dear all fyi,

we know that there're creation vs evolution theory. however a darwin's theory 
abt evolution has been a debate for century.
all scientists in the world re still argue and dont have a common theory abt 
how is the world created.
The way we think and teach about the origins of life should be reevaluated in 
light of the lack of evidence supporting the neo-Darwinian Evolution Model, and 
the increasing evidence in support of Intelligent Design.

I. Defining the terms used in the discussion of creation versus evolution is 
essential to 
understanding the issues.
A. Evolution can mean change over time.
B. Evolution can mean the special theory of evolution (microevolution).
C. Evolution can mean the general theory of evolution (macroevolution) which is 
very different from microevolution.
D. Theistic evolution is an oxymoron.
E. Science can study the created as well as the evolved.
F. Creation and evolution is not religion versus science, but is really the 
science of one religion versus the science of another religion.
G. Intelligent design originates in a mind.

II. Biochemistry, a world of ever-increasing complexity. 
A. Behe uses the flagellum to introduce the concept of "irreducible complexity."
B. When an organism is irreducibly complex it cannot have evolved.
C. For evolution to be true, life must have evolved from non-life.
D. At present all discussions on principle theories and experiments in the 
field of abiogenesis either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance.
III. For neo-Darwinian evolution to be true, organisms must have gradually 
over time, and should appear in the fossil record.
A. The fossil record does not show a pervasive pattern of gradualism.
B. The fossil record now appears to be much more complex and much less 
gradualistic than originally thought.

IV. Thaxton points out that the discovery of the DNA molecule has given rise to 
advances in our understanding of molecular biology.
A. The DNA code is a genetic language that communicates information to the cell.
B. Information theory is the science of message transmission.
C. DNA and written language both exhibit the property of specified complexity.
D. DNA has opened the possibility of seeing true design in the universe.
The sciences of astronomy, biology, biochemistry, and paleontology have made 
huge advancements in the last 30 years. 
the Big Bang theory points to a definite beginning to the universe. The 
disciplines of genetics, microbiology, and biochemistry have found that the 
building blocks of life are far more complex than were ever imagined. 
Paleontology has discovered that some fossil evidences, once thought to be 
supportive of Darwin's theory of evolution, were actually hoaxes or simply 
misclassified, and it has been frustrated in its attempt to find transitional 
fossils that support gradual evolution. These discoveries, along with many 
others, have spawned a new scientific movement within the origins of life 
research community. The intelligent design movement is challenging the major 
presupposition of current biological science, which is that all life evolved 
through a gradual natural process, from non-living matter to simple 
microorganisms, and eventually to man. 
Evolution is a term referring to completely different processes depending on 
the context in which it is used. It is often used to mean change over time. By 
this general definition theology evolves, cities evolve, and life itself 
evolves. This kind of evolution is not in dispute, and showing these kinds of 
changes does nothing to prove Darwinian evolution. 
Evolution is also used to mean the special theory of evolution or 
"microevolution." Microevolution refers to small changes taking place in nature 
over time, which produce new characteristics. These are adaptive changes that 
work through natural selection, and allow the organism to survive and 
reproduce. Some examples of microevolution would be changes in the beaks of 
finches, changes in the coloring of peppered moths, or changes in a bacteria's 
ability to resist antibiotics. Microevolution has been substantiated 
scientifically, it is not in conflict with the creation accounts, and like 
change over time, it is not in dispute. 

Finally, the general theory of evolution, or "macroevolution," is an 
extrapolation of the special theory of evolution and is used to explain the 
origins of all life on earth. Macroevolution is the theory that asserts the 
common ancestry of all living things; that one species can evolve from another, 
and that all life originated from a pre-biotic soup. Evidence in support of 
microevolution (the special theory) such as the Galopagos finches or the 
peppered moths, cannot be used in support of macroevolution (the general 
theory) because they are not the same thing.

