) -- President Bush, seeking to bolster America's

[ppiindia] Restive Poso town enters New Year with two bomb blasts

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Jangan harapkan perasaan dari subhumans ini, mereka jelas tidak punya. Selagi dunia berduka dan sibuk menyumbangkan dana dan tenaga sebisanya, mereka sibuk membunuh secara pengecut. Sungguh perbuatan tanpa makna. Salam, RM - Restive Poso town enters New Year

[ppiindia] Utah Muslims and Mormons send aid to tsunami victims

2005-01-01 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Muslims, Mormons send aid to tsunami victims SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AFP): Mormons and Muslims joined forces to send 64 tons of medical supplies, hygiene kits, clothing and shoes to Indonesia for tsunami disaster victims, the groups announced on Friday. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Re: [ppiindia] ISRO sends communication equipment to islands

2004-12-31 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
raharjo sendiri lokasinya di mana buat mike stellar dari moderator india: PAK RM itu konjen MUMBAI. --- rahardjo mustadjab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Berbagai pihak mengulurkan tangan untuk membantu korban tsunami. Tidak ketinggalan ISRO (NASA-nya India), tentu dengan caranya

[ppiindia] New Year parties become charity events

2004-12-31 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Kok kebetulan sama kejadiannya dengan dikantor saya. Tadi malam, acara menyambut Tahun Baru 2005 yang sudah agak lama direncanakan, dipangkas. Ada acara mengheningkan cipta untuk puluhan ribu orang yang meninggal, lainnya kehilangan harta benda dan tempat tinggal di Aceh. Karena banyak orang

[ppiindia] IMF to mull debt relief for RI

2004-12-31 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Jerman, Amerika dan IMF sudah mempertimbangkan niatnya untuk memangkas/menghapus pihutangnya ke Indonesia. Hayo, jangan sampai niat ini diurungkan hanya karena pemerintah Indonesia berlagak jadi sinter klaas (bukan kepada rakyatnya, lho). Salam, RM - IMF to

[ppiindia] How scientists and victims watched helplessly

2004-12-31 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
December 31, 2004 GAUGING DISASTER How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly By ANDREW C. REVKIN It was 7 p.m. Seattle time on Dec. 25 when Vasily V. Titov raced to his office, sat down at his computer and prepared to simulate an earthquake and tsunami that was already sweeping across

[ppiindia] Pemerintah akan merevisi anggaran belanja negara akibat bencana tsunami

2004-12-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Sekalipun bencana tsunami ini amat sangat menyedihkan, saya harapkan kejadian ini ada hikmahnya. Salah satunya, adalah untuk membatalkan rencana departemen atau pemerintah untuk mengadakan perhelatan internasional sambil membagibagikan ticket pesawat first class. Kalau kabar ini betul, ini kan

[ppiindia] ISRO sends communication equipment to islands

2004-12-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Berbagai pihak mengulurkan tangan untuk membantu korban tsunami. Tidak ketinggalan ISRO (NASA-nya India), tentu dengan caranya sendiri. Salam, RM -- ISRO sends communication equipment to islands Wednesday December 29 2004 00:00 IST IANS BANGALORE: India's space

[ppiindia] ISRO saw the killer wafe, but chose to remain silent

2004-12-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Sebetulnya ISRO (Lapan-nya India) dapat melihat golombang tsunami, karena punya Meteosat dan Insat. Akhirnya terjadi saling menyalahkan antara ISRO dengan IMD (BMG-nya India). Salam, RM --- ISRO saw the killer wave, but chose to reamin silent Tuesday December

[ppiindia] A harvest of modern technology

2004-12-30 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Duh enaknya jadi petani Amerika, Mas Jokotingkir (Usman) tahu itu. Tanahnya ratusan hektar, dalam cerita ini 5,000 acres (kira-kira 2,300 hektar atau 23 km persegi). Traktornya model baru, diperlengkapi dengan PC dan GPS agar membajaknya urut, dan jarak menanam bibit dan memberi pupuk tinggal

[ppiindia] From Chennai to California, he unlocks brains

2004-12-29 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Ada yang pernah dengar VS Ramachandran? Salam, RM - From Chennai to California, he unlocks brains Express News Service Posted online: Saturday, December 18, 2004 at 0008 hours IST Updated: Saturday, December 18, 2004 at 1140 hours IST December

[ppiindia] Can earthquakes be tamed?

