All companies that we introduce to our members we think have the potential for 
immediate gains, otherwise we would not bother alerting you