Refleksi: Berapa harga mangga di tempat Anda? 200.000 Yen  =  lebih dari US$ 
2.000,-- [dua ribu]Kalau ada petani dari NKRI bisa jual manggo jenis ini, pasti 
bisa cepat kaya dibandingkan dengan kelapa sawit.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Season's first sweet mangoes fetch ¥200,000
MIYAZAKI (Kyodo) Fully ripe mangoes, well-known for their high sugar 
concentration - and high prices - have gone on sale nationwide with the first 
box of two fetching a wholesale price of ¥200,000.

The first deal for the Miyazaki Prefecture-grown red mango, dubbed the "egg of 
the sun," was made Monday. Bidding started at 7 a.m. at the central wholesale 
market in the city of Miyazaki.

"I was worried the price might go down because of the recession, but we 
producers are happy because they fetched high prices," said Yasukazu Matsuda, 
50, who belongs to a local association of fruit growers.

"I hope the 'the egg of the sun' will help trigger (growth) of the agricultural 
industry of the prefecture," he said.

Miyazaki mangoes are shipped only after the sugar concentration exceeds 15 
percent of its juice and the weight reaches 350 grams or more. 

Given steady growth of the fruit recently, farmers in Miyazaki started shipping 
mangoes 15 days earlier than last year.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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