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bhinneka bahasa budi dan nurani

tahun lampau di depan gerbang TIM ada pembacaan khatam syair-syair rendra
non-stop berhari bermalam, dipeluk gatian penghargaan muri, membuat jalanan
macet lantaran tiap penunggang kendaraan melongok ingin tahu. dan belum lama
berselang, di layar kaca teve, puluh ratus juta pasang mata bangsa inipun
disuguhi pampangan sejenis legislator-sinetron (pengakuannya, dia dari the
ruling party) berkoar-koar kata-kata jorok, tak hanya sekali, dilengkapi bahasa
rasa tubuh dan plintir lidah pongahnya. begitulah, isi hati merebak di ragawi
nan cermin diri. tetapi kali ini kita tak kan peduli dia, melainkan justru
menatap bahasa atau suara abad 20 yang terlontar melalui seorang budayawan
tenar, amerika latin, yang ulangtahun seabad lahirnya belum lama
diingat-renungi. kutipan-nukilan berikut mencuat dari berbagai ucap dan bukunya

membaca adalah kegiatan yang mengikuti menulis : lebih tepaselira, tambah
memakzul diri, makin beradab, kian cendekia.

godaan tervulgar dari seni ialah, menjadi jenius.

semoga surga ada kendati aku di neraka. que el cielo exista, aunque nuestro
lugar sea el inferno.

rasa yang tulen tak percayai terjemahan. el original es infiel a la traduccion.

kulihat bangun tulang telapak tangan, kulihat kaum yang selamat dari perang
mengirimkan kartu pos, kulihat bayang pekat pagar penjara di lantai rumah
panas, kulihat macan, emboli, bison, bumi yang bengkak dan tentara, kulihat
segenap semut di bumi.

dictatorship foster oppression, dictatorship foster servitude, dictatorship
foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.

no one is anyone, one single immortal man is all men. like Cornelius Agrippa, i
am god, i am hero, i am philosopher, i am demon, and i am world, which is a
tedious way of saying that i do not exist.

begitulah waktu yang menggoroki puri-puri, memperkaya bait-bait…..waktu
memperlonggar bait dan kutahu sebagiannya semisal musik, adalah segalanya bagi

to die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely.

years of solitude had taught one that, in one's memory, all days tend to be the
same, but that there is not a day, not even in jail or in the hospital, which
does not bring surprises, which is not a translucent network of minimal

every novel is an ideal plane inserted into the realm of reality.
the heresies we should fear are those which can be confused with orthodoxy. sok
suci memang gelinciran licin ke berhala.

do you want to see what human eyes have never seen ? look at the moon. do you
want to hear what ears have never heard ? listen to the bird's cry. do you want
to touch what hands have never touched ? touch the earth. verily i say that God
is about to create the world.

writing is nothing more than a guided dream. menulis itu tak lebih sekadar mimpi

being with you and not being with you is the only way i have to measure time.

my advancing age has taught me the resignation of being mine.

being conservative is a way of being skeptic.

truly fine poetry must be read aloud.. poetry always remembers that it was an
oral art before it was a written art. it remembers that it was first song.

the fact is that poetry is not the books in the library.. poetry is the
encounter of the reader with the book, the discovery of the book.
the aesthetic event is something as evident, as immediate, as indefinable as
love, the taste of fruit, of water.

as i think of the many myths, there is one that is very harmful, and that is the
myth of countries. the war thing was a fight between two bald men over a comb.

think that whatever happens to him or her is a resource. all things have been
given to us for a purpose, and an artist must feel this more intensely. all that
happens to us, including our humiliations, our misfortunes, our embarrassments,
all is given to us as raw materials, as clay, so that we may shape our art.

life itself is a quotation.

reality is not always probable, or likely.

arrasado el jardin, profanados los calices y las aras, entraron a caballo los
hunos en la biblioteca monastica y rompieron los libros incomprencibles y los
vituperaron y los quemaron, acaso temerosos de que las letras encubrieran
blasfemias contra su dios, que era una cimitarra de hierro.

art always opt for the individual, the concrete; art is not platonic.

hay un concepto que es el corruptor y el desatinador de los otros. no hablo del
mal cuyo limitado imperio es la etica; hablo del infinito. one concept corrupts
and dazzles others, i'm not talking about the Evil whose limited empire is
ethic, i'm speaking about infinity.

we, the indivisible divinity that works in us, have dreamed the world. we have
dreamed it resistant, mysterious, visible, ubiquitous in space and firm in time,
but we have allowed slight, and eternal, bits of the irrational to form part of
its architecture so as to know that it is false.

