[Pressemeldungen] Re

2020-12-08 Diskussionsfäden Elise
Mi querido amigo, El saludo y la paz sean con usted mientras lee este mensaje, sé que esta carta será una gran sorpresa para usted, pero le ruego que se tome el tiempo de leerla cuidadosamente, ya que la decisión que tomará será de gran ayuda. para facilitar mi reposo pacífico y l

[Pressemeldungen] :Re Guten Morgen

2020-10-05 Diskussionsfäden Dr. Gustavo LM Larraz
-- Oficina De Abogados Lawyer Dr/Gustavo LM Larraz Web:www.hg.org/lawyer E-mail : gustavo.lopez-abog...@insurer.com Direcion: Calle de Diego de León 47 Madrid 28006 Espana MENSCHENRECHT FONDS VERTEIDIGEN BÜRO/ Ich war versuchen Kontakt Sie für über zwei Wochen, aber du hast nicht Antworten meine

[Pressemeldungen] Re; inquiry from Mr potter jason

2018-04-30 Diskussionsfäden Potter, Jason

[Pressemeldungen] Re

2018-01-31 Diskussionsfäden MrsNina Jackson.
Mein Name ist Mrs. Nina Jackson, eine Witwe aus Australien, ich bin 88 Jahre alt, leide an Krebs und möchte einen Teil meines riesigen Geldes in Ihrem Land spenden. Kommen Sie zurück zu mir für weitere gute Details. Vielen Dank.Mutter Johnson. __

[Pressemeldungen] RE

2017-09-16 Diskussionsfäden Nathalie Schoenberger
I got an important proposal for you, Email me back for more details via:: liu.yanpe...@gmail.com Thank you, Mrs. Liu. ___ Pressemeldungen mailing list Pressemeldungen@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/pressemeldungen


2017-07-13 Diskussionsfäden INTERNATIONAL/PRIZE AWARD DEPT
INTERNATIONAL/PRIZE AWARD DEPT FREE LOTTO INTERNATIONAL Headquarters: Customer Service 28 TAN-FIELD ROAD, CROYDON.LONDON REF NO: LT/7914290166/CTV BATCH: LM/51390-0/WGP. WINNING NOTIFICATION. We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today, winners of the FREE LOTTO INTERNATIONAL ON-LINE P

[Pressemeldungen] Re:专业语言服务商

2017-05-02 Diskussionsfäden egehwyj
   给我写信(serv...@pure-trans.com) 尊敬的客户您好: 上海浦传翻译有限公司(Shanghai Puretrans Co., Ltd.)是一家专业语言服务提供商,致力于全球化时代的语言沟通,帮助企业和个人实现无缝交流。公司各团队以其深厚的专业知识和精湛的技术为客户提供一流的文档处理服务。   我们提供的服务包括: 1. 文字录入、排版; 2. 图片文字识别; 3. 图表制作; 4. 信息采集和提取; 5. 文档翻译; 6. 大规模文档、数据处理; 7. 标准文献查询与翻译; 8. 专利查询与翻译;  

[Pressemeldungen] RE:违纪问题员工处理

2017-04-05 Diskussionsfäden pressemeldungen
1.企业单方调整岗位,员工往往可被迫解除合同并索赔经济补偿,如何规避? 2.调岗时没有书面确认,员工到新岗位工作2个月后能否要求恢复到原岗位? 3.可否对“三期内”女职工进行调岗、调薪? 4.员工认同绩效结果,为什么在“不胜任工作”引发的争议中还是败诉? 5.为什么企业根据绩效结果支付员工绩效奖金,最终被认定非法克扣工资? 6.法律上如何证明劳动者“不能胜任工作”? 7.对绩效考核不合格的员工,如何合法辞退? 8.绩效正态分布往往强制划分5%的员工为不合格者,是否合法? 违纪问题员工处理.docx Description: Binary data

[Pressemeldungen] RE 研发经理的领导力与执行力

2016-10-27 Diskussionsfäden 桓经理
根据我们多年从事研发管理咨询的经验发现中国企业95%以上的研发中基层主管都是从技术 能力比较强的工程师中提拔起来的,很多刚刚走上管理岗位的研发人员在从技术走向管理的过程中存在如下问题: 1.角色不能转换,过度关注技术细节; 2.认真帮助下属可是他们并不买账; 3.凡事亲力亲为,忙得焦头烂额,可是上司却嫌效率太低; 4.希望下属多提意见,可是他们却什么都不说,不愿意承担责任; 5.上司让制定工作计划,可却无从下手; 6.不知道如何分派工作,如何领导团队,更不知道如何确保你的团队不出差错; 7.…… 这些问题致使走上管理工作岗位的技术人员疲惫不堪却还不能有效达到整体目标。 从一名只对技

[Pressemeldungen] RE

2016-10-16 Diskussionsfäden Randi Wågø Aas
Dear i will like you to help me with this business proposal, do E-mail me for details true my private E-mail:: shen.t...@gmail.com Yours Sincerely, Mrs. Shen Teoqiang. ___ Pressemeldungen mailing list Pressemeldungen@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists

