Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Berikut pernyataan yang tidak berdasar tentang

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "M Ikhsan Modjo"
> Penjelasannya sederhana, poligami adalah komplemen,
bukan substitute
> dari prosmicious act. Jadi argumen sebagai pro
poligamiers bahwa
> poligami lebih baik dari zinah etc, adalah argumen
yang salah kaprah.
merokok. Begitu juga
> berbagai temuan yang ada (lihat di bawah) juga
menunjukan bahwa
> poligami sesungguhnya adalah komplemen dari
prosmicious act, bukan
> substitute. Mereka yang berpoligami biasanya juga
adalah tukang
> berzinah. Sehingga tidak heran bila poligami jadi
salah satu alasan
> lebi tingginya penyebaran HIV/AIDS.

Pernyataan di atas tidak berdasar.
Secara logika, 2 pria dengan gairah seksual yang sama
jika  yang satu dipaksa monogami, dia bisa berzina
ketika istrinya seminggu setiap bulan berhalangan atau
40 hari selama melahirkan.

Sementara yang poligami, jika dia bosan dengan 1
istri, maka ada istri yang lain sebagai alternatif.

Sebagai contoh, Aa Gym jatuh hati dengan teh Rini,
jika dilarang poligami, jika tidak kuat imannya
(misalnya bukan orang seperti Aa) bisa saja dia
akhirnya selingkuh. Tapi kalau menikah kan tidak zina.

Ada pun faktanya, di negara yang memaksakan
penduduknya monogami seperti di AS, justru perzinahan
dan pelacuran merajalela. Sementara di negara2 Islam
(terutama yang menerapkan syariah Islam) perzinahan
jarang terjadi, bahkan tempat pelacuran dilarang.

Data dari AS di bawah menunjukkan bahwa 1 dari 3
wanita diperkosa sebelum berumur 18 tahun. Jika
perkosaan begitu tinggi, apalagi perzinahan. Ini
adalah fakta. Bukan studi main2.

50-60% orang Amerika mengaku berzinah (USA Today).
Yang tidak mengaku mungkin lebih banyak lagi.

655 juta video porno disewa di AS (belum yang beli).
45 juta warga AS mengidap penyakit kelamin.

Itulah bukti bahwa monogami yang dipaksakan akhirnya
menimbulkan perzinahan dan pelacuran. Contohnya jika
Yahya Zaini menikahi Maria Eva, bisa jadi dia tidak
jadi berzina. Itulah akibat monogami yang dipaksakan
Lying - Polls indicate that 91% of people in the U.S.
lie regularly (source: , by James Patterson and Peter

Greed - Statistics now show that Americans visit
casinos more often than they attend professional
sporting events (source: Focus on the Family).

Pornography - 665-million pornographic videos were
rented in 1996 (source: USA Today, 9-5-97). The number
of pornography outlets now dwarfs the number of
McDonald's restaurants in the USA.

Adultery - A USA Today report says that up to 50-60%
of Americans admit to committing adultery. We have the
highest divorce rate in the world (source: Save

Fornication - 45 million Americans are infected with
the virus that causes genital herpes (source: American
Social Health Association).

Rape - one rape every 46 seconds in America and one
out of three girls are sexually molested before the
age of 18 (source: National Center for Victims of

Murder - As terrible as the loss of life was at the
World Trade Center, keep in mind that 200-thousand
people were murdered during the last decade in the
U.S. (source: Council on Crime in America).

2. Al Baqarah 
8. Di antara manusia ada yang mengatakan: "Kami
beriman kepada Allah dan Hari kemudian[22]," pada hal
mereka itu sesungguhnya bukan orang-orang yang
9. Mereka hendak menipu Allah dan orang-orang yang
beriman, padahal mereka hanya menipu dirinya sendiri
sedang mereka tidak sadar. 

> Needless to say, saya tidak mengatakan para Kyai dan
Aa Gym tukang berzinah.....