One final use of the term evolution is in the context of theistic evolution. 
Theistic evolution assumes that the basic conclusions of Darwin are sound, but 
attempts to bring God into the picture as the designer of the process. 
Theologian and apologist Greg Koukl is the founder of Stand to Reason, an 
organization that teaches Christians to think more clearly about their faith. 
Koukl calls the theory of theistic evolution an oxymoron, because it 
essentially amounts to design by chance, and he observes that the point of 
Darwin's entire exercise was to find a non-theistic answer to the issue of 

Science is based on the observation of facts and is directed at finding 
patterns of order in the observed data. There is nothing about true science 
that excludes the study of created objects and order. True science is the 
search for truth, regardless of where the search leads. Most of the scientific 
community since Darwin has based its origins research on the general evolution 
model (more recently refined and termed the neo-Darwinian model) as its 
starting framework, and so it becomes necessary to qualify scientific origins 
research that is not based on this model, hence the term creation science. 
Phillip Johnson, author of several popular books refuting neo-Darwinian 
evolution, concedes that creation scientists are biased by their pre-commitment 
to the creation model, but he argues that evolutionists are obviously biased as 
well. The National Academy of Sciences tells us that reliance upon naturalistic 
explanations is the most basic characteristic of
 science. This seems to imply that scientists somehow know that a creator 
played no part in the creation of the world and its forms of life. 
The 1995 official position statement of the National Association of Biology 
Teachers accurately states the general understanding of major science 
organizations and educators in their official position statement, "The 
diversity of life on earth is the outcome of evolution: an unsupervised, 
impersonal, unpredictable and natural process of temporal descent with genetic 
modification that is affected by natural selection, chance, historical 
contingencies and changing environments". This statement sounds more like 
naturalistic philosophy than empirical science. And so it becomes necessary to 
have a distinction based on the starting framework of origins research. 
Creation science is science based on the creation model as its starting 
framework, in much the same way as the majority of modern origins science is 
based on the neo-Darwinian evolution model. Ken Ham, the noted defender of 
creation science in debates around the world, points out in his book, The
 Genesis Solution, that, "In reality, the controversy between scientific 
creationism and evolution is not religion versus science. It is really the 
science of one religion versus the science of another religion".
Henry Morris, President of the Institute for Creation Research, writes in his 
book, What is Creation Science, "Both the Creation Model and the Evolution 
Model are, at least potentially, true explanations of the scientific data 
related to origins, and so should be continually compared and evaluated in 
scientific studies related to origins". 

The term design refers to an intended arrangement of parts, and is evident when 
a number of separate interacting components are ordered in such a way as to 
accomplish a function beyond what the individual components alone could do. The 
inference to design can be made with a high degree of confidence even when the 
designer is very remote. Something has been intelligently designed when it is 
the end product of a thoughtful process that had that product in mind. In other 
words, intelligent design originates in a mind. 

In 1996, Dr. Michael J. Behe, a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University 
(and an evolutionist) published a book challenging neo-Darwinian evolution 
entitled Darwin's Black Box. To Darwin, and the other scientists of his time, 
the cell was a Black Box due to the limits of 19th century microscopy. Darwin's 
Black Box has been steadily explored with the advancements in microscope 
technology, and many of the organisms making up the inner workings of cells 
have been revealed. This has taken the search for how life works into the realm 
of biochemistry, a world of ever-increasing complexity. 

Behe uses the flagellum to introduce the concept of "irreducible complexity." 
If a structure is so complex that all of its parts must be present and 
functioning for the structure itself to function, then it is said to be 
irreducibly complex. The flagellum is a corkscrew-shaped, hair-like appendage 
attached to the cell surface. It acts like a propeller, and allows the cell to 
swim. The most complex aspect of the flagellum is that it is connected to, and 
rotated by, a tiny motor made of different kinds of protein. Working much like 
a miniature electric motor, the flagellum contains a rod, which acts like the 
drive shaft; a hook, which acts like the universal joint; L and P rings, which 
act like bushings and bearings; S and M rings, which act like the rotor, and 
the C ring and stud, which acts like the stator. The flagellar filament (acting 
as the propeller) is attached to the flagellar motor via the hook. To function 
completely, the flagellum requires over
 40 different proteins. The electrical power for driving the motor is supplied 
by the voltage difference developed across the cell membrane. 

Because all the parts of a bacterial flagellum must have been present from the 
start in order to function at all, it is irreducibly complex. Dr. Dudley 
Eirich, a microbiologist, and a former theistic evolutionist, who became 
convinced of the fallacy of the evolutionary theory, explains why the 
neo-Darwinian evolution model has problems explaining how an irreducibly 
complex organism, like the flagellum, could evolve. He states that, "According 
to evolutionary theory, any component, which doesn't offer an advantage to an 
organism, i.e. doesn't function, will be lost or discarded. How such a 
structure [as the flagellum] could have evolved in a gradual, step-by-step 
process as required by classical Darwinian evolution is an insurmountable 
obstacle to evolutionists". 
Even Darwin himself writes in his book Origin of Species, "If it could be 
demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been 
formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would 
absolutely break down". 
Darwin, and the other brilliant scientists of his day, thought that once 
science had the technology to observe the inner workings of cells, they would 
discover them to be very simple. Instead they have proven to be irreducibly 