[Pressemeldungen] RE:违纪问题员工处理技巧5

2016-08-25 Diskussionsfäden 束主任
安排人力部学习,束总 -- 原始邮件 -- 发件人: "束主任";; 发送时间: 2016-8-15(星期一) 上午23:01:07 收件人: "pressemeldungen"; 主题: 转发:违纪问题员工处理技巧c 详细信息参考附件资料 发件人: 束主任 发送时间: 2016年8月15日 9:49 收件人: pressemeldungen 主题: 违纪问题员工处理技巧c 专题三:违纪违规问题员工处理 1.劳动者往往拒绝签收处分、解雇通知书,如何应对? 2.问题员工往往拒绝提交《检讨书》或否认违纪违规事实,企业该如何收集

[Pressemeldungen] RE:违纪问题员工处理技巧c

2016-08-21 Diskussionsfäden 瑞嘉太叔
安排人力部学习,太叔总 -- 原始邮件 -- 发件人: "瑞嘉太叔";; 发送时间: 2016-8-15(星期一) 上午1:37:19 收件人: "pressemeldungen"; 主题: 转发:违纪问题员工处理技巧c 详细信息参考附件资料 发件人: 瑞嘉太叔 发送时间: 2016年8月15日 9:49 收件人: pressemeldungen 主题: 违纪问题员工处理技巧c 专题三:违纪违规问题员工处理 1.劳动者往往拒绝签收处分、解雇通知书,如何应对? 2.问题员工往往拒绝提交《检讨书》或否认违纪违规事实,企业该如何

[Pressemeldungen] RE:违纪违规问题员工处理

2016-08-15 Diskussionsfäden 郭女士
安排HR外训; -- 原始邮件 -- 发件人: "郭女士";; 发送时间: 2016-8-15(星期一) 上午18:08:38 收件人: "pressemeldungen"; 主题: 转发:违纪违规问题员工处理 附件资料请查阅 发件人: info 发送时间: 2016年8月15日 9:49 收件人: pressemeldungen 抄送: 王军 主题: 违纪违规问题员工处理 专题三:违纪违规问题员工处理 1.劳动者往往拒绝签收处分、解雇通知书,如何应对? 2.问题员工往往拒绝提交《检讨书》或否认违纪违规事实,企业该如何收集证

[Pressemeldungen] RE:岗位调整

2016-08-08 Diskussionsfäden 宾育宇文
参考人力资源是否需要安排学习;宇文总 -- 原始邮件 -- 发件人: "宾育宇文";; 发送时间: 2016-8-3(星期三) 上午6:44:48 收件人: "pressemeldungen"; 主题: 转发:岗位调整 附件资料请查阅 发件人: hr 发送时间: 2016年8月2日 9:49 收件人: pressemeldungen 抄送: 陈生 主题: 岗位调整 1.企业单方调整岗位,员工往往可被迫解除合同并索赔经济补偿,如何规避? 2.调岗时没有书面确认,员工到新岗位工作2个月后能否要求恢复到原岗位? 3.可否对“三期内

[Pressemeldungen] Re:浦传翻译助您如虎添翼!

2016-06-15 Diskussionsfäden otdtpg
Write to me (给我写信): (serv...@pure-trans.com) We will remove you from the list if this mail is undesirable.   如有打扰请回复退订。 出色的译文让企业如虎添翼,拙劣的译文会让您的业务一败涂地。 昨天和一歪国人说我们做翻译,他说去 CES 时见到很多中国展台,使他无法理解的是,花那么多钱做营销,英语资料却错误百出,他们总是以找出搞笑的翻译为乐…… 把翻译业务交给我们,我们会以专业的服务为您塑造卓越的形象。

[Pressemeldungen] Re

2016-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Telekom Malaysia Berhad
Telekom Malaysia Berhad Level 51, North Wing, Menara TM, Jalan Pantai Baru, 50672, Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Hadiah Bonus Tahun Baru. Pihak Telekom Malaysia @Program Kemenangan yang telah diadakan pada 15th Mei 2016 di mana alamat email anda yang disertakan beraama Tiket Kemen

[Pressemeldungen] RE;

2015-08-05 Diskussionsfäden Permanent Secretary - Education and Human Resource Development
We are lenders , we can help you with your financial need . *ATTENTION* This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed

[Pressemeldungen] RE:绩效管理与岗位调整

2015-05-31 Diskussionsfäden 章经理
pressemeldungen 您好; 有效调岗调薪、裁员解雇及违纪问题员工处理技巧 - 详细信息请参考附件; 章经理 8:07:24 违纪问题员工处理技巧.docx Description: Binary data ___ Pressemeldungen mailing list Pressemeldungen@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/pressem

[Pressemeldungen] Re : suite à ma première visite sur http://www.lists.wikimedia.org

2015-05-20 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wilson
    Madame, Monsieur,   Suite à notre dernier montage avec l'integration de nos comédiens sur votre site internet, je vous présente aujourd'hui Aurélie et Julien nos nouveaux ambassadeurs !   Pour cela, nous nous sommes permis de réaliser un montage comprenant  une capture d'écran de votre

