Saya MENOLAK menerima ucapan selamat dari orang-orang 
yang rajin membunuh dan menindas di seluruh penjuru dunia...
orang-orang yang mulutnya ngga bisa dipercaya... 
orang-orang yang katanya menentang kekerasan tapi ikut serta 
terlibat di dalam kekerasan itu .... 
orang-orang yang menghina orang Islam, Hindu, Budha, atheis dengan 
menganggapnya sebagai domba...
orang-orang yang menyuruh membunuh, mencungkil mata, memotong tangan dan kaki 
para kafir...

Jusfiq Hadjar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis:
    Sementara itu di Indonesia orang Islam tidak didorong untuk
    mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru atau Selamat Natal kepada orang


The Holy See       
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'Id al-Fitr 1424 A.H . / 2003 A.D.

Constructing Peace Today

Dear Muslim Friends,

1. The time of Ramadan comes round again, and it is my pleasure to 
greet you on this occasion and to offer you my very best wishes. 
During this special month the communal meal, iftâr, which breaks the 
fast at the end of the day, brings family members and friends 
together in an atmosphere of joy. Quite often people of other 
religions are invited to share in this moment of conviviality, and 
there is a growing custom of Christians organizing an iftâr for their 
Muslim friends. Such signs of friendship are appreciable, especially 
at this time when there is so much unrest and tension in the world. 
It is in this spirit of fraternity that I extend my greetings and 
those of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to all 
Muslims throughout the world, in particular on the occasion of `Id al-
Fitr, the Feast which concludes the month of Ramadan.

2. As has become customary with this annual message, I should like to 
share with you some reflections, and it would seem appropriate to 
centre these on the need to construct peace. My starting point is a 
letter which Pope John XXIII addressed to all people of good will 
forty years ago, in 1963. In this letter, entitled Pacem in Terris, 
Peace on Earth, it was suggested that peace is an edifice resting on 
four pillars: Truth, Justice, Love and Freedom. Each of these values 
has to be present if there are to be good and harmonious relations 
between peoples and between nations.

3. Truth is the first pillar, for it includes the recognition that 
human beings are not their own masters, but are called to fulfil the 
will of God, the Creator of all, who is the Absolute Truth. In human 
relations truth implies sincerity, essential to mutual confidence and 
fruitful dialogue leading to peace. Truth moreover brings each 
individual to acknowledge his or her own rights, but also to 
recognize his or her own duties towards others.

4. Yet peace cannot exist without justice, respect for the dignity 
and rights of each human person. It is the lack of justice, in 
individual, social and international relations, that causes so much 
unrest in our world today, and brings about violence.

5. Justice must nevertheless be tempered by love. This implies the 
ability to recognize that we all belong to one human family, and so 
to see our fellow human beings as our brothers and sisters. It gives 
the capacity to share in both sorrows and joys. It makes people feel 
the needs of others as if they were one's own, and this empathy leads 
them to share their own gifts with others, not only material goods 
but also the values of mind and spirit. Love also makes allowances 
for weakness, and so includes the ability to forgive. This 
forgiveness is essential to the restoration of peace when conflict 
has broken out, for it opens up the possibility of beginning again, 
on a new basis, in a restored relationship.

6. All this supposes freedom, an essential characteristic of the 
human person. For freedom allows people to act according to reason 
and to assume responsibility for their own actions. Indeed each of us 
is responsible before God for our contribution to society.

7. To these four pillars I would be inclined to add a fifth, namely 
prayer. For we know that, as human beings, we are weak. We find it 
hard to live up to these ideals. We need God's help, and this we have 
to implore humbly. Let me quote here some words of Pope John Paul II:

If peace is God's gift and has its source in him, where are we to 
seek it and how can we build it, if not in a deep and intimate 
relationship with God? To build the peace of order, justice and 
freedom requires, therefore, a priority commitment to prayer, which 
is openness, listening, dialogue and finally union with God, the 
prime wellspring of true peace.

(Address on the Day of Prayer for Peace, Assisi, 24 January 2002)

The Pope went on to say that prayer is not a form of escapism. On the 
contrary, it allows us to face up to reality with a strength which 
comes from God.

8. The month of Ramadan is not only a time of fasting, but also a 
period of intense prayer. I wish to assure you, my Muslim friends, 
that we are united with you in prayer to the Almighty and Merciful 
God. May He bless each one of you and all the members of your 
families. May this blessing be a source of comfort in particular for 
those who have suffered, or who are still suffering, on account of 
armed conflict. May the Good God give all of us the strength to be 
true constructors of peace.

With best wishes for a Blessed Feast, `Id mubârak.

Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald


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