President Abbas Draft Law to Boycott Settlement Products

Date : 26/4/2010   Time : 22:56

RAMALLAH, April 26, 2010 (WAFA)- President Mahmoud Abbas issued, today, a draft 
law to prohibit and boycott Israeli settlement products.

The President’s Legal Counselor said Hassan Al-Ouri said, this law is based on 
the fact that the settlements are like cancer of the Palestinian body, 
targeting the humans, land and fate of the Palestinians, so we must confront 
these settlements by all means available to us Palestinians.

He added, more importantly, that there are products by the settlers that come 
to the Palestinian market, and are bought and paid for by the Palestinian, and 
thus the result is enlarging the settlements, and gives them legitimacy.

He noted that there is a law to protect the Palestinian product, so the law 
comes today to push this law forward to protect the Palestinian products.

Al-Ouri said, the law proves that trading with settlements or providing goods 
produced in settlements to Palestinian markets, exposes their perpetrator to 

He also said that there is a Palestinian policy moving forward constantly, and 
there are some Palestinian ministries such as the Ministry of National Economy 
given by law the right to issue rules and regulations in this regard.

Al-Ouri added that, “we count on the awareness of the Palestinian citizen, not 
to buy products of the settlements and support the Israeli occupation, but at 
the same time, there must be a punishment for breach of the national consensus.”

He concluded by noting, that in the absence of the Legislative Council in cases 
of necessity, The President issues some laws, including this law, being 
important for the national economy.


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