Welcome to BerauClix.Com, we are  now launched in FULL Mode! Get your Premium 
membership and FREE Traffic  for your site on this Full Mode. Read More...
At BerauClix we bring an opportunity for  you to earn extra cash online. No 
special skill or talent required. All  you need to do is register, manage your 
account and start earning by  accomplishing various small, easy jobs. You can 
earn from browsing  sponsor's Ads, completing different offers and earn more 
from referring  members. 

Advertise at BerauClix and receive quality traffic for your  sites. Our program 
allows you to get more visitors, readers, leads and  potential customers for 
your own services and products. Aside from  cheap! 

Open Contest: 
        * Weekly Referral Contest; Each Week the top referring member will  
1000 Link Credits.
        * Weekly Ticket Drawing; Each Week, 5 tickets will be randomly  chosen. 
members who own the drawn tickets will receive 500 Banner Credits.
        * Daily Click Contest; Each Day,The top 3 clickers will be  awarded 250 
        * See more about our contest in contest tab on your profile. 
        * join now

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