Dear Invenio developer or user,

The*forth Invenio User Group Workshop*will be hosted by the Heinz
Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) <> on the
research campus of Garching. It will take place from Tuesday, 21 March
to Friday, 24 March 2017. This workshop is jointly organized by CERN and
MLZ for JOIN^2 .

The Invenio User Group Workshop 2017 <>
will address a wide range of topics related to practical aspects of
running digital repository services. We welcome proposals for
presentations especially on the following themes:

1. Invenio for libraries

Talks are invited on how Invenio addresses integrated library system
needs such as acquisition, circulation, reporting, statistics, discovery

2. Invenio in the Open Access world

Talks are invited to demonstrate how Invenio connects to the Open Access
content publishing world including topics such as persistent identifiers
for material, authors, grants, licensing issues, authentication (with
ORCID), open access and open data publishing challenges (e.g. OpenAPC,
OpenAire compatibility).

3. Invenio for service managers

Talks are invited to demonstrate the use of Invenio throughout the life
cycle of services, from the initial installation and customisation,
through maintenance, continuous improvement to user support and service
monitoring practices.

4. Invenio for multimedia

Talks are invited to explain how Invenio can be used to collect
multimedia content produced by institutional audiovisual services and
how this material is disseminated to grand-public.

5. Invenio for research data

Talks are invited on how Invenio operates with collections of datasets,
focusing on the specificities of managing very large files from
scientific experiments.

6. Proposals for Tutorials are also welcomed, with practical hands-on
sessions aimed at developers or system managers.

Any other topics of interest as well as reports on your own experience
with Invenio are most welcome. Please email your wishes and suggestions
until 15 October, 2016 at

An explicit call for registration and abstract submission with more
details on the event will follow soon.

Please circulate this email also among colleagues who might be
interested in.

Looking forward to seeing you.


CERN and MLZ for JOIN^2

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