A few random comments:

1. When dealing with criticisms a good conversation to have is about
priorities, with the goal of having you understand not only why a
criticism is important but understanding how important that is
(compared to other issues that you are currently facing).

2. I do not have a good answer for the "what is the audience of this
documentation" issue.

3. Your myst permutation listing included the world tapl and I have no
idea where that comes from

4. When looking at that kate syntax highlighting file, for J, I
noticed a few things I'd like to be different, and stopped there.  (I
think all of the patterns should have a trailing regexp "unless
there's extra . or : following" declaration, except NB. where that
goes near the beginning and except for quoted strings which are
immune. Also, trailing digits are option in floating numbers.)  But I
do not use Kate (nor pandoc, yet), so I'm not prepared to test any


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