the possibilities of the art of combination are not infinite, but they tend to
be frightful. the greeks engendered the chimera, a monster with heads of the
lion, the dragon and the goat. the chinese zoologist, the ti-yiang, a vermilion
supernatural bird, endowed with six feet and four wings, but without a face or
eyes. the geometers of the nineteenth century, the hypercube, a figure with four
dimensions, which encloses an infinite number of cubes and has at its faces
eight cubes and twenty four squares. the hollywood has just enriched this vain
museum of horrors : by means of an artistic malignity called dubbing, it
proposes monsters that combine..

we owe discovery to the conjunction of a mirror and an encyclopedia.

para uno de esos gnosticos, el visible universe era una illusion o (mas
precisamente) un sofisma. Los espejos y la paternidad son abominables porque lo
multiplican y lo divulgan. for one of those gnostics, the universe was an
illusion or more precisely a sophism. mirrors and fatherhood are abominable
because they multiply it and extend it.

what is a thought ? a paradoxical coexistence of extremes of fantastic hope and

i have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.

the central fact of life is the existence of words and the possibility of
weaving those words into poetry.

the image of the Lord had been replaced by a mirror.

nothing is built on stone. all is built on sand. but we must built as if the
sand were stone.

praxis of democracy can merely be an abuse of statistics.

death (or its allusion) makes men precious and pathetic. they are moving because
of their phantom condition; every act they execute may be their last; there is
not a face that is not on the verge of dissolving like a face in a dream.

any life, no matter how long or complex it may be, is made up of a single moment
-- the moment in which a man finds out, once and for all, who he is.

i have known uncertainty : a state unknown to the greeks.

uno esta enamorado cuando se da cuenta de que otra persona es unica. seseorang
jatuh cinta manakala menyadari bahwa yang lain itu unik adanya.

solo aquello que se ha ido es lo que nos pertenece. hanya yang telah kita
lepaskan itulah milik kita sesungguhnya.

yo no hablo de venganzas ni perdones, el olvido es la unica venganza y el unico
perdon. saya tak bicara dendam atau maaf, melupakan itulah satu-satunya dendam
atau maaf.

que otros se jacten de las paginas que han escrito, a mi me enorgullecen las que
he leido. uno no es lo que es por lo que escribe, sino por lo que ha leido.
kita bukanlah yang kita tulis, kita adalah yang kita baca.

que cada hombre construya su propia cathedral. para que vivir de obras de arte
ajenas y antiguas ? biarlah masing-masing membangun katedralnya sendiri, buat
apa menghidupi seni yang baheula kolot dan terkucil.

la duda es uno de los nombres de la inteligencia. meragu itu salah satu nama

hay que tener cuidado al elegir a los enemigos porque uno termina pareciendose a
ellos. pilih cermat siapa yang hendak kaujadikan musuhmu, sebab kau akhirnya
akan justru mirip dia.

he sospechado alguna vez que la unica cosa sin misterio es la felicidad, porque
se justifica por si sola. satu-satunya yang tanpa misteri ialah kebahagiaan,
sebab dialah pembenar dirinya sendiri.

i think i understood love better when i had no love.

mitos adalah pangkal adab susastra, sekaligus juga ujungnya.

universal history is the history of a few metaphors.

sesuatu yang dikerjakan seseorang, adalah juga sedikit banyak dilakukan oleh
semua orang.

bila seseorang tiada lagi memiliki harapan, ia juga tak punya takut apapun.

it is venturesome to think that a coordination of words (philosophies are
nothing more than that) can resemble the universe very much.
writing long books is a laborious extravagance and impoverishing act of
foolishness : expanding in five hundred pages an idea that could be perfectly
explained in a few minutes. a better procedure is to pretend that those books
already exist and to offer a summary, a commentary.

every man should be capable of all ideas and i understand that in the future
this will be the case.

a labyrinth of symbols…an invisible labyrinth of time.

thus fought the heroes, tranquil their admirable hearts, violent their swords,
resigned to kill and die. in a riddle whose answer is chess, what is the only
prohibited word ?

this web of time -- the strand of which approached one another, bifurcate,
intersect or ignore each other through the centuries, embraces every
possibility. time forks perpetually toward innumerable futures; in one of them i
am your enemy.

the time for your labor has been granted.

there is no act that is not the coronation of an infinite series of causes and
the source of an infinite series of effects.

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