For evolution to be true, life must have evolved from non-life. This 
theoretical process is known as abiogenesis. Life forms are distinct from 
inanimate matter because they grow, they metabolize, they react to stimuli, and 
they reproduce. Evolutionists are convinced that abiogenesis happened, but 
science has been frustrated it its attempt to account for this process. This 
statement from Harold P. Klien, who was the chairman of a National Academy of 
Sciences committee reviewing origins of life research, captures the 
frustration, "The simplest bacterium is so damn complicated from the point of 
view of a chemist that it is almost impossible to imagine how it [abiogenesis] 
happened… Even if scientists do create something with lifelike properties in 
the laboratory, they must still wonder: Is that how it happened in the first 
place? ". 
Further research and discovery in this area has only served to complicate 
things. As the sciences of biochemistry and genetics develop, the problem of 
abiogenesis has become that much more intractable. In July of 1999 the 
international conference of origin-of-life scientists met in San Diego, CA. The 
mood observed by two of the participants was described as "Grim, full of 
frustration, pessimism, and desperation" . One of the foremost experts in this 
area is the highly respected biochemist Klause Dose, who summed up the 
situation this way:

More than thirty years of experimentation on the origin of life in the fields 
of chemical and molecular evolution have led to a better perception of the 
immensity of the problem of the origin of life on Earth rather than to its 
solution. At present all discussions on principle theories and experiments in 
the field either end in stalemate or in a confession of ignorance . 

Proving neo-Darwinian evolution to be true also requires proving that organisms 
gradually developed over time. If evolution were true, we would see a fossil 
record full of gradual transitions. Instead we see sudden appearances of life 
forms, such as in the Cambrian layer, and then large gaps until the next 
appearances. Evidence of gradualism between phyla (a line of descent) classes 
and even orders of life forms is either non-existent or is much disputed. The 
fossil record does not show the expected pervasive pattern of gradualism. The 
distinguished evolutionary paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson, a professor 
at Harvard who also performed extensive fieldwork for the American Museum of 
Natural History, acknowledged this fact decades ago and described the situation 
in his book, Tempo and Mode in Evolution, where he points out that the lack of 
gradualism in the fossil record is true of all thirty-two orders of mammals. 
The earliest and most primitive
 known members of every order already had the basic ordinal characteristics, 
and in no case is a continuous sequence from one order to another known. In 
most cases the break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the 
order is speculative and much disputed. This regular absence of transitional 
forms is not confined to mammals, but is an almost universal phenomenon, as has 
long been noted by paleontologists. It is true of almost all classes of 
animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, and of the major animal phyla, and 
it is also appears to be true of analogous categories of plants.

Charles Darwin himself writes that, " The number of intermediate varieties, 
which have formerly existed on the earth, [must] be truly enormous. Why then is 
not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate 
links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic 
chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and gravest objection which can 
be urged against my theory" (292). Darwin must have hoped that paleontologists 
would one day vindicate his theory with findings in the fossil record, but that 
has clearly not been the case. There have been millions of individuals of 
millions of species over millions of years. If evolution is true this should 
have produced billions of transitional forms. Paleontology has simply not 
produced the fossil record to support evolution, and has even found evidence 
that refutes some of the classic examples of the theory. Renowned evolutionary 
paleontologist Dr. David Raup stated it this
We are now about 120 years after Darwin, and knowledge of the fossil record has 
been greatly expanded ... ironically, we have even fewer examples of 
evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin's time. By this I mean that some 
of the classic cases of Darwinian change in the fossil record, such as the 
evolution of the horse in North America, have had to be discarded or modified 
as a result of more detailed information--what appeared to be a nice simple 
progression when relatively few data were available now appears to be much more 
complex and much less gradualistic. 
Charles Thaxton is co-author of the best-selling college-level text on chemical 
evolution, The Mystery of Life's Origin and The Soul of Science (1994, 
Crossway). He is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemists and a recent 
recipient of the Templeton Foundation science-religion teaching grant. Thaxton 
points out that the discovery of the DNA molecule has given rise to huge 
advances in our understanding of molecular biology, and the processes of 
reproduction and self-replication. Although DNA is not alive itself, it is 
usually regarded as the sine qua non of life, the identifying mark of any 
living system. The DNA code is a genetic language that communicates information 
to the cell. The cell is complex, using many DNA instructions to control its 
many functions. The amount of information in the DNA of even the single-celled 
bacterium, E. coli, is incredibly vast. According to Thaxton, "It is greater 
than the information contained in all the books in
 any of the world's largest libraries". The DNA molecule is exquisitely 
complex, and extremely precise; the 'letters' of the code must be in a very 
exact sequence. If they are at all out of order they become like a computer 
program with a syntax error--the cell is given garbled instructions from its 
genetic code as a result. 
Analogous to the 26 letters of our English alphabet, DNA uses 4 genetic letters 
to transmit and store communications in the cell. Information theory is the 
science of message transmission developed by Claude Shannon and other engineers 
at Bell Telephone Laboratories in the late 1940s. It provides a mathematical 
means of measuring information. Information theory applies to any symbol 
system, regardless of the elements of that system. The so-called Shannon 
information laws apply equally well to human language, Morse code, and the 
genetic code.