[Pressemeldungen] Re:班组管理/知己知彼,百战百胜

2015-04-13 Diskussionsfäden 胡女士
赢在基层 ― 班组长管理的五大剑法 2015年4月18-19深圳 4月25-26上海 pressemeldungen 【参加对象】 企业厂长、制造业生产总监、生产经理、车间主任及生产制造主管及一线干部 【学习费用】 2600元/人(含课程讲义、午餐、税费、茶点等) 报名咨询电话:0755-612-88035 010-516-61863 021-312-61580 在线咨询Q/Q:6 9 8 3 4 3 6 报名信箱:6 9 8 3 4 3 6 @ QQ.com (如需报名请发送您的公司名称及参会人姓名.联系方式即可,我们会在24小时内联系您) 讲师介绍:【康建平】

[Pressemeldungen] Re : suite à une visite sur votre site http://www.lists.wikimedia.org

2015-02-26 Diskussionsfäden Peter Wilson
  Madame, Monsieur,   Après avoir consulté votre site internet, J'aimerais vous proposer un concept inédit qui consiste à intégrer un comédien professionnel sur votre site web !   Pour vous donner une idée concrète, nous nous sommes permis de réaliser un montage comprenant  une capture d’é

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Zinc ingot

2015-02-04 Diskussionsfäden hengto...@cnhtrubber.com
Dear Sir, Good day. We are supplier for Chemicals product,such as Aluminum ingot,Zinc Ingot,Copper Cathode etc in China. Should you have any questions,pls feel free to contact me,Free samples will be sent for your evaluation! Best regards, Ella China Hengtong Import Export Co.,LTD. http://www.cns

[Pressemeldungen] Re;仓・储・管・理及物・料・配・送

2015-01-06 Diskussionsfäden 苏女士
仓储物流管理的好坏对公司的影响有多大? 为什么进货环节经常出问题?为什么仓库的利用率低?盘点的作用有多大?为什么拣货配送 需要那么多人?仓库损耗如何 降低?什么是现代化仓库?如何降低运输成本?如何管理好库存?条形码有用吗? 本课程从实战的角度,结合先进的工厂物流管理理念、众多企业的成功经验以及讲师在企业仓储物流方面多年的经验体会,教授如何 管理物流仓储部门,提高仓库运营效率、提升部门绩效以及物流仓储部门在公司的影响。 高效仓储管理与工厂物料配送2015年01月16-17深圳、01月23-24上海 准时开班; 参・加・对・象:高层管理者、采购、品管、物流、财务等部门及其他相关

[Pressemeldungen] Re: supply Al ingot

2014-12-30 Diskussionsfäden da...@shandongkaixiya.net
Dear Sir, We are one manufacturer in China,and major in this field for many years. With passing the SGS,we are the major manufacturer in north of China with the quality Al ingot.We offer you could get what you pay. You could send me the specification of the product ,then offer you the exact

[Pressemeldungen] Re;仓・储・管・理及物・料・配・送

2014-12-29 Diskussionsfäden 董经理
仓储物流管理的好坏对公司的影响有多大? 为什么进货环节经常出问题?为什么仓库的利用率低?盘点的作用有多大?为什么拣货配送 需要那么多人?仓库损耗如何 降低?什么是现代化仓库?如何降低运输成本?如何管理好库存?条形码有用吗? 本课程从实战的角度,结合先进的工厂物流管理理念、众多企业的成功经验以及讲师在企业仓储物流方面多年的经验体会,教授如何 管理物流仓储部门,提高仓库运营效率、提升部门绩效以及物流仓储部门在公司的影响。 高效仓储管理与工厂物料配送2015年01月16-17深圳、01月23-24上海 准时开班; 参・加・对・象:高层管理者、采购、品管、物流、财务等部门及其他相关

[Pressemeldungen] Re;什么时候为最佳时间,签署劳动合同、用工协议

2014-12-11 Diskussionsfäden 魏��永
新《劳动合同法》、《社会保险法》、《工伤保险条例》实操应对策略与有效调岗调薪、裁员解雇及违纪问题员工处理技巧 12月12--13日深圳(B单元) 12月19--20日广州(A单元) 12月26--27日上海(A单元) 12月30--31日北京(A单元) 注明:该课程2天为一个单元,A单元与B单元内容是完全独立的不分先后顺序,客户可根据自己需求选择参加A单元或者B单元, 或AB单元均参加,可以参加完A单元再参加B单元或者先参加B单元再参加A单元均可, A单元与B单元内容请看下面的课程大纲!!! 参・加・对・象:董事长、总经理、副总经理、人力资源总监/经理/专员

[Pressemeldungen] RE: Quotation from Wendy in China 

2014-12-10 Diskussionsfäden wendy
Dear FRIEND, Wish you have a good day! This is wendy from Qingdao QINGQINGGANG IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD, We are one of the leading manufacturers of steel in China, Our mainly Non-ferrous metals,include:light metals , heavy metals , metal powder and many others. We solicit your specif

[Pressemeldungen] Re:如何调整心态,达到巅峰状态

2014-10-17 Diskussionsfäden 请转交相关人员
pressemeldun...@wikimedia.org 前瞻:来自国内外营销最前端的理论及训练体系 专注:专注于不同层次不同领域营销人员训练十余年 系统:从心态到技巧,从理念到实践全方位提升学员综合素养 实效:上午学,下午用,杜绝纯理论宣讲,每个理论,每个技巧都有丰富案例佐证,并提供实战演练的机会,现场消化 pressemeldun...@wikimedia.org 销售精英技能提升训练营 2014年10月18-19北京、10月25-26上海、11月01-02深圳 参加对象:总经理、销售总监、区域经理、销售经理、业务代表、销售培训专员等 授课方式:讲师讲授 + 视频演绎 + 案例