2004-12-29 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Pada tahun 1962 terjadi 200 gempa di Colorado, salah satunya 5.0 pada skala Richter. Kejadian ini dikaitkan dengan pekerjaan pemboran batu cadas oleh US Army untuk membikin sumur besar sedalam 700 meter untuk membuang limbah senjata ke Rocky Mountains dekat Denver. Kalau dugaan ini benar, apa

[ppiindia] MIT cheers his malaria fight, cell by tiny cell

2004-12-28 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Monday, December 27, 2004 MIT cheers his malaria fight, cell by tiny cell RESHMA PATIL MUMBAI, DECEMBER 25 On the world map of medicine’s war against malaria, an engineer with roots in IIT Chennai is cutting new headway from a lab at MIT, Massachusetts. His first love is not

[ppiindia] Alternative energy gets real

2004-12-28 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
(BusinessWeek) Alternative Energy Gets Real Pricey oil and gas are heating up industrial interest in renewable sources Renewable energy is booming. The use of solar power has been growing by more than 30% a year and, except for a hiccup in 2004 -- when Congress delayed renewing a tax

[ppiindia] Journalistic tribute to Bombay

2004-12-28 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Book review, (Far Eastern Economic Review, December 2004) By Suketu Mehta Knopf, 560 pages, $27.95 Reviewed by Salil Tripathi To millions of Indians, Bombay is their country’s Hollywood, arousing endless fascination with its glitter and glamour. To the many of us who grew up in Bombay and

Re: [ppiindia] AVE Maria,..winetou, EQ + tsunami

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
- Original Message - From: rahardjo mustadjab Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 8:04 AM Subject: Re: [apakabar] Silent night Holy night, All is calm all is bright Waktu saya masih di SMP, saya sangat terharu sampai menangis (diam-diam

[ppiindia] Bush and other leaders quick to offer condolences and other aid

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
No comment aja, yah. Salam, RM --- December 27, 2004 RELIEF Bush and Other Leaders Quick to Offer Condolences and Aid By ALAN COWELL LONDON, Dec. 26 - From President Bush to Pope John Paul II, the world's political and spiritual leaders urged support on Sunday

[ppiindia] India emerging hub for product development

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Monday, December 27, 2004 Infotech 'India emerging hub for product development' SUDHIR CHOWDHARY NEW DELHI, December 23 The Indian product development market, though still in its nascent stage (a mere 0.2% share of the worldwide $180 billion market in 2002 and 0.3% in 2003), is

[ppiindia] The year India learned to fly

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Di Indonesia juga perusahaan penerbangan swasta bermunculan. Tak pelak lagi, karena adanya persaingan maka ongkos naik pesawat menjadi murah. Di India, saya suka terbang dengan Jet Airways dan Sahara. Kedua maskapai ini tepat waktu dan servicenya prima. Pramugarinya juga trengginas dan

[ppiindia] Scientists to gather for supercomputing feat

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Supercomputer belum ada pada waktu para fisikawan kelas kakap dihimpun di Manhattan Project di gurun Los Alamos, New Mexico, menjelang berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, dibawah pimpinan Tyler dan Julius Robert Oppenheimer. Maka bom atom pertama diledakkan digurun tandus untuk menguji keampuhannya.

[ppiindia] E-learning big for India

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
e-learning big for India With e-learning market valued at $28 billion by 2008, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu global director Nick van Dam sees a major opportunity for India. Nanda Kasabe Friday, December 24, 2004 CHENNAI: The $16.4 billion Deloitte, delivering audit, tax, consulting and

[ppiindia] India emerging hub for product development

2004-12-27 Terurut Topik rahardjo mustadjab
Monday, December 27, 2004 Infotech 'India emerging hub for product development' SUDHIR CHOWDHARY NEW DELHI, December 23 The Indian product development market, though still in its nascent stage (a mere 0.2% share of the worldwide $180 billion market in 2002 and 0.3% in 2003), is

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