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Sayyed Nasrallah to Jumblatt: You'll Be Assad's Guest!
Hussein Assi  Readers Number : 417
15/03/2010 Finally, the conflict between the Syrian leadership and the head of 
the Democratic Gathering MP Walid Jumblatt seems to have reached its ‘end’…
On Monday, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah informed Jumblatt 
that the Syrian leadership will open a new chapter in its relation with him and 
that Syrian President Bachar Assad will receive him in Damascus at a date to be 
announced later.
The announcement came in a statement issued by Hezbollah media relations on 
“In the framework of the mediation initiated by Hezbollah Secretary General 
Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah with the Syrian leadership which came upon the request 
of the Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt, and following the 
clear stances and the courageous revision he has made concerning the happenings 
and developments of the previous phase and following his re-confirmation of the 
essential political principles especially in what concerns the relation with 
Syria, the Resistance and Palestine, Sayyed Nasrallah informed MP Walid 
Jumblatt this evening that the Syrian leadership, committed to establish the 
best relations with all Lebanese and all political forces in Lebanon and taking 
into account his latest stances, has decided to exceed what has happened during 
the previous phase and will open a new page it hopes it would be beneficial for 
all parties,” the statement said.
“Sayyed Nasrallah told Jumblatt that Syrian President Bachar Assad will receive 
him in Damascus during the visit he would pay to the Syrian capital at a date 
to be announced in the few coming days,” the statement concluded.
On Saturday, Jumblatt acknowledged he had offended Assad at a moment of anger 
and hoped the latter would accept to open a new page with him. “I have used 
improper language and I'm not sure that Assad could tolerate this,” he said. 
Nevertheless, he urged the Syrian leadership to turn a page on the past for the 
sake of both countries' interests. “In the past I would say: 'forgive but don't 
forget.' Today I say: 'forgive and forget,'” he stressed.
Meanwhile, and in his first reaction to Sayyed Nasrallah’s “good news,” 
Jumblatt stressed that the previous phase with Syria was over, stressing that 
he will never return to it.
Jumblatt revealed that there are a lot of things he wants to tell Assad about 
when he will meet him.
The PSP leader thanked Sayyed Nasrallah as well as Speaker Nabih Berri, MP 
Talal Erslan and former minister Wiam Wahhab for the efforts they have made 
during the previous phase.  


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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