[Pressemeldungen] RE- buy paraffin wax /cooperation

2014-07-28 Diskussionsfäden anna
Dear Manager, Good day! This is Anna from Shenzhen Integrity Science & Technology Company. Glad to know you are in the market of paraffin wax. And we are in this line for many years. Should you want to know more about our products and have any questions, plz contact me asap. Let's talk the d

[Pressemeldungen] re; quote of Aluminum Ingot/from Joy Treasure Industrial Co,Ltd

2014-06-09 Diskussionsfäden lilylababy123
Dear Sirs/Madam, Nice day! I am Lily from Joy Treasure Industrial Co,Ltd ,which in specializing in the manufacture of metal materials for 13 years. So happy that know are on the market of Aluminum Ingot.we can supply copper wire scrap ,copper cathode ,Al Ingot , and other chemical materials with

[Pressemeldungen] Re. Aluminium ingot

2014-05-13 Diskussionsfäden n...@shscchem.com
Dear Sir or Madam, A nice day to you! This is Nina from Shanghai ShengChang Chemicals Group, Our factory main produce several kinds metal as blow,, The products are high quality and reasonable price. If you need it, pls contact us... Aluminum/ Tin/ lead/ Zinc ingot Aluminum Wire Scar

[Pressemeldungen] Re:

2014-05-12 Diskussionsfäden info2
Dear manager: Good day​! We are a specialized manufacturer of rare earth metal, ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal. Our main product is metal ingots, aluminum series, ferroalloy series, and metal powder series.  Such as: aluminum ingot, zinc ingot, casting aluminum alloy, copper scrap, copper powd

[Pressemeldungen] Re:

2014-05-12 Diskussionsfäden info2
Dear manager: Good day​! We are a specialized manufacturer of rare earth metal, ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal. Our main product is metal ingots, aluminum series, ferroalloy series, and metal powder series.  Such as: aluminum ingot, zinc ingot, casting aluminum alloy, copper scrap, copper powd

[Pressemeldungen] Re;List Wikimedia

2014-05-05 Diskussionsfäden st...@nanjingchangzhu.com
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good?Day! ? Nanjing?Changzhu?Stone?Material?Co.,Ltd.??is?a?competitive?enterprise,?which?specializes?in?manufacturing?Metal. ? Tin?Ingots, Zinc?Ingots, Aluminium?Ingots, Electrolytic?Copper, Lead?ingots,etc. ? Hope?to?be?a?partner?of?your?company! ? Best?re

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Pressemeldungen

2014-05-05 Diskussionsfäden st...@nanjingchangzhu.com
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good?Day! ? Nanjing?Changzhu?Stone?Material?Co.,Ltd.??is?a?competitive?enterprise,?which?specializes?in?manufacturing?Metal. ? Tin?Ingots, Zinc?Ingots, Aluminium?Ingots, Electrolytic?Copper, Lead?ingots,etc. ? Hope?to?be?a?partner?of?your?company! ? Best?re

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Listswiki media

2014-05-04 Diskussionsfäden st...@nanjingchangzhu.com
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good?Day! ? Nanjing?Changzhu?Stone?Material?Co.,Ltd.??is?a?competitive?enterprise,?which?specializes?in?manufacturing?Metal. ? Tin?Ingots, Zinc?Ingots, Aluminium?Ingots, Electrolytic?Copper, Lead?ingots,etc. ? Hope?to?be?a?partner?of?your?company! ? Best?re

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Lists wikimedia

2014-05-03 Diskussionsfäden st...@nanjingchangzhu.com
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good?Day! ? Nanjing?Changzhu?Stone?Material?Co.,Ltd.??is?a?competitive?enterprise,?which?specializes?in?manufacturing?Metal. ? Tin?Ingots, Zinc?Ingots, Aluminium?Ingots, Electrolytic?Copper, Lead?ingots,etc. ? Hope?to?be?a?partner?of?your?company! ? Best?re

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Re;Metal

2014-04-29 Diskussionsfäden jack
Dear Manager, Good day! Dongsheng Metal Product CO., LTD trading here, exporting of metal products,The products item as following, Aluminium Ingot Aluminium Alloy Ingot Aluminium Scrap Zinc Ingot Lead Ingot Copper Scrap Iron Scrap Steel Scrap Magnesium ingot Looking forward to hearing y

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Aluminum ingots

2014-04-09 Diskussionsfäden weady
Dear Purchasing Manager, Good days! We are a professional company which has manufactured Aluminum ingots for more than 10 years in China, and always be reliable partner to provide our products to Asia, Africa, America, Europe. Our products have good sale in the market,competitive price with go

[Pressemeldungen] RE : Paraffin wax

2014-03-26 Diskussionsfäden dap...@shandonghaotian.com
Dear This is Shandong haotian Group Exp and Imp Limited . Glad to get your info from my English friend . As I know , you have interest in purchasing paraffin from Chinese mainland . We supply Normal Paraffin , Liquid Paraffin, Fully refined Paraffin , Kerosene to EU and other states' market