By applying the information theory to biology we can see that a structural 
identity exits between the DNA code and a written language. H.P. Yockey notes 
in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, "It is important to understand that we 
are not reasoning by analogy. The sequence hypothesis [that the exact order of 
symbols records the information] applies directly to the protein and the 
genetic text as well as to written language and therefore the treatment is 
mathematically identical". 

It is our uniform experience that it takes an intelligent agent to generate 
information, codes, or messages. As a result, it is reasonable to infer that an 
intelligent agent caused the original DNA codes. DNA and written language both 
exhibit the property of specified complexity. Since we know an intelligent 
cause produces written language, it is legitimate to pose that an intelligent 
cause is the source of DNA. If we define the DNA code as a message, then to 
claim that DNA arose by material forces is to say that information can arise by 
material forces. However, the material base of a message is completely 
independent of the information transmitted. The material base could not have 
anything to do with the message's origin. The message transcends chemistry and 
physics in much the same way as the written word transcends the media of paper 
and ink.

Thaxton concludes his paper on the importance of DNA in the study of life's 
origins with this observation: 

Darwin convinced many of the leading intellectuals in his time that design in 
the world is only apparent, that it is the result of natural causes. Through 
the discovery of DNA, however, the situation has taken a dramatic turn, though 
few have recognized its significance. The elucidation of DNA and unraveling the 
secrets of the genetic code have opened again the possibility of seeing true 
design in the universe. 

The last 30 years of intense research in support of the neo-Darwinian theory of 
evolution has produced more questions and problems for the theory than answers, 
while at the same time much of this research points in the direction of 
intelligent design. Biochemistry has so far failed to demonstrate that life 
evolved from non-life; if science does not know how abiogenesis happened, it 
cannot know that it did. Paleontologists have not found the extensive support 
for transitional forms we would expect to see in the fossil record if 
macroevolution were true. 

In short, macroevolution has not been proven and remains a theory. We cannot 
continue to teach macroevolution as the only scientific explanation we have for 
life's origins. The empirical scientific evidence of the origins of life should 
be taught in our schools along with the significant and viable models that the 
evidence supports. The neo-Darwinian theory of evolution should be taught as a 
scientific theory, not proven fact, and it should be taught alongside the 
scientific theories of creation and intelligent design.

Works Cited
Barrow, John D., and Frank J. Tipler. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. 
Oxford: The Oxford University Press, 1988.
Behe, Michael J. Darwin's Black Box. New York: Simon and Shuster, 1996.

Darwin, Charles. Origin of Species. (original 1872) 6th Edition, New York: New 
York University Press, 1988.

Dose, Klaus. "The Origin of Life: More Questions than Answers." 
Interdisciplinary Science Review 13 1998: 348.

Erich, Dudley. "The Amazing Cell." Answers in Genesis, Internet: (Retrieved 11/08/2000)

Fazale R. Rana, and Hugh Ross. "Life From The Heavens? Not This Way." Facts for 
Faith, Quarter 1, 2000. 

Johnson, Phillip E. Darwin on Trial. Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 
2nd edition, 1993.---. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds. Downers Grove, IL: 
Inter Varsity Press, 1997.
Ham, Kenneth. The Genesis Solution. Santee, CA: Master Books, 1988.

Klein, Harold P. "In the Beginning." Scientific American February 1991: 120.

Koukl, Gregory. "Why I'm Not an Evolutionist." Stand to Reason San Padro, CA: 

Moreland, J.P. Scaling the Secular City. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 

Morris, Henry M. What is Creation Science. El Cajon, CA: Master Books, 1987.

Raup, David. "Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology." Field Museum of 
History Bulletin, vol. 50:1.

