China's Insult to South Korea

Written by Lee Byong-chul    Monday, 10 May 2010 
Beijing rolls out a red carpet for Kim Jong-Il 

China's decision to roll out a glitzy welcome mat for the North Korean leader 
Kim Jong-Il has stunned and shocked South Korea's leaders, ignoring South 
Korea's anger over the sinking, undoubtedly by the north, of a South Korean 
navy patrol ship on March 26 with the loss of 46 lives.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was not given any hint from his Chinese 
counterpart Hu Jintao at a Shanghai summit meeting, hardly a week ago on May 1, 
that Kim was on his way to Beijing. It was on May 2 that the 68-year-old North 
Korean leader's clandestine visit initially went public. 

Beijing's actions constitute the truncation of debate about controversial and 
complex issues over North Korea. Whatever China's motive might be, it is 
obnoxious for the Lee government, which has continued a decades-long effort to 
get along with Beijing, and which has vowed to investigate the mysterious 
explosion in a scientific and objective manner. In the face of widespread 
suspicion of North Korea's involvement, the highest-ranking political leaders 
of both North Korea and China have disregarded the South's concerns and 
hastened to meet with each other. 

Seoul believes that Beijing cut the ground out from under it in order to 
safeguard the status quo on the peninsula and protect the traditional 
relationship between Beijing and Pyongyang. People on the street in South Korea 
believe the cause of the sinking has never been a question of whether the 
communist regime was involved, but rather when and, more important, how. 

At a rare summit meeting with Kim Jong-il during his Beijing visit, Hu Jintao 
put forward five proposals to strengthen ties with the North. As expected, the 
proposals did not include the ship incident. According to China's state-run 
Xinhua news agency, Hu "spoke highly of the DPRK's active measures which have 
been taken to maintain stability, boost the economy and improve people's living 

In response, the South Korean vice foreign minister at a May 3 meeting with the 
Chinese ambassador to Seoul, Zhang Xinsen, expressed his disappointment and 
asked for clarification on the timing of Kim's trip. When China sent its 
ambassador to visit the South Korean unification ministry in an effort to 
mollify ruffled feelings, the unification minister pointedly stressed China's 
responsibility as a global leader. Although the Lee government later rushed to 
cool down the 'volatile mood' in the hope that China would offer more details 
about the trip, some officials I know did not hide their feelings, fiercely 
attacking China's hypocrisy.

Given that the communist regime in Pyongyang has naturally emerged as the usual 
suspect over the sinking of the 1,200-ton warship, Kim's trip to Beijing was 
the seeming equivalent of a 'not guilty' verdict by China. The decision to 
invite Kim most likely will result in diplomatic troubles for the time being 
between South Korea and China unless Beijing can somehow deliver answers very 
soon. Most of Seoul's focus is on building international support for a new 
round of UN sanctions, but the decision to invite Kim is an indication that 
China no longer cares what South Korea thinks. Figuratively speaking, China 
usually gets both the first and last bite of an apple related to Korean affairs.

Some analysts interpret Kim's visit as initiated by North Korea to test the 
limits of China's staying power after Beijing lost patience last year when the 
North tested its second atomic warhead. If the Chinese don't provide continuing 
aid to the North's disaster-plagued economy, the analysts say, refugees will 
ultimately pick up the pace of their escape from the country, which could 
collapse altogether. Maybe letting the failed regime die is the right decision, 
even though the collapse of the regime would be a huge blow to China.

Some people point out that it is not commendable to confront China. In reality, 
China is a co-pilot together with the U.S. in dealing with Korean affairs, 
including nuclear issues and a peace treaty agreement. Obviously, China knows 
how to push a button to solve the problems facing North Korea if it wished to 
do so.

China's influence over North Korea has grown in size and effectiveness, as if 
Beijing should be held to account for the continuity of Pyongyang's broken 
regime without the offsetting presence of Chinese power, unlike those of South 
Korea and Japan. It is no accident that so far, China has become biased in 
favor of the Kim regime. The fact that Beijing permitted Kim's trip 
demonstrates that the relationship between the two countries remains by no 
means a plaque that simply gathers dust in a closet. 

For more than a decade, South Korea has diligently pursued detente with China, 
with its trade rising sharply. South Korea is China's fourth-largest export 
partner and third-largest import partner. But from the perspective of the 
right-wing Lee government, the huge amount of China-Korea trade has brought 
economic victories but they have not been able to create diplomatic ones. 

South Korea takes it for granted that it is frivolous to be welcoming Kim when 
the South is caught in a deepening military drama that almost certainly came 
from the North. For Seoul, with its strategy for dealing with China now in 
doubt, Beijing has become an elephant in the room. Right now, everyone is 
focused on the blast, but the incident itself is not an immediate threat to 
Seoul. North Korea's nuclear weapons program is a more immediate and direct 
threat, and that is where China's help is most crucial.

China has developed the ability to slip in and out of different 
worlds---socialism and capitalism, nationalism and globalism and North Korea 
and South Korea. There are still those in Beijing's corridors of power who want 
to wean South Korea from the United States while reducing North Korea to being 
a Chinese puppet state. In this regard, China's intended quiescence makes it 
clear that it is in its immediate security interests to try to make the Kim 
regime more prone to rely on China economically and politically, instead of 
standing by Seoul's side without knowing for sure who was responsible for the 
blast. That said, North Korea already became a blood poor nation governed 
through a corrosive mix of economic support spoon-fed to a unique dictatorship.

While maintaining its unyielding support for the North, China has no intention 
of asking its ally to stop flirting with fanaticism. Now the security-conscious 
Kim Jong-il is planning to make an unprecedented power transfer to his son 
Jong-Un. A lot of foreign affairs pundits in Seoul believe that China will 
continue to aid the poverty-stricken North Korea, protect the post-Kim regime, 
broker negotiations between Seoul and Pyongyang and feel more comfortable in 
keeping the status quo than ever to opt for an achievement of a unified Korea 
in near future.

China has every reason to support North Korea's efforts to reform its broken 
economic system, expand trade with more countries and maintain the socialist 
regime. But as a responsible member state of the world, China should ask North 
Korea to crack open its ossified systems, to say nothing about abandoning the 
dangerous nuclear ambitions. What China really wants should be the 
denuclearization of the North, not merely "no trouble." Unfortunately, China as 
the strongest guarantor of denuclearization on the peninsula is not offering 
the best remedy to resolve the nuclear troubles. At the same time, China needs 
to know that it has the chance to do more in the making of peace and stability 
on the peninsula than supporting the North playing stall ball.

President Hu's most troubling North Korea test has just begun. South Koreans 
hope that he will show Oriental finesse, not quirks, that have been missing in 
Asia for long time in the course of modernization. 

Lee Byong-Chul is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Peace and Cooperation in 

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