Hanya Pemerintah-pemerintah tidak beradab, menteri ekonomi keblinger, yang 
terus menggunakannya. GDP TIDAK ADA hubungan apapun dengan tingkat perkembangan 
dan kesejahteraan ekonomi suatu bangsa.


Brussels, 19 November 2007
Measuring progress, wealth and the well-being of
Measuring progress, true wealth and the well-being of nations are the topics
that will be discussed at a high-level conference on 19-20 November
organised by the Commission in partnership with the European Parliament,
the OECD, the Club of Rome and WWF. The aim of the conference is to move
towards a better appreciation of what progress, wealth and well-being
actually are, decide how they should be measured, and highlight the benefits
of integrating them into decision-making. The Beyond GDP conference will
be opened by the President of the Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso on the
first day and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering,
on the second day.
GDP no longer a good measure of well-being
Moving towards a low-carbon economy, preserving biodiversity, promoting resource
efficiency and achieving social cohesion are today as important as economic 
Measuring these elements in a comprehensive manner to quantify the well-being of
a country is highly complex and most economic indicators used today – such as
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) - do not fully address these issues.
The GDP indicator was created in the wake of the great depression and the
subsequent second world war as a means of providing decision-makers with a
measure of economic performance and activity. But today's economy and society
are substantially different from those of the mid-20th century when GDP was
GDP has arguably helped decision-makers avoid a second great depression, guide
reconstruction efforts after the war and maintain unprecedented economic growth
over the past 40 years. But the indicator alone cannot reflect all facets and 
needs of
modern society. Indeed a growing GDP can mask substantial losses in wealth and
well-being. A country could, for example, cut down all its forests or send 
children to
work instead of school and this would have a positive effect on GDP or a 
killing thousands and wreaking widespread destruction could prove beneficial to
GDP due to the ensuing reconstruction efforts.
Moving beyond GDP
GDP indicates that the output of the world's major economies have been growing
steadily from the 1950s to date. But using other indicators it is clear that 
has not kept pace with GDP and that during certain periods some countries'
economic welfare has even stagnated.
Over the last two decades a number of alternative indicators have been designed 
complement GDP in measuring progress and the health of the economy. They
introduce aspects not covered by GDP such as the long-term accumulation of 
(natural, economic and social), the levels of life expectancy, literacy, and 
and the negative impact of pollution and resource degradation.
Some of these indicators are already in use today to measure `real progress' in
setting targets and objectives. In March 2001 the Welsh Assembly was the first
administration in the world to do so. However, these indicators are neither
homogeneous nor is their use widespread.
The European Union is now developing an indicator that would measure
environmental progress and also use integrated accounting and other 
to improve policy-making. A preliminary version is due to be operational by 
The initiative is linked to the Global Project launched by the OECD at the 
World Forum (June 2007) where a call was made on the need for international
indicators to measure the progress of societies. Another Beyond GDP conference
partner - the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) - has established an 
which takes into account the depletion of ecological assets.
The Beyond GDP conference
The Beyond GDP conference is the launching pad for the political debate on the
need to move beyond the principles of Gross Domestic Product. It will be held 
at the
European Parliament building in Brussels. Some 600 participants from the 
social and environmental sectors will be attending. Speakers include José Manuel
Barroso (President of the European Commission), Hans-Gert Pöttering (President 
the European Parliament), HE Chief Emeka Anyaoku (President, WWF), Ashok
Khosla (Co-President, Club of Rome), and Pier Carlo Padoan (Deputy Secretary
General, OECD).
The entire conference will be webstreamed live and can be viewed on the
conference's website
The 12:30 press conference on 19 November and some sessions will also be
available to television stations

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