Anyone know if its possible to display an HTML page in an Office
2003 and/or 2007 task pane via VBA?

Background: We have a complicated configuration file that our
users maintain in Word (using a real editor is not an option for
our audience).

We would like to create several toolbar buttons that display a
basic HTML page in a task pane as a form of online help for our

The reason we want to use a task pane to display help (vs. an
external browser or traditional help engine) is so that the help
content is "embedded" in Word vs. displayed via a seperate
application. The problem with using a regular browser or help
engine to display help is that users have to manually size and
position both applications so that they can see them
simultaneously and its very easy to "lose" one application when
togging between many applications.

We don't want to go down the route of writing a VisualStudio
based task pane component - we want to keep things simple (KISS)
and encapsulate everything in an easy to distribute Word template
file (.dot or dotx.).

--- StripMime Report -- processed MIME parts ---
  text/plain (text body -- kept)

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