Islamic Bloc: We Respect Press Freedom But _
Patrick Goodenough
International Editor

( - A bloc representing the world's Islamic nations is marking 
World Press Freedom Day Wednesday by calling for urgent action to establish 
international law or a code of conduct aimed at preventing media from 
defaming religion.

The Saudi-based secretariat of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic 
Conference (OIC) said in a statement it was committed to press freedom, but 
that journalists should be deterred \ldblquote from premeditatedly 
vilifying, defaming and violating the rights of others."

Citing the controversy earlier this year over the printing of cartoons 
depicting Mohammed, the OIC said the publication of the sketches and its 
ramifications provided "absolute evidence of the consequences of 
non-abidance with these regulations."

It said the caricatures had insulted "a faith embraced and revered by over 
one-fifth of the world population, and a religion that advocates peace, 
tolerance and moral virtues."

Muslims around the world protested against the cartoons, which first 
appeared in a Danish newspaper six months ago and were later reproduced in 
numerous, mostly European media outlets. In some countries, protests turned 
violent, and people were killed in Nigeria, Libya and Afghanistan.

Authorities in some Islamic countries shut down newspapers and arrested 
journalists following the publication of some of the cartoons.

In Yemen, the editor of the Yemen Observer will mark World Press Freedom Day 
Wednesday by appearing in court, where prosecutors earlier called for the 
death sentence for insulting Islam.

Muhammad al-Asadi was arrested last February after his English-language 
weekly published the cartoons -- in thumbnail size and obscured with a 
thick, black cross -- to illustrate its news reports on the controversy.

Editors of two Arabic-language papers in Yemen are also on trial, and are 
due to appear in court later in May. Print editions of all three papers have 
been frozen for the past three months, although the government this week 
agreed to allow printing to resume.

Arrests or publication shutdowns resulting from the cartoons were also 
reported in Malaysia, Indonesia, Syria, India, Algeria, Morocco and Jordan, 
according to the media freedom lobby group, Reporters Without Borders.

In London this week, the OIC is hosting what it says is the first ever major 
international conference aimed at countering "Islamophobia," bringing 
together politicians, diplomats, scholars, media representatives and others 
from Western and Islamic countries.

Opening the event on Tuesday, OIC secretary-general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu 
said Muslims and their religion had been increasingly stereotyped, defamed, 
marginalized, discriminated against and targeted for "hate crimes" in the 
West since 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks in Madrid and London.

"In addition to the perceived biased Middle East policies of the U.S. and 
European countries, the rising trend of Islamophobia is giving a boost to 
the anti-Western sentiments in the Islamic world."

Ihsanoglu said the "terrifying stereotyping we suffer from in the first 
decade of the 21st century ... is a phenomenon that reminds us of the 
horrible experiences of the anti-Semitism of the 1930s."

It was unfortunate that in some circles in the West, Islam was considered a 
"dangerous ideology," he said.

"Misinterpretations of the events perpetrated by extremists in the Muslim 
world who in turn took 'Islam' as a cover, provided ammunition to the 
supporters of this fragile and misleading theory."

Of the Mohammed cartoons, Ihsanoglu said the OIC had been trying to explain 
that "nobody is actually challenging the freedom of expression and press and 
that the real issue is disrespect" for religious symbols and values.

He said the OIC had expected backing for its stance from European 
governments, but "to our dismay" those governments had instead supported 

'Negative image'

Also addressing the London conference, British foreign office minister Kim 
Howells said Muslims, and some non-Muslims, had been "rightly offended" by 
the publication of the cartoons.

But he also criticized some Islamic media for their handling of the issue, 
saying "the existence of anti-Western and anti-Jewish media and material in 
the Muslim world, some of it in state owned press, undermined as 
hypocritical the moral indignation that was expressed."

Howells said it was right that the issue of Islamophobia was addressed, but 
Islamic governments and organizations should also address problems that give 
Islam a negative image.

He cited support for Taliban-type legal and social systems, "recent 
statements coming out of Tehran," practices that segregate and subjugate 
women, and conspiracy theories about 9/11 being a CIA plot and polio 
vaccines being contaminated with viruses.

"And reports of raped women being punished and stoned, restrictions on other 
religions, including death sentences pronounced on Christian converts, poor 
human rights records and authoritarian, undemocratic environments all have a 
negative impact which we cannot ignore."

Howells also challenged views in the Islamic world that he said were wrong, 
such as the perception that "our foreign policy is deliberately 

"The reasons for action in Afghanistan and Iraq had nothing to do with the 
faith of Islam but with the political and security issues that these 
countries posed."

He said the Islamic world had the right to criticize policies pursued by 
Britain, the U.S. or the European Union, "but continuing to blame the West 
for all the ills of the Muslim world is an act of self-denial."

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