[Pressemeldungen] RE;zinc ingot for best quality

2014-03-25 Diskussionsfäden sale...@yaxintechnology.com
Dear manager Good day! Glad to learn that you are in the market of zinc ingot . We write this email just want to ask you two question : Do you have the idea to import zinc ingot recently? Do you want to find a good supplier in China? If possible, we hope we can become your long term and regu

[Pressemeldungen] RE : Paraffin wax

2014-03-25 Diskussionsfäden dap...@shandonghaotian.com
Dear This is Shandong haotian Group Exp and Imp Limited . Glad to get your info from my English friend . As I know , you have interest in purchasing paraffin from Chinese mainland . We supply Normal Paraffin , Liquid Paraffin, Fully refined Paraffin , Kerosene to EU and other states' market

Re: [Pressemeldungen] RE; amanda ZINC INGOT

2014-03-18 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sir, Good morning, I know you need ZINC INGOT. Dream True(Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited trading here, exporting ZINC INGOT with good quality and low price in CHINA. We have our own factory. If you have any needs,please contact me ,let's talk details. AMANDA Dream True (T

Re: [Pressemeldungen] RE; amanda ZINC INGOT

2014-03-18 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sir, Good morning, I know you need metal products. Dream True(Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited trading here, exporting MINERALS with good quality and low price in CHINA. We have our own factory. If you have any needs,please contact me ,let's talk details. AMANDA Dream True (

[Pressemeldungen] re ingot

2014-03-17 Diskussionsfäden lill...@hmmining.com
Dear Sir,? We XINYU HAIMAY MINING CO.LTD.? We are professional in Metal production and all kinds of minerals.?Our product include:? Copper ingot? aluminum ingot Zinc ingot Wollastonite? Ore? If you interested in ,our sample is free of charge.? Our website: www.hmmining.com? Looking f

[Pressemeldungen] re ingot

2014-03-16 Diskussionsfäden lill...@hmmining.com
Dear Sir,? We XINYU HAIMAY MINING CO.LTD.? We are professional in Metal production and all kinds of minerals.?Our product include:? Copper ingot? aluminum ingot Zinc ingot Wollastonite? Ore? If you interested in ,our sample is free of charge.? Our website: www.hmmining.com? Looking f

Re: [Pressemeldungen] RE amanda ZINC INGOT

2014-03-16 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sir, Dream True(Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited trading here, exporting MINERALS with good quality and low price in CHINA. We have our own factory. If you have any needs,please contact me ,let's talk details. AMANDA Dream True (Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited Add: Jing

[Pressemeldungen] re zinc

2014-03-12 Diskussionsfäden lill...@hmmining.com
Dear Sir,? We XINYU HAIMAY MINING CO.LTD.? We are professional in Metal production and all kinds of minerals.?Our product include:? Copper ingot? aluminum ingot Zinc ingot Wollastonite? Ore? If you interested in ,our sample is free of charge.? Our website: www.hmmining.com? Looking f

[Pressemeldungen] re metal

2014-03-12 Diskussionsfäden lill...@hmmining.com
Dear Sir,? We XINYU HAIMAY MINING CO.LTD.? We are professional in Metal production and all kinds of minerals.?Our product include:? Copper ingot? aluminum ingots Wollastonite? Ore? If you interested in ,our sample is free of charge.? Our website: www.hmmining.com? Looking forward to

[Pressemeldungen] re aluminum

2014-03-10 Diskussionsfäden lill...@hmmining.com
Dear Sir,? We XINYU HAIMAY MINING CO.LTD.? We are professional in Metal production and all kinds of minerals.?Our product include:? Copper ingot? aluminum ingots Wollastonite? Ore? If you interested in ,our sample is free of charge.? Our website: www.hmmining.com? Looking forward to

[Pressemeldungen] RE amanda ZINC INGOT

2014-03-05 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sir, Dream True(Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited trading here, exporting MINERALS with good quality and low price in CHINA. If you have any needs,please contact me ,let's talk details. AMANDA Dream True (Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited Add: JinguRoad 818,Xinzhuang Crea

[Pressemeldungen] RE;PARAFFIN WAX

2014-03-04 Diskussionsfäden hongpuyuan02
Dear Manager, How are you? Very nice to knowing your company information via google . We mainly manufacture and export HDPE,LDPE,LLDPE, PVC, Organic and Inorganic Chemicals, Water treat products, Plastic raw material PP, Petrochemical, pigments, Mercury, etc. We assured good quality products

[Pressemeldungen] RE AMANDA ZINC INGOT

2014-03-04 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sir, We are know that your companyneeds ZINC INGOT .We can offer to you ! If you have any needs ,please do not hesitate to contact me. we are waiting fou your reply . AMANDA Dream True (Tianjin) Mineral Resources Sales Limited Add: JinguRoad 818,Xinzhuang Creative In

[Pressemeldungen] RE amanda ZINC INGOT FERRO SILICON

2014-03-03 Diskussionsfäden Amanda
Dear sirs, We have been exported of ZNIC INGOTS for many years. High quality products and competitive price so that our company has a high reputation in the world. If you have any needs ,please do not hesitate to contact me. FREE SAMPLES will be sent for your evaluation! We look forward to y

[Pressemeldungen] re;al ingot

2014-02-26 Diskussionsfäden hongpuyuan02
Dear Manager, Good day! Lindy is here, our factory specialized produce and export all kinds of Metal raw material with good quality and competitive factory price for many years ! For Example: 1. Aluminum: Aluminum ingot, Aluminum alloy 2. Copper: Copper Ingot, Copper Scrap, Bronze Ingot 3.

