Hi everybody,

depending on the creation of pdf images and on the pdftex version used
there were more problems reported with including pdf and jpg images
together with highlighting just after my update last week.
These have been fixed in 0.9.4.
If you also experience problems with pdf and/or jpg images resulting
in broken pdf output from PPower4 0.9.3, try an update replacing
the pp4p.jar.

Again, I am sorry for any inconveniences and for the recent
instabilities in the 0.9 series. They are caused by the parts which
were introduced to have full compatibility with output from dvipdfm.

Given all that I consider withdrawing this compatibility feature if
more problems of this kind show up. Therefore I would like know
how many of you really use dvipdfm for creating the pdf presentations
to be post processed by PPower4. Please send a short message as
private mail to my mail address given below, if you use dvipdfm or
if you know of such users, which are not on this mailing list.
Please do not reply to the list for this. Thanks!

I hope you enjoy using PPower4 nevertheless,
        Klaus Guntermann        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        FG Systemprogrammierung, FB Informatik, TU Darmstadt
        Wilhelminenstr. 7, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany

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