[iklan promosi] Reminder: sHaM FrEnZ has invited you to join Friendster

2007-12-29 Terurut Topik sHaM FrEnZ
You're invited to join sHaM FrEnZ's network of friends. In addition to seeing what sHaM is up to, you can reconnect with old friends, meet new friends, start a blog, build a custom profile, keep track of birthdays, and so much more! Click below to join sHaM's network.

[iklan promosi] Reminder: sHaM FrEnZ has invited you to join Friendster

2007-12-06 Terurut Topik sHaM FrEnZ
You're invited to join sHaM FrEnZ's network of friends. In addition to seeing what sHaM is up to, you can reconnect with old friends, meet new friends, start a blog, build a custom profile, keep track of birthdays, and so much more! Click below to join sHaM's network.