Simpson, George G. Tempo and Mode in Evolution. New York: Columbia University 
Press, 1944. 

Thaxton, Charles B. "DNA, Design, and the Origins of Life." Origins, Internet: (Retrieved 11/08/2000)

Yockey, Hubert P. "Self Organization Origin of Life Scenarios and Information 
Journal of Theoretical Biology 91, 13 (1981):

----- Original Message ----
From: mediacare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2007 7:17:45 PM
Subject: [ppiindia] Darwinism

Darwinism is not an established scientific fact. It is a theory of evolution, 
that's why it's called the theory of evolution. 

Is Evolution Arkansas's "Hidden" Curriculum
by Jason Wiles

Originally published in RNCSE 25 (1-2): 32-36. The version on the web might 
differ slightly from the print publication. 
As I was working on a proposal for a project at the Evolution Education 
Research Centre at McGill University in Montréal, I received an e-mail from an 
old friend back in Arkansas, where I was raised, whom I had known since high 
school. She was concerned about a problem her father was having at work. "Bob" 
is a geologist and a teacher at a science education institution that services 
several Arkansas public school districts. My friend did not know the details of 
Bob's problem, only that it had to do with evolution. This was enough to arouse 
my interest, so I invited Bob to tell me about what was going on. 

He responded with an e-mail describing the scenario. Teachers at his facility 
are forbidden to use the "e-word" with the kids. They are permitted to use the 
word "adaptation" but only to refer to a current characteristic of organism, 
not as a product of evolutionary change via natural selection. They cannot even 
use the term "natural selection". Bob fears, and I agree with him, that not 
being able to use evolutionary terms and ideas to answer his students' 
questions will lead to reinforcement of their misconceptions. 

But Bob's personal issue is more specific, and the prohibition more insidious. 
In his words, "I am instructed NOT to use hard numbers when telling kids how 
old rocks are. I am supposed to say that these rocks are VERY VERY OLD ... but 
I am NOT to say that these Ordovician rocks are thought to be about 300 million 
years old." As a person with a geology background, Bob found this restriction a 
bit hard to justify, especially since the new Arkansas educational benchmarks 
for 5th grade include introduction of the concept of the 4.5-billion- year age 
of the earth. Bob's facility is supposed to be meeting or exceeding those 

The explanation that had been given to Bob by his supervisors was that their 
science facility is in a delicate position and must avoid irritating 
religionists who may have their fingers on the purse strings of various school 
districts. Apparently his supervisors feared that teachers or parents might be 
offended if Bob taught their children about the age of rocks and that it would 
result in another school district pulling out of their program. He closed his 
explanatory message with these lines: 

So my situation here is tenuous. I am under censure for mentioning numbers . I 
find that my "fire" for this place is fading if we're going to dissemble about 
such a basic factor of modern science. I mean ... the Scopes trial was how long 
ago now??? I thought we had fought this battle ... and still it goes on. 

I immediately referred Bob to the people at the NCSE. He wrote to them 
explaining the situation, and they responded with excellent advice and support. 
Bob was able to use their suggestions along with some of the position 
statements found in the NCSE's Voices for Evolution in defense of his continued 
push to teach the science he felt he was obligated to present to his students, 
but his supervisors remained firm in their policy of steering clear of 
specifically mentioning evolution or "deep time" chronology. 

I was going to be in Arkansas in December anyway, so I decided to investigate 
Bob's issue in person. He was happy for the support, but even more excited to 
show me around the facility. Bob is infectiously enthusiastic about nature and 
science education. He is just the kind of person we want to see working with 
students in this type of setting. He had arranged for me to meet with the 
directors of the facility, but he wanted to give me a guided tour of the place 

Self-censorship in defense of science? 

I would like to describe the grounds of the facility in more detail, but I must 
honor the request of all parties involved to not be identified. It was, 
however, a beautiful setting, and the students, 5th graders that day, seemed 
more engaged in their learning than most I had ever seen. To be sure, the 
facility does a fantastic job of teaching science, but I was there to find out 
about what it was not teaching. Bob and I toured the grounds for quite some 
time, including a hike to a new cave he had recently discovered nearby, and 
when we returned I was shown to my interview with the program director and 
executive director. 

