I want to use blackbox_exporter and http prober to login to an API.

My goal is to do the login every 15s which could be


I could solve this with scrape_interval: 15s.
But in addition I want to allow a scrape timeout of 30s which is longer 
than the scrape_timeout.

If I run two blackbox_probes in parallel with scrape_interval: 30s and 
scrape_timeout: 30s this will work but both probes will start more or less 
at the same time.


The idea behind tha is:
In general the API response for login is very fast. For whatever reason 
sometimes it takes 30s or more. I do not want the probe to just fail after 
15s but want to see and understand how long a login request takes.

If I abort a long lasting request or do a parellel login this may work very 
fast. So it is probably not a problem with the API in general but with 
specific user session or other unknown circumstances. So I want many scrape 
intervals but the imeout sometimes needs to be higher OR I need several 
blackbox_probes which do not start at the same time but are spread equally.

Any ideas?
Is this possible with prometheus 2.48.1 and blackbox_exporter 0.24.0 ?

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