Di sini Peter Phillips PHD (Professor
Sociology/Director Project Censored 
Sonoma State University ) menggambarkan biasnya media
Barat dalam pemberitaan tentang Israel dan Muslim.

Sebagai contoh tahun 2004 di headlines AP muncul 141
laporan kematian orang Israel padahal kenyataannya
hanya ada 108 orang Israel yang meninggal. Sementara
pada periode yang sama hanya 543 kematian bangsa
Palestina yang dilaporkan (bukan di headlines) padahal
kenyataannya ada 821 bangsa Palestina yang dibunuh.

Rasio kematian bangsa Israel dgn Palestina 1:7.
Artinya jika ada 1 Israel yang mati maka akan ada 7
bangsa Palestina yang dibunuh. AP melaporkan kematian
tsb 2:1 untuk Israel.

Itulah biasnya Media Barat. Menyembunyikan sebagian
besar kebenaran untuk kepentingan mereka. Ini profesor
AS sendiri yang menulis!

AP News Bias Favors US Govt Positions 


By Peter Phillips 

A new study conducted at Sonoma State University shows

widespread bias in Associate Press (AP) news reports
favoring US 
government positions. 

On October 25, 2005 the American Civil Liberties
(ACLU) posted to 
their website 44 autopsy reports, acquired from
American military 
sources, covering the deaths of civilians who died
while in US 
military prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan in 2002-2004.
The autopsy 
reports provided proof of widespread torture by US
forces. A press 
release by ACLU announcing the deaths was immediately
picked up by AP 
wire service making the story available to US
corporate media 
nationwide. A thorough check of Nexus-Lexus and
Proquest library data 
bases showed that at least 98 percent of the daily
papers in the US 
did not to pick up the story, nor did AP ever conduct
follow up 
coverage on the issue. 

The Associated Press is a non-profit cooperative news
wire service. 
The AP with 3,700 employees has 242 bureaus worldwide
that deliver 
news reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to 121
countries in 5 
languages including English, German, Dutch, French,
and Spanish. In 
the US alone, AP reaches 1,700 daily, weekly,
non-English, college 
newspapers, and 5,000 radio and television stations.
AP reaches over 
a billion people every day via print, radio, or

Alison Weir, Joy Ellison, and Peter Weir of the
organization If 
Americans Knew recently conducted research on the AP's
reporting of 
the Israel-Palestine conflict. The study was a
statistical analysis 
of the AP newswire in the year 2004, looking
comparatively at the 
numbers of Israeli and Palestinian deaths reported. In
2004 there 
were 141 reports of Israeli deaths in AP headlines and
paragraphs, while in reality there were only 108
Israeli deaths. 
During this same period, 543 Palestinian deaths were
reported by AP, 
while 821 Palestinians had actually been killed. The
ratio of actual 
number of Israeli conflict deaths to Palestinian
deaths in 2004 was 
1:7, yet AP reported deaths of Israelis to
Palestinians at a 2:1 

The same could be said of AP's reporting of children's
deaths. Nine 
reports of Israeli children's deaths were reported by
the AP in 
headlines and leading paragraphs in 2004, while eight
occurred. Only 27 Palestinian children deaths were
reported by AP 
when actually 179 children died. While there were 22
times more 
Palestinian children's deaths than Israeli children's
deaths, the AP 
reported 113 percent of Israeli children's deaths and
15 percent of 
Palestinian children's deaths. 

On February 29, 2004 AP widely reported that President
Aristide was 
ousted by Haitian rebels and that the United States
provided an 
escort to take him out of the country to a safe
asylum. Within 24 
hours an entirely different story emerged through
independent radio. 
Instead of the US being the supportive facilitator of
safety, Pacifica Radio News reported that Aristide was
kidnapped by US forces. AP quickly changed their
story. On March 1, 
2004 an AP report by Deb Riechman said, "White House
officials said 
Aristide left willingly and that the United States
aided his safe 
departure. But in a telephone interview with the
Associated Press, 
Aristide said: "No. I was forced to leave." 

The last AP report of Aristide's claiming that he had
been kidnapped 
by the US in a State Department coup was on June 27,
2004. Since then 
there have been 60 news articles by AP including
Aristide's name. Of 
these stories none mentioned Aristide's claim that he
was kidnapped 
by the United States military. None mention the US
backing of the 
coup. AP's bias in favor of the State Department's
version of the 
Aristide's removal seems to be a deliberate case of

AP is a massive institutionalized bureaucracy that
feeds news stories 
to nearly every newspaper and radio/TV station in the
United States. 
They are so large that top-down control of single news
stories is 
practically impossible. However, research clearly
indicates a 
built-in bias favoring official US government
positions. The American 
people absorb these biases and make political
decisions on skewed 
understandings. Without media systems that provide
fair, critical and 
accurate reporting, democracy faces a dismal future. 

Peter Phillips is a professor of sociology at Sonoma
State University 
and Director of Project Censored. University research
interns Sarah 
Randle, Brian Fuchs, Zoe Huffman, and Fabrice Romero
assisted with 
this report. The complete 

The full AP bias study is available on-line at 

Peter Phillips Ph.D. 
Professor Sociology/Director Project Censored 
Sonoma State University 
1801 East Cotati Ave. 
Rohnert Park, CA 94928 
Office: 707-664-2588 


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