Both of the directors welcomed me warmly and were very forthcoming in their 
answers to my questions. They were, however, quite firm in their insistence 
that they and their facility be kept strictly anonymous if I was to write this 
story up. We talked for over an hour about the site's mission, their classes, 
and Bob's situation specifically. Both directors agreed that "in a perfect 
world" they could, and would, teach evolution and deep time. However, back in 
the real world, they defended their stance on the prohibition of the "e-word", 
reasoning that it would take too long to teach the concept of evolution 
effectively (especially if they had to defuse any objections) and expressing 
concern for the well-being of their facility. Their program depends upon public 
support and continued patronage of the region's school districts, which they 
felt could be threatened by any political blowback from an unwanted 
evolutionary controversy. 

With regard to Bob's geologic time scale issue, the program director likened it 
to a game of Russian roulette. He admitted that probably very few students 
would have a real problem with a discussion about time on the order of millions 
of years, but that it might only take one child's parents to cause major 
problems. He spun a scenario of a student's returning home with stories 
beginning with "Millions of years ago ." that could set a fundamentalist parent 
on a veritable witch hunt, first gathering support of like-minded parents and 
then showing up at school-board meetings until the district pulled out of the 
science program to avoid conflict. He added that this might cause a ripple 
effect on other districts following suit, leading to the demise of the program. 

Essentially, they are not allowing Bob to teach a certain set of scientific 
data in order to protect their ability to provide students the good science 
curriculum they do teach. The directors are not alone in their opinion that 
discussions of deep time and the "e-word" could be detrimental to the program's 
existence. They have polled teachers in the districts they serve and have heard 
from them more than enough times that teaching evolution would be "political 

Bob's last communication indicated that he had signed up with NCSE and was 
leaning towards the "grin and bear it" option, which, given his position and 
the position of the institution, may be the best option. I was a bit 
disheartened by the situation, but still impressed with all the good that is 
going on at Bob's facility. I was also curious about the climate regarding 
evolution in other educational facilities in the state, so, I decided to ask 
some questions where I could. 

The first place I happened to find, purely by accident, was a privately run 
science museum for kids. As with Bob's facility, the museum requested not to be 
referred to by name. I was only there for a short time, but I'm not quite sure 
what to make of what happened there. I looked around the museum and found a few 
biological exhibits, but nothing dealing with evolution. I introduced myself to 
one of the museum's employees as a science educator (I am indeed a science 
educator) and asked her if they had any exhibits on evolution. She said that 
they used to at one time, but that several parents - some of whom home-schooled 
their children; some of whom are associated with Christian schools - had been 
offended by the exhibit and complained. They had said either that they would 
not be back until it was removed or that they would not be using that part of 
the museum if they returned. "It was right over there," she said, pointing to 
an area that was being used at
 that time for a kind of holiday display. 

Because I had happened upon the place by accident, I had not made room in my 
schedule for a longer exploratory visit. I did call the museum at a later date 
to find out more about the removal of the evolution exhibit. After calling 
several times and leaving a few messages, I finally reached someone who 
explained that the exhibit had not been removed due to complaints, although 
people had in fact objected to the display. Rather, it had been taken down to 
make room for their merger with another science education institution. I am not 
speculating here, only reporting information that I was given, but when I asked 
when the newly partnered institution planned on moving in, I was told that the 
grant for the new space had not yet been written. It could be quite some time. 

Later that evening, I had a visit with the coordinator of gifted and talented 
(GT) education at one of Arkansas's larger public school districts. As before, 
she has requested that she and her school system be kept anonymous, so I will 
call her "Susan". Susan told me about a situation she had been trying to decide 
how to deal with. She had overheard a teacher explaining the "balanced 
treatment" given to creationism in her classroom. This was not just any 
classroom, but an Advanced Placement Biology classroom. This was important to 
Susan, not only because of the subject and level of the class, but also because 
it fell under her supervision as part of the GT program. Was she obliged to do 
something about this? She knew quite well that the "balanced treatment" being 
taught had been found by a federal court to violate the Constitution' s 
Establishment Clause - perhaps there is no greater irony than that two of the 
most significant cases decided by federal
 courts against teaching creationism were Epperson v Arkansas and McLean v 
Arkansas Board of Education. She is quite knowledgeable, and her husband is a 
lawyer who has written about the Edwards v Aguillard evolution case. She also 
knew that this was unsound pedagogy, but dealing with the issue is not easy in 

Susan sincerely wanted to do something about it, but in the end, she had 
decided to let it go. Her reasoning was that this particular teacher is 
probably in her final year of service. To Susan, making an issue out of this 
just was not worth the strife it would have caused in the school and in the 
community when it would soon be taken care via retirement. 