[Pressemeldungen] re;zinc ingot

2014-02-26 Diskussionsfäden hongpuyuan02
Dear Manager, Good day! Lindy is here, our factory specialized produce and export all kinds of Metal raw material with good quality and competitive factory price for many years ! For Example: 1. Aluminum: Aluminum ingot, Aluminum alloy 2. Copper: Copper Ingot, Copper Scrap, Bronze Ingot 3.

[Pressemeldungen] Re :metal

2014-02-23 Diskussionsfäden bra...@whybn.com
Hi Friend, Have a good day!Hopefully I am not disturbing. I am Tracdy from Wuhan Yibona Import and Export Co.,Ltd. We manufacture and export metal with competitive price many years in China. Should you have any questions or inquiry, pls call me or email back. Will be glad to discuss the details

[Pressemeldungen] RE;AL INGOT

2014-02-20 Diskussionsfäden hongpuyuan02
Dear Manager, Good day! Lindy is here, our factory specialized produce and export all kinds of Metal raw material with good quality and competitive factory price for many years ! For Example: 1. Aluminum: Aluminum ingot, Aluminum alloy 2. Copper: Copper Ingot, Copper Scrap, Bronze Ingot 3.

Re: [Pressemeldungen] RE; Supply Paraffin wax

2014-02-18 Diskussionsfäden emily
Dear Manager , Knowing some information from your website , you are interested in Candles , am i right ? We are mainly supply Paraffin wax . During this period, our factory doing SALES PROMOTION , we can give you the most competitive price . Please contact me if you need more details .

[Pressemeldungen] Re :chemical

2014-02-18 Diskussionsfäden bra...@whybn.com
Hi Friend, Have a good day!Hopefully I am not disturbing. I am Tracdy from Wuhan Yibona Import and Export Co.,Ltd. We manufacture and export chemical with competitive price many years in China. Should you have any questions or inquiry, pls call me or email back. Will be glad to discuss the deta

[Pressemeldungen] Re; Good quality and very competitive price for metal ingots

2014-02-18 Diskussionsfäden sales4
Dear purchase manager : Glad to get contact info from Shijiazhuang Puzhe import and export trade Co., Ltd We professionally supply the below good quality and very competitive price products Copper powder Aluminum powder Blister Copper Al ingot zinc ingot Antimony ingot magnesium ingot Hope to

[Pressemeldungen] Re :metal

2014-02-17 Diskussionsfäden bra...@whybn.com
Hi Friend, Have a good day!Hopefully I am not disturbing. I am Tracdy from Wuhan Yibona Import and Export Co.,Ltd. We manufacture and export metal with competitive price many years in China. Should you have any questions or inquiry, pls call me or email back. Will be glad to discuss the details

[Pressemeldungen] Re;zinc ingot

2013-12-24 Diskussionsfäden lisa
Dear sir: Glad to know you need zinc ingot . Xinnongsheng Chemicals Co .,Ltd specialized in manufacturering and exporting zinc ingot. We have own factory to produce. Competitive price and free samples will be sent you as per your request. Regards lisa Xinnongsheng Chemicals Co .,Ltd Tel:86-0311

[Pressemeldungen] Re Re : Update price of Aluminium Ingot

2013-10-31 Diskussionsfäden cara
Dear Purchasing Manager, Good day. This is Cara, we can supply you with Aluminium Ingot. Commodity : Aluminium Ingot Al : 99.7% Appearance : silvery white Si: 0.1% max Fe : 0.2% max Cu: 0.01% max Packing : 25kg/ Ingot,packed in wooden case Waiting for your prompt reply. Best Regards Car

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Alumium Ingot Inquiry

2013-10-22 Diskussionsfäden cngiant
Dear Purchasing Manager Nice day! Hope that all is fine with you. We are specialty in manufacturing nonferrous metals with good quality and best service. Mainly products are as follows: · Ferro silicon · Aluminium Ingot ·

[Pressemeldungen] Re;lead ingots inquiry

2013-10-14 Diskussionsfäden be...@jinrunindus.com
Dear Sir/Madam, Glad to hear that you are on the market for metal products, we are China Jin Run Industrial Co., Ltd.specializing in this field for many years. Our main products is as follows: Antimony ingot,Zinc ingots,Lead ingot,Antimony Ingot .. If you want to know more about the

[Pressemeldungen] re aluminium ingot supplier

2013-10-09 Diskussionsfäden sales04
Dear Sir, We are one of the largest Metal manufacturers and expoters in China. Glad to know that you are in the market of metal products and hope to cooperate with you. Please check the following catalogue, Powder: Tungsten Powder Vanadium Powder Nickel Powder Copper Powder Tin Powder

[Pressemeldungen] Re/ copper ingot supplier

2013-10-08 Diskussionsfäden in...@hbjinhui.com
Dear sir or madam, Have a nice day! We are the manufacturer of Rare metal , our goods is very popular in international market. 1copper ingot 2)pure copper powder 3)Bright copper We have ability to supply you high quality and compertitive price for you pls Contact me asap! Best Regards Allen Busin

