Capital City Energy ( CETG.OB)

Today:  $2.60
Target:  $7.00

No Relief from $120 Oil Anytime Soon -- or Ever, says Energy Expert
Posted Jul 28, 2008 12:28pm EDT by Aaron Task in Investing, Commodities

With oil prices retreating from their all-time high of $147 a barrel on July 11 
(although they edged up past $124 again this morning), there's talk that the 
oil bubble has finally burst. "Keep dreaming," says Chris Nelder, co-author of 
"Profit from the Peak" and an editor at

Nelder is a firm believer that oil prices are being driven by fundamental 
issues of supply and demand rather than specualtion, and recent data backs him 
.       U.S. gasoline usage has dropped for the 13th consecutive week.
.       Overall gasoline demand in the U.S. -- which is responsible for 
one-fifth of the world's energy consumpton -- is down 2.2% since the start of 
.       Places as farflung as Italy and Taiwan have had energy-usage drops of 
Episodes of geopolitical tension are a factor in oil prices, too, as are recent 
discoveries of reserves in Brazil and elsewhere. But Nelder maintains that 
"fundamentals have always been in play" despite the current preoccupation with 
speculation, and cautions that the time to get used to $120-and-above oil is 


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