As the discussion progressed that evening, I learned that omission was the 
method of dealing with evolution in another of Arkansas's largest, most quickly 
growing, and wealthiest school districts - an omission that is apparently 
strongly suggested by the administration. I decided to check on this, but made 
little progress, receiving the cold shoulder from the administration and the 
science department at that school. However, I spoke with a person who works for 
a private science education facility that does contract work for this district: 
"Helen" - she, like the other people I had visited, requested that she and her 
employers not be identified. I asked Helen about her experiences with the 
district's teachers. Her story was that in preparation for teaching the 
students from that district, she had asked some of the teachers how they 
approached the state benchmarks for those items dealing with evolution. She 
said, "Oh, I later got in trouble for even
 asking," but went on to describe their answers. Most teachers said that they 
did not know enough about evolution to teach it themselves, but one of them, 
after looking around to make sure they were safely out of anyone's earshot, 
explained that the teachers are told by school administrators that it would be 
"good for their careers" not to mention such topics in their classes. 

Inadequate science education 

How often does this kind of thing happen? How many teachers are deleting the 
most fundamental principle of the biological sciences from their classes due to 
school and community pressure or due to lack of knowledge? How many are 
disregarding Supreme Court decisions and state curriculum guidelines? These are 
good questions, and I have been given relevant data from a person currently 
working in Arkansas. I was introduced to this person, who has clearly expressed 
his wishes to be kept anonymous (are you noticing a pattern here?), through the 
NCSE. I will call this science educator "Randy". When I began looking into 
Arkansas's evolution education situation, the NCSE sent me Randy's contact 

Randy runs professional development science education workshops for public 
school teachers. He's been doing it for a while now, and he has been taking 
information on the teachers in his workshops via a survey. He had a bit of data 
that he was not sure what do with while maintaining his anonymity, but he 
shared it with me. He later posted the same results on an e-mail list-serve for 
people interested in evolution education in Arkansas, but this is the way it 
was reported to me. 

According to his survey, about 20% are trying to teach evolution and think they 
are doing a good job; 10% are teaching creationism, even though during the 
workshop he discusses the legally shaky ground on which they stand. Another 20% 
attempt to teach something but feel they just do not understand evolution. The 
remaining 50% avoid it because of community pressure. On the list-serve Randy 
reported that the latter 50% do not cover evolution because they felt 
intimidated, saw no need to teach it, or might lose their jobs. 

Apparently, by their own description of their classroom practices, 80% of these 
teachers are not adequately teaching evolutionary science. Remember that these 
are just the teachers who are in a professional development workshop in science 
education! What is more disturbing is what Randy went on to say about the 
aftermath of these workshops. "After one of my workshops at an [state] 
education cooperative, it was asked that I not come back because I spent too 
much time on evolution. One of the teachers sent a letter to the governor 
stating that I was mandating that teachers had to teach evolution, and that I 
have to be an atheist, and would he do something." 

Of course the dichotomy of "you're either an anti-evolutionist or you're an 
atheist" is a false one. Many scientists who understand and accept evolution 
are also quite religious, and many people of faith also understand and accept 
evolution. But here is a public school teacher appealing to the governor to "do 
something" about this guy teaching us to teach evolution. Given that 
evolutionary science is prescribed in the state curriculum guidelines, and 
given that two of the most important legal cases regarding evolution education 
originated in Arkansas and Edwards v Aguillard originated in Louisiana directly 
to the south (all of these cases resulted in support of evolution education and 
restriction of creationist teachings in public schools), how exactly would we 
expect the governor to respond? I am not sure how or even whether Governor Mike 
Huckabee responded to this letter, but I have seen him respond to concerned 
Arkansas high-school students regarding
 evolution in the schools on television. 

The Arkansas Educational Television Network produces a program called 
"Arkansans Ask" on which the state's citizens confront the governor about 
various issues affecting the region. I've seen two episodes on which students 
have expressed their frustration about the lack of evolution education in their 
public schools. These students obviously care about their science education, 
and for two years running Huckabee has responded to them by advocating that 
creationism be taught in their schools. Here is an excerpt from one of these 
broadcasts, from July 2004: 

