Ikhwanul Muslim dilarang (lagi) di Mesir, setelah kliatan belangnya sbg
organisasi bajingan. Padahal Ikhwanul Muslim itu nerapin ajaran Islam yg
benar, yg menunjukkan bhw Islam itu emang ajran bajingan.

Hrsnya, organisasi2 serupa di Indonesia spt FPI, Hizbut Tharir, MUI dll itu
dilarang, krn berdasarkan Islam alias berdasarkan ajaran bejad.

Kapan orang2 akan sadar bhw Islam yg benar itu adalah ajaran bejad dan

Monday, September 23, 2013  Egyptian Court Bans Muslims
 There was one positive outcome of the Arab Spring in Egypt. During the
reign of Mubarak, most of the Muslim population of Egypt were convinced
that the Muslim Brotherhood is a force for good, and that, if given a
chance, the Brotherhood would rule with justice according to Islamic
principles. When the Brotherhood took over after the fall of Mubarak,
Egyptians found out what Islamic principles do to a country. Now, the
Muslim Brotherhood is once again banned.

And yet, here in America, politicians and the media pander to CAIR, which
is a Muslim Brotherhood front group. Are Egyptians more Islamophobic than

*FoxNews*—Egypt has banned the Muslim Brotherhood from carrying out
activities inside the country as its interim government looks to crack down
on unrest following former President Mohammed Morsi’s ouster.

“The court bans the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and
its non-governmental organization and all the activities that it
participates in and any organization derived from it,” judge Mohammed
al-Sayed said in a statement on Monday, according to Reuters.

The court also ordered the Muslim Brotherhood's assets confiscated.

The Brotherhood was outlawed for most of its 85 years in existence. But
after the 2011 ouster of autocrat Hosni Mubarak, it was allowed to work
openly, formed a political party and rose to power in a string of
post-Mubarak elections. In March, it registered as a recognized
non-governmental organization. (Continue

 Posted by  David Wood
<http://www.blogger.com/profile/10613366053392696689>  at

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