Libya bars Europeans over battle with Swiss 
February 17, 2010 
LIBYA'S leader, Muammar Gaddafi, has banned most Europeans from travelling to 
the country in a sudden escalation of a dispute with Switzerland that has been 
running for almost two years.

The snap decision suspends visits from the 25 countries in Europe that share 
the visa-free Schengen system.

The decision caught European Union officials by surprise. On Monday they were 
scrambling for more information and seeking to clarify the exact details of the 
travel ban, including whether diplomats would be expelled and whether business 
people and other Europeans resident in Libya would have their visas withdrawn 
and need to leave.

The Libyan authorities summoned EU ambassadors in Tripoli on Monday to inform 
them of the move and the European Commission announced that European travellers 
arriving in Libya with valid visas were being refused entry.

The European Commission did not announce any tit-for-tat moves, perhaps 
reflecting the difficulty of making quick decisions in a union of 27 countries 
whose governments have differing views on the Gaddafi regime.

''The issue will be discussed before the end of the week,'' a statement said.

The Schengen agreement applies in 23 of the EU's 27 countries as well as in 
Switzerland and Norway, which are not EU members. Britons, outside the 
passport-free zone, are still able to travel to Libya.

A newspaper in Tripoli this week warned of ''severe measures'' of retaliation 
after it said that the Swiss government had decided to blacklist more than 180 
Libyan leaders, including the Gaddafi family, from entry.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry said on Monday that it had tightened its visa 
requirements for Libyan citizens.

The row goes back to 2008 when Colonel Gaddafi's son, Hannibal, was arrested 
with his wife in a luxury Geneva hotel and accused of beating up their domestic 
servants. He was released and the charges were dropped. But the Libyans 
arrested two Swiss businessmen, who have been held in the country since.

The Tripoli newspaper said the Libyans had told the Swiss to bin the blacklist 
or risk the European travel ban. The blacklist is said to include the Gaddafi 
family, Libyan businessmen and secret service personnel and senior officials in 
the legislative Libyan People's Congress.

Guardian News & Media

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