February 22, 2010
Why the Arabs Should Go Nuclear
In the last few years, both Zionism and the occupation have been criticized, if 
not to death, as fully as possible. America's pro-Israel loudmouths should 
deceive no one:   most of the world has taken the criticisms to heart. Even 
Israel's supposed undying allies know the occupation has to end; so do a 
majority of Israelis.Though some of the preachier critics love to think 
otherwise, the US government - meaning the executive branch - has known this 
for some time. Its official position has always been that the occupation has to 
end. As for the massive aid accorded to Israel, two points should be borne in 
mind. First, the US gives at least as much aid, including military aid, to the 
Arab states and Pakistan - and sells advanced weapons to the Gulf States.  
Second, the aid is largely part of a pathetic attempt to bribe Israel into 
something like a reasonable accommodation with the Arab world.
Some suppose that the attempt is pathetic because it is insincere. This view is 
wildly optimistic, and presupposes an article of faith curiously popular on the 
left:  that America is a colossus which can, with the beckoning of a finger, 
bring to heel the pygmies that surround it. Whatever the truth about American 
power in general, this certainly does not hold in the case of Israel. The power 
of the entire Western world may not suffice to bring that country to heel.
Israel is not only a nuclear power, but one of the world's leading nuclear 
powers. What's more, it is the only nuclear power that has openly toyed with 
the idea of using nuclear weapons even when that would be suicidal.   Israeli 
strategists, perhaps assured of divine approval, call this the Samson option. 
With a bit of ingenuity and luck, Israel could manage a very credible first 
strike against any power on earth.   It won't do so, of course, but the 'of 
course' relies on our assurance that not even the other leading nuclear powers 
would use military force to compel Israel to do anything at all.  So push come 
to shove, in the case of Israel, there is no push, and no shove.
What then, if the US 'turned off the aid spigot'?   Israel's critics, not 
excluding some Israelis, are increasingly indignant in their demands for this 
to happen. Again, they are wildly optimistic.  No doubt Israel finds US aid a 
great convenience. But the US also finds Israeli aid a great convenience. 
Israel's defense establishment not only produces but develops many capabilities 
of vital importance to the US, among them anti-missile systems, drones, and 
cyberwarfare solutions. And this is why economic sanctions wouldn't work. 
Israel has an abundance of technology and even military hardware that much of 
the world would line up to buy, at almost any price. Not only would Israel be 
able to sustain itself financially and economically; it would do so through 
commerce that the West could only consider catastrophic.
This doesn't mean the Israel/Palestine conflict is insoluble.   It means that 
any solution is out of 'our' hands - of the critics, certainly, and even of the 
Western powers.   The solution, if there is one, will have to be built on a 
true balance of power in the Middle East. The prospects for such a balance are 
not entirely dim, but they involve realities that few are willing to face.
At best (!), the prospects of peace, of an end to Israeli/Palestinian 'terror', 
lie in the hands of those alleged terrorists, Hizbollah, and their sponsors, 
including Iran.   Perhaps Hizbollah is just powerful enough so that Israelis 
will, like white South Africa, see the writing on the wall, and settle with 
their conquered people. Until the next war with Lebanon, the chances of this 
are anyone's guess.
There is, however, a more frightening possibility. It can be rendered less 
frightening only if the West bows to the inevitable.
The 'Arab' world, like Iran, certainly realizes the crushing and dangerous 
advantage represented by Israeli nuclear weapons. Yet these countries lack the 
capacity to confront Israel and the political clout to make others do so.    
What if the means to acquire this clout became available?
In fact the means are already at hand.
By now, the world, and therefore the 'Arab' world, knows that the West will 
never, ever, act against Israel:  the very opportunity to do so has slipped 
away. Sooner or later, this will drive Israel's neighbors to their only 
alternative.  It is cost-effective, not only in dollars but very likely in 
Arab nations, and Iran, would be quite within their rights to withdraw from the 
nuclear non-proliferation agreements.  (These in any case are scandalous in 
their net effect, which is to protect Israel from military competition while 
securing Israel's carte blanche in the nuclear arena.) The Arab world, likely 
with the cooperation of other nations, could then pursue a collective program 
of nuclear development and research, with the declared and explicit purpose of 
securing military as well as civilian nuclear capacity. 
The mere announcement of these plans - with their effects on Israeli morale and 
Western resolve - might produce considerable results at no real cost to anyone. 
Should Israel persist in its obstinacy, development would proceed, increasing 
the pressure to find - impose - a solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict. 
One might think this very idea a piece of wild-eyed extremism. But what is 
extreme is to let Israel first develop and then brandish nuclear weapons, while 
tying the hands of all its potential victims.   To untie their hands is simply 
to return to the balance-of-power politics that, for centuries, has been seen 
as the best guarantor of peace.
Today, this is mere fantasy. But the Arab world, with support from the non-Arab 
Muslim world, will change enough to put this strategy within the realm of the 
possible.  Collectively, those nations have ample wealth and technical 
abilities. They are increasingly aware of the need to put aside old 
animosities. And presumably they will eventually tire of being treated with 
And what is the role of the West in this?   Only to stay out of the way; it is 
capable of no more. Instead, there will be hand-wringing, hysteria, moral 
epilepsy. Perhaps the fits will pass, and the West will find the resolve to do 
what it has done so well for so long: nothing.
Michael Neumann is a professor of philosophy at a Canadian university.  He is 
the author of What's Left: Radical Politics and the Radical Psyche and The Case 
Against Israel.  He also contributed the essay, "What is Anti-Semitism" , to 
CounterPunch' s book, The Politics of Anti-Semitism.  He can be reached at 
mneum...@live. com

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