Itulah buktinya. Jarang ulama yang poligami berzinah.
Banyak teman saya yang monogami, kenyataannya suka
> Salam,
> ------------------
> Nyindo, M. (2005). "Complementary factors
contributing to the rapid
> spread of HIV-I
> in sub-Saharan Africa: a review." East African
Medical Journal 82(1): 40-6.
> OBJECTIVE: To examine and establish complementary
factors that contribute
> to the alarmingly high prevalence of HIV-1 in
sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in
> order to create awareness and suggest possible
measures to avert the spread
> of the pandemic. DATA SOURCES: Review of literature
via Medline, the
> Internet, articles in refereed journals, and
un-refereed features from the East
> Africa media houses and personal communications.
> published data from 1981 to September 2004 found to
have revealed an
> impact on the spread of HIV-1 in SSA were included
in the review. Therefore,
> all selected articles were read and critically
evaluated. Where possible the
> number of citations articles which had been received
were sought to
> established the degree of impact. DATA EXTRACTION:
Abstracts of all
> articles identified were accessed, read and analysed
to determined possible
> relevance to the spread of HIV-1. When relevance was
established from the
> abstract the entire paper was read and important
points were included in the
> review. DATA SYNTHESIS: A matrix was drawn to
include all subtitles ( e.g.
> polygamy, circumcision, poverty, etc). Below each
subtitle all published works
> were included and prioritised. Published works that
were found to have impact
> were included in the review. Finally a percent
composite picture of all factors
> was drawn in an attempt to prioritise the factors,
not withstanding
> the fact that
> most factors are interrelated and complementary.
> many reasons why the spread of HIV-1 in SSA has not
been declining over
> the years. Main risk factors for HIV-1 infection and
AIDS disease in SSA were
> found to include poverty, famine, low status of
women in society, corruption,
> naive risk taking perception, resistance to sexual
behaviour change, high
> prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STI),
internal conflicts and
> refugee status, antiquated beliefs, lack of
recreational facilities,
> ignorance of
> individual's HIV status, child and adult
prostitution, uncertainty of safety of
> blood intended for transfusion, widow inheritance,
circumcision, illiteracy and
> female genital cutting and polygamy. It is suggested
that control programmes
> both local and donor-driven seeking to mitigate the
spread of HIV-1 in SSA
> should take into account the apparent multiplicity
of sub-Saharan African
> cultures and beliefs, some of which augment the
spread of HIV-1.
> D
> ada-Adegbola, H. O. (2004). "Socio-cultural factors
affecting the spread of
> HIV/AIDS in Africa: a case study." African Journal
of Medicine &
> Medical Sciences
> 33(2): 179-82.
> There is a disproportionate share of AIDS cases over
the years in Africa. This
> has occurred in racial and ethnic minority
populations, a finding likely related
> to social, economic and cultural factors. Certain
socio-cultural and religious
> practices such as polygamy and giving a daughter
away in marriage without
> considering the social life of the man are likely
contributory factors to the
> higher prevalence of HIV/AIDS in women in this part
of the world . This is
> illustrated with a case of Mr. M. S. who married two
wives within four months
> interval, having lived a promiscuous life before
marriage. One of the wives
> was a virgin at the time of marriage. Neither of
wives had any symptoms
> suggestive of STD or HIV before marriage, however,
the three of them tested
> positive to HIV-1 following a visit to the special
treatment clinic.
> He had genital
> herpes and his two wives also had vulvovaginal
candidiasis, genital herpes
> and condyloma accuminata (genital warts). The
husband would not want his
> HIV status declared to the wives. There is therefore
a need to enact law on
> pre-marriage HIV screening for intending couples.
Couple Pre-and post-test
> counseling must be encouraged and promoted. In
addition, women should be
> empowered to negotiate safer sex.
> Receveur, M. C., X. Coulaud, et al. (2003).
"Prevalence du VIH a
> Mayotte." Bulletin
> de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique 96(3): 238-40.
> Mayotte is a little French island, located in the
Indian ocean, between
> Madagascar and Mozambic. Officially, the population
goes up to 150,000
> inhabitants, but in fact, it probably comes up to
about 200,000 people,
> because of a very numerous illegal immigration,
especially coming from
> Anjouan, the nearest Comorian island. Up to now
there are no data about HIV
> in Mayotte. There is only one adult medical unit
(except intensive care). All
> patients detected as seropositive for HIV are sent
for treatment in this unit.
> The only case of systematically proposed HIV
serology is pregnancy, and this
> since 1994. 70% to 80% of women accept it. There are
annually 6000
> deliveries in Mayotte. When a seropositivity is
detected, screening is
> systematically proposed to other members of the
family. Epidemiology does
> not seem to worsen, even if detection is increasing:
8675 tests done in 1998,
> 9142 in 1999, 12,085 in 2000. All cases of
seropositivity attended to at
> present time in our unit have been registered and
studied, apart from patients
> who died before this study, and those who did not
consult for more than two
> years. There were 8 HIV positive people who died
since 1990 in Mayotte,
> most of them in 1991, 1992. There was no death in
the last years, nor
> sanitary evacuation, except one. 50 people are
registered: 20 males, 30
> females. Average age is 34. 39 Comorian people, 10
metropolitans, and one
> from another origin. Contamination was heterosexual
in 43 cases, intravenous
> drug user in 1 case, homosexual in 2 cases,
professional in 1 case, unknown
> in 3 cases. There are 4 double contamination Ag
Hbs/HIV, and 2 HCV/HIV. 39
> subjects are at A stage, 5 B, 6 C. The beginning of
the epidemic in Mayotte
> took place probably around 1990, among militaries
and prostitutes. Now,
> transmission keeps going on, in most cases,
heterosexual, as it occurs in the
> nearby Africa. Polygamy, official or officious, has
a leading role. Females who
> were detected during pregnancy have obtained
zidovudine, or have been able
> to pursue previous therapy. Medical care and therapy
are free in Mayotte, but
> sometimes there are delays in supplying medicines or
in returning results.
> Epidemic has not increased up to now; even though
screening has. There are
> very few pediatric cases: only 4 cases were notified
in Mayotte until now: one
> who died very soon, one who has gone to live in
Reunion island, and two who
> are still in Mayotte: one is 12 years old, and
another one 5 years old.
> Bambra, C. S. (1999). "Current status of
reproductive behaviour in
> Africa." Human
> Reproduction Update 5(1): 1-20.
> The current annual population growth rate of 3.2% in
Africa will double the
> population by the year 2025. The majority of this
population is below 15 years
> of age, and Africa concurrently also has the highest
incidence of infertility in
> the world. Sexual behaviour, which has been poorly
studied in Africa, has a
> direct impact on reproductive health [including
fertility, infertility
> and sexually
> transmitted diseases (STDs)]. The multiple cultures
and religions which
> characterize the African continent also affect
reproductive health. Factors that
> have a significant effect on reproductive health in
Africa include greater
> prevalence of extramarital/commercial sexual
activity, polygamy, lower
> prevalence of contraceptives, reliance on
traditional practices, high incidence
> of STDs and teenage pregnancies. High risk
reproductive behaviours are
> predominantly displayed by adolescents, and the
prevalence of STDs,
> including HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), is
very high in this group.
> Pregnancy-related complications are the major cause
of health-related
> problems in 15-19 year old girls. Maternal mortality
rates in most countries
> remain high. Literacy rates affect these behaviours.
It is apparent that
> changing the sexual behaviour of adolescents is one
way of reversing the
> adverse trends, such as STD transmission, unwanted
pregnancy and poor
> general reproductive health.
> -- 

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