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Aluminium Ingot Inquiry

2013-10-08 Diskussionsfäden Mavis
Hi sir ; , We produce Aluminium Ingot with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details. Thank you. Best Regards Yours sincerely Mavis Sales Mana

[Pressemeldungen] Re;zinc ingot

2013-09-26 Diskussionsfäden lisa
Dear sir: Glad to know you need zinc ingot . Xinnongsheng Chemicals Co .,Ltd specialized in manufacturering and exporting zinc ingot. We have own factory to produce. Competitive price and free samples will be sent you as per your request. Regards lisa Xinnongsheng Chemicals Co .,Ltd Tel:86-571-

[Pressemeldungen] Re:劳-动法律法规、政策如何渗透

2013-09-08 Diskussionsfäden 夔起崴
致企业人事部门: 您好! 最 新 劳 动 法 细 则 您 该 如 何 应 对? 请 参 考 附 件 大 纲 ... 2013-9-92:16:51 夔起崴 有效运用法律政策减少法律风险.xls Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet ___ Pressemeldungen mailing list Pressemeldungen@lists.wikimedia.org https

[Pressemeldungen] Re:2nd:metallic material supplier/Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd

2013-08-20 Diskussionsfäden anny
Hi, sir We professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Supply for paraffin wax

2013-08-19 Diskussionsfäden tjetr4
Hey, Purchasing Manager Tianjin Entier Chemicals Co., Ltd's professinal factory here, Exporting paraffin wax welcome to order Let discuss details Rgards Alisa / Sales Manager Company : Tianjin Entier Chemicals Co., Ltd Skype : Elizabeth51207 Website : www.tjetr.com Tel

[Pressemeldungen] re;zinc ingot quotation

2013-08-14 Diskussionsfäden belinda
Dear purchasing manager Good morning my friend.Thanks for your time to read my email. Glad to know you are in the market of mineral products. I was wondering if you would be interested in our zinc ingot at a very low cost. welcome to find and visit our website below in the signature Wish our prod

[Pressemeldungen] re paraffin wax supplier

2013-08-14 Diskussionsfäden sales04
Dear Sir / Madam, We get your name and e-mail address from internet,and know you are in the market for paraffin wax ,we are a company specializing in chemicals,the quality of our products is very high,and the price are competitive. We are looking forward to cooperate with you. Your prompt

[Pressemeldungen] RE;Paraffin Wax

2013-08-14 Diskussionsfäden Mavis
Hi sir ; , We produce Paraffin Wax with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details. Thank you. Best Regards Yours sincerely Mavis Sales Manager

[Pressemeldungen] Re:2nd:metallic material supplier/Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd

2013-08-14 Diskussionsfäden anny
Hi, sir We professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me

[Pressemeldungen] Re:1st:professional manufacturer of metallic material from Leoni/Anny

2013-08-13 Diskussionsfäden anny
Dear manager, Good day How are you?wish everything goes on well! This is Anny from Changsha Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd ,professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. If you are interested in our product o

[Pressemeldungen] Re;Lists

2013-08-11 Diskussionsfäden longheshun
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good Day! Longheshun Limited is a competitive enterprise, which specializes in manufacturing Metal. Tin Ingots, Copper Scrap, Zinc Ingots, Aluminium Ingots, Electrolytic Copper, Lead ingots,etc. Hope to be a partner of your company! Best regards, Carrie Longhesh

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-08 Diskussionsfäden sales05
Dear Sir or Madam, Good day. This is Selina from SHENZHEN BEST CHEMICAL IMP.& EXP. CO.,LTD Specializing in many kinds of Chemical products. as follows: HDPE,LDPE,LLDPE scrap copper and iron Ethyl Acetate nonferrous metals Calcium carbonate

[Pressemeldungen] re aluminium ingot supplier

2013-08-08 Diskussionsfäden sales04
Dear Sir, We are one of the largest Metal manufacturers and expoters in China. Glad to know that you are in the market of metal products and hope to cooperate with you. Please check the following catalogue, Powder: Tungsten Powder Vanadium Powder Nickel Powder Copper Powder Tin Powder

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-08 Diskussionsfäden sales001
Dear my friends We are leading Raw material for plastic and rubber industry. Now we are on sale the followed products PVC resin HDPE LDPE PET PP if you need our products,feel free let us know. need sample,let me know. Thanks vicent john sales...@cnwychem.com Tel 86-15373036037 201

[Pressemeldungen] Re;PROVIDE ZINC INGOT

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden Beijing Jinyuan Yongtai chemical Industry Co . , L
Dear sir, Good day! This is Alice from Beijing JinYuan YongTai Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. We supply ZINC INGOT.Hope to cooperation with you! Looking forward to your good news soon, Best regards, Alice, Web:http://www.jytchem.com Tell:0086-03126783136 Fax:0086-03126783135 Skype:mingming-linda Compa

[Pressemeldungen] Re:1st:professional manufacturer of aluminium ingot from Leoni/Anny

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden anny
Dear manager, Good day How are you?wish everything goes on well! This is Anny from Changsha Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd ,professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. If you are interested in our product or any

