Refleksi : Brasilia, Rusia, India dan China adalah negeri-negeri Bric yaitu 
yang diperkirakan akan memainkan peranan penting baik ekonomi maupun politik  
dunia dalam abad 21. 

Bagi NRKI, agaknya sudah puas dengan OIC ( baca: Oh I See)

      BRIC to discuss coordination expansion at April summit  
     2010-02-16 15:41:38  

BRASILIA, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- Brazil, Russia, India and China will seek to 
expand coordination beyond the economic realm at their second summit slated for 

The anticipated agenda of the summit, which will be held in Brasilia, was 
disclosed by Roberto Jaguaribe, assistant secretary-general for political 
affairs in the Brazilian foreign ministry.

The Brazilian ambassador told Xinhua in an interview that the four countries, 
collectively known under their acronym BRIC, will continue their discussion 
that started with their inaugural summit held in June 2009 in the Russian city 
of Yekaterinburg.

Jaguaribe had just returned from Russia, India and China, where he went to 
coordinate the preparation of the Brasilia summit.

"BRIC is still a group without much consolidation, so it is good to have a 
perception of each country to make a satisfactory meeting for all. It is 
necessary to remember that BRIC is not a negotiating group, but a convergence 
group of four large countries of great importance and with increasing 
participation in several aspects of international relations," the ambassador 

To better understand the importance of the group, Jaguaribe said, an assessment 
of the global economy in the past eight years is needed. Such an assessment 
would reveal that it was the BRIC countries that had contributed toward half of 
the global growth during that period.

"The agenda of the (Brasilia) summit is being defined, but it must be 
remembered that the BRIC was born with an objective perception of the financial 
market that the four BRIC countries would have an increasing weight on," the 
ambassador said.

"Based on its 'birth' against the financial backdrop, it is natural that the 
economic-financial theme is to dominate the summit, as it did at the 
Yekaterinburg summit," he said.

Jaguaribe added that there would be many more issues to explore, beyond the 
existing BRIC coordination among finance ministers and central bank governors.

He said it is time for the group to define their cooperation toward specific 
and concrete lines in agriculture, energy and possibly in science and 
technology, apart from such major non-economic issues as the international 
debate on climate change.

"We are now making room for the cooperation in agriculture and energy, which is 
so important for all at both BRIC meetings held at the ministerial level. And 
based on the Yekaterinburg resolution, we are opening a BRIC business forum, 
which is sure to draw the attention of many entrepreneurs in all countries," 
the ambassador said.

The Brasilia summit will be an opportunity to advance efforts to establish an 
institutional mechanism for coordination among the four governments.

"It is also important to begin to identify the form of action of the BRICs -- 
how they will act, what kind of institutionalization, how often they should 
meet and at what level. This issue may not be fully defined, but at each 
meeting there is a closer approach, and the specific nature of this mechanism 
will be configured," Jaguaribe said.

"Brazil's relationship with China is very important strictly in the bilateral 
context, but in truth it transcends this dimension, because both countries are 
increasingly becoming important players in the international context," he told 

Brazil and China have a strategic dialogue on issues of mutual concern, and 
they have coordination on many fronts, particularly in the multilateral arena, 
the ambassador said. He named the BASIC grouping (Brazil, South Africa, India 
and China), climate change, the financial G20 and the G20 within the WTO (World 
Trade Organization) as examples.

"There are many common interests. Beyond that, there is a strict bilateral 
relationship of great magnitude. China is the largest trading partner of 
Brazil, and both sides have great interest in expanding cooperation in all 
areas. For example, investments are not exploited to due extent," he said. 

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