Pameo banyak anak banyak rejeki belum tentu salah. 
Alangkah sayangnya jika kedua orang tua makan
sekolahan dan masih ada rejeki tapi anaknya hanya satu
seperti yours truly ini, coba bayangkan, padahal kami
tidak ikut KB.  Karena itu dibawah LKY, negara pulau
Singapura malah memberi insentif bagi wanita graduate
untuk nikah dan punya anak kalau bisa yang banyak. 
Soalnya LKY melihat betapa malangnya Perancis dan
Jerman yang angka pertambahan kelahirannya kecil
sekali mendekati nol sekalipun tidak ada kebijakan KB
oleh negara -- mereka terpaksa mendatangkan tenaga
kerja dari luar negara.  Bagi LKY, penduduk yang
berkwalitas adalah kata kunci kejayaan ekonomi

Dibawah Indira Gandhi, India pernah melaksanakan KB
secara ketat dan tidak manusiawi, tapi angka kelahiran
tetap tinggi terutama dikalangan orang yang tidak
berpunya.  Disini jumlah orang buta huruf dan miskin
besar sekali.  Tapi jumlah orang yang makan sekolahan
dan punya duit juga besar, 300 juta, atau lebih besar
dari penduduk Indonesia seluruhnya.  Seperti
dimana-mana, di India sekolah merupakan kawah
condrodimuka untuk vertical mobility.  Dan vertical
mobility disini tidak dilalui melalui jalur sospol
tetapi melalui jalur IPA (dan commerce).  Begitu
kuatnya animo masyarakat, maka sebagai contoh ada 230
technological colleges di Madras (Chennai), 40 di
Mumbai dan 40 di Pune belum terhitung di Calcutta, New
Delhi, Ahmedabad serta kota-kota lain.  Tak heran
kalau tiap tahun India melahirkan 2.5 juta S-1 jurusan
IPA (IT, engineering, kedokteran, dan ilmu murni)
ditambah 650,000 post graduates (S-2 dan S-3).  

Melihat ada 2 juta orang India bermukim di Amerika dan
mereka itu rata-rata $ 51,900 per jiwa pertahun
(sedikit diatas orang Jepang disana), seorang anak SD
pernah bertanya pada Kalam apakah sang presiden tidak
takut dengan brain-drain, dia menjawab bahwa brain
yang tersedia cukup banyak bagi dunia, jadi jangan
kuatir katanya.

Bagaimana soal demografi di Indonesia ?  Sungguh
sayang KB hanya dimengerti dan dijalankan oleh middle
class.  Apa jadinya secara agregat kalau orang seperti
Anda punya anak satu dua sedangkan orang buta huruf
anaknya selusin ?  Mungkin yang benar adalah LKY.



(Silicon India) 

India's population an asset not liability: Experts 

Monday, July 11, 2005 

NEW DELHI: For long Indian population was considered a
curse to the nation. But no longer. Experts say that
the Indian population which is supposed to overtake
China very soon, is asset rather than a liability.

Government is stepping towards thinking India's
population to be used to illustrate the country's huge
potential, both economic and political, experts say.

With just 2.4 percent of the global landmass housing
16 percent of the global population, successive Indian
governments have been faced with the problem of how to
reduce ever-increasing pressure on ever-dwindling

Now its massive workforce is being seen as the
country's greatest resource.

"This change has been aided by the revolution in
India?s information technology sector," says
demographer A.R. Nanda, who helped formulate the
National Population Policy five years ago.

"The corporates and some economists have been
highlighting how India's working population can make
up for deficient or sometimes expensive labor
elsewhere for the past five to seven years. This has
fuelled the rethink," he says.

India has in the past decade emerged as a major back
office to the world with global firms outsourcing work
ranging from credit card processing to air ticketing
to take advantage of the country's less expensive,
educated, English-speaking workforce.

India produces 2.5 million IT, engineering and life
sciences graduates a year, besides about 650,000 post
graduates in science and IT related subjects.

The IT sector alone employs about 850,000 graduates
and professionals while the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology sectors are snapping up others.

The government says 402 million Indians are aged
between 15 and 59 - the working age - and that this
number will grow to 820 million by 2020.

N.R. Narayana Murthy, head of premier software export
company Infosys, said that by 2020 the United States
would be short of 17 million people of working age,
China of 10 million, Japan of nine million and Russia
of six million.

Demographer Nanda agrees more investment is needed,
pointing to the example of China, which he says,
ploughed resources into the health, education and
social sectors between 1950 and 1980.

"In terms of its impact on the general masses, the
number of births came down in the 1970s before the one
child norm was introduced," Nanda says. "We should
emulate China and invest in our social sector." 

GDP on social infrastructure - up from the 0.9 percent
at present," says one health ministry officer. 
"India will also need to improve the lot of the 20 or
30 percent of its population which is currently below
the poverty line," says Nanda. 

"This is vital if India wants to convert its huge
population into a demographic bonus or demographic

Despite government efforts to cut growth rates,
India?s population that was 238 million in 1947
touched 1.012 billion in March 2001 and is expected to
be 1.263 billion by 2016, according to India?s health


Berdikusi dg Santun & Elegan, dg Semangat Persahabatan. Menuju Indonesia yg 
Lebih Baik, in Commonality & Shared Destiny.
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