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden sales05
Dear Sir or Madam, Good day. This is Selina from SHENZHEN BEST CHEMICAL IMP.& EXP. CO.,LTD Specializing in many kinds of Chemical products. as follows: HDPE,LDPE,LLDPE scrap copper and iron Ethyl Acetate nonferrous metals Calcium carbonate

[Pressemeldungen] re; hdpe

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden sales02
Dear sir or madam; Happy day! This is monica from Nanjing weizhenyuan chemical co.,ltd devoted to supply high quality plastic materials chemical with top �Cclass services at competitive prices such as; hdpe /hdpe recycled granule ldpe; / ldpe recycled granule pvc g

[Pressemeldungen] re zinc ingot supplier

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden sales04
Dear Sir, We are one of the largest Metal manufacturers and expoters in China. Glad to know that you are in the market of metal products and hope to cooperate with you. Please check the following catalogue, Powder: Tungsten Powder Vanadium Powder Nickel Powder Copper Powder Tin Powder

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-07 Diskussionsfäden sales001
Dear my partner We are a non-ferrous manufacturer in China, we can supply you the materials for your request. our product list is as followed. Aluminium ingot Zinc ingot Magnesium ingot Copper ingot Antimony ingot Lead ingot Tin ingot Price CIF port china Please Inform me if

[Pressemeldungen] Re:2nd:metallic material supplier/Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd

2013-08-05 Diskussionsfäden anny
Hi, sir We professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me

[Pressemeldungen] re copper cathode supplier

2013-08-05 Diskussionsfäden sales04
Dear Sir, We are one of the largest Metal manufacturers and expoters in China. Glad to know that you are in the market of metal products and hope to cooperate with you. Please check the following catalogue, Powder: Tungsten Powder Vanadium Powder Nickel Powder Copper Powder Tin Powder

[Pressemeldungen] Re;lists.wikimedia

2013-08-05 Diskussionsfäden longheshun
Dear Purchasing Manager: Good Day! Longheshun Limited is a competitive enterprise, which specializes in manufacturing Metal. Tin Ingots, Zinc Ingots, Aluminium Ingots, Electrolytic Copper, Lead ingots,etc. Hope to be a partner of your company! Best regards, Carrie Longheshun Limited Add:

[Pressemeldungen] Re; Inquiry Copper Cathode.

2013-08-05 Diskussionsfäden Mavis
Hi sir ; , We produce Copper Cathode with high quality & very competitive price for 15 years in China; Hope to find a way to cooperate with you. E-catalogues will be sent if needed. Write me back or call me pls, let’s talk more in details. Thank you. Best Regards Yours sincerely Mavis Sales Mana

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-05 Diskussionsfäden sales05
Dear Sir or Madam, Good day. This is Selina from SHENZHEN BEST CHEMICAL IMP.& EXP. CO.,LTD Specializing in many kinds of Chemical products. as follows: HDPE,LDPE,LLDPE scrap copper and iron Ethyl Acetate nonferrous metals Calcium carbonate

[Pressemeldungen] re

2013-08-04 Diskussionsfäden sales05
Dear Sir or Madam, Good day. This is Selina from SHENZHEN BEST CHEMICAL IMP.& EXP. CO.,LTD Specializing in many kinds of Chemical products. as follows: HDPE,LDPE,LLDPE scrap copper and iron Ethyl Acetate nonferrous metals Calcium carbonate

[Pressemeldungen] Re :The special offer for internationalTransport

2013-08-04 Diskussionsfäden jessica
Dearest my friend Wish you have a nice day ! We are Foxiona International Logistics Co.,Ltd Our services include : ship the cargo by Sea ( MSK, MSC,PIL,etc.) Or by Air (FEDEX ,DHL UPS,etc ) from each port in China to all o

[Pressemeldungen] Re:1st:professional manufacturer of aluminium ingot from Leoni/Anny

2013-07-31 Diskussionsfäden anny
Dear manager, Good day How are you?wish everything goes on well! This is Anny from Changsha Leoni Electric Power Co., Ltd ,professional in processes and sells various metallic material, such as copper,aluminum,zinc,nickel,tin,lead,Manganese,etc. If you are interested in our product

[Pressemeldungen] Re;zinc ingot

2013-03-25 Diskussionsfäden linda
Dear purchase manager Our company is a leading supplier among ferrous and nonferrous metal companies in China.We supply zinc ingot , copper ingot , aluminium ingot , lead ingot , etc. We always offer the best price to customers around the world, compared to other suppliers in Chin

[Pressemeldungen] Re [1]:

2011-02-12 Diskussionsfäden Elaine Tyson
VCL IIE GAV RLI AIT SR A $1.29/pill $1.58/pill $2.81/pill + many other positions! Visit Us at: h t t p : / / v i a g r a

[Pressemeldungen] Re [2]:

2011-01-26 Diskussionsfäden Joan Erickson
VCL IIE GAV RLI AIT SR A $1.29/pill $1.58/pill $2.81/pill + many other positions! Visit Us at: http://quud.com/448 __

[Pressemeldungen] 're awful dirty!" cried Sue. "You must run in the brook, wh

2010-05-15 Diskussionsfäden Ito
Ne marked by sunshine, when one evening they came to a little clump of trees beside the road. It was not far from a good-sized village. "We'll stay here over night," said Mr. Brown, "and in the morning we'll take a little side trip to a waterfall not far away." "Oh, that will be fun!" cried Bu

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