Student: Many schools in Arkansas are failing to teach students about evolution 
according to the educational standards of our state. Since it is against these 
standards to teach creationism, how would you go about helping our state 
educate students more sufficiently for this?
Huckabee: Are you saying some students are not getting exposure to the various 
theories of creation?
Student (stunned): No, of evol . well, of evolution specifically. It's a 
biological study that should be educated [taught], but is generally not.
Moderator: Schools are dodging Darwinism? Is that what you . ?
Student: Yes.
Huckabee: I'm not familiar that they're dodging it. Maybe they are. But I think 
schools also ought to be fair to all views. Because, frankly, Darwinism is not 
an established scientific fact. It is a theory of evolution, that's why it's 
called the theory of evolution. And I think that what I'd be concerned with is 
that it should be taught as one of the views that's held by people. But it's 
not the only view that's held. And any time you teach one thing as that it's 
the only thing, then I think that has a real problem to it.
Governor Huckabee's answer has several problems and is laced with some very 
important misconceptions about science. Perhaps the most insidious problem with 
his response is that it plays on one of the most basic of American values: 
Huckabee appeals to our sense of democracy and free expression. But several 
court decisions have concluded that fairness and free expression are not 
violated when public school teachers are required to teach the approved 
curriculum. These decisions recognized that teaching creationism is little more 
than thinly veiled religious advocacy and violates the Establishment Clause. 

Furthermore, Huckabee claimed not to be aware of the omission of evolution from 
Arkansan classrooms. From my limited visit, it is clear that this omission is 
widespread and no secret; but it is even harder to understand the governor's 
apparent ignorance about the situation in July 2004, when another student 
called in with similar concerns almost exactly one year earlier on the July 
2003 broadcast of "Arkansans Ask": 

Student: Goal 2.04 of the Biology Benchmark Goals published by the Arkansas 
Department of Education in May of 2002 indicates that students should examine 
the development of the theory of biological evolution. Yet many students in 
Arkansas that I have met . have not been exposed to this idea. What do you 
believe is the appropriate role of the state in mandating the curriculum of a 
given course?
Huckabee: I think that the state ought to give students exposure to all points 
of view. And I would hope that that would be all points of view and not only 
evolution. I think that they also should be given exposure to the theories not 
only of evolution but to the basis of those who believe in creationism . .
The governor goes on for a bit and finishes his sentiment, but the moderator 
keeps the conversation going: 

Moderator (to student): You've encountered a number of students who have not 
received evolutionary biology?
Student: Yes, I've found that quite a few people's high schools simply prefer 
to ignore the topic. I think that they're a bit afraid of the controversy.
Huckabee: I think it's something kids ought to be exposed to. I do not 
necessarily buy into the traditional Darwinian theory, personally. But that 
does not mean that I'm afraid that somebody might find out what it is . 

Sisyphean Challenges 

How are teachers like "Bob", administrators like "Susan", and teacher trainers 
like "Randy" supposed to ensure proper science education regarding evolution in 
accordance with state standards and within the bounds of case law and the 
Constitution if politicians like Huckabee consistently support and advocate the 
teaching of non-science and pseudoscience that flies in the face of sound 
pedagogy and the First Amendment's Establishment Clause? 

It is quite telling that none of the people I spoke with were willing to be 
identified or to allow me to reveal their respective institutions. In the case 
of "Bob" and his facility's directors, they were concerned about criticism from 
both sides of the issue. They did not want to lose students by offending 
fundamentalists or lose credibility in the eyes of the scientific community for 
omitting evolution. "Susan" has been trying to avoid a rift in her district, so 
identifying her school is out of the question. "Randy" believes that much of 
the good that he does is at least partly because of his "behind- the-scenes" 
activity and that he "may do the cause more good by not standing out." 

Some people might assume that the evolution education problems of Arkansas and 
its governor end at its border. In fact they do not, but I think that we seldom 
realize the wider influence our local politicians might have. For instance, the 
Educational Commission of the States is an important and powerful organization 
that shapes educational policy in all 50 states. Forty state governors have 
served as the chair of the ECS, and the current chair is - you guessed it 
-Governor Huckabee of Arkansas. 

Because anti-evolutionists have been quite successful in placing members of 
their ranks and sympathizers in local legislatures and school boards, it is 
imperative that we point out the danger that these people pose to adequate 
science education. Although each school, each museum, or each science center 
may seem to be an isolated case, answering to - and, perhaps trying to keep 
peace with - its local constituency, the larger view shows that evolution is 
being squeezed out of education systematically and broadly. Anti-evolutionists 
have been successful by keeping the struggle focused on the local level and 
obscuring the larger agenda, but the educational fallout is widespread 
ignorance of the tools and methods of the sciences for generations to come. The 
scientific literacy of our future leaders may very well depend on it. 

Author's Address
Jason Wiles
Evolution Education Research Centre
McGill University
3700 McTavish Street
Montréal PQ Canada H3A 1Y2

http://www.ncseweb. org/resources/ rncse_content/ vol25/8118_ is_evolution_ 
arkansas39s_ h_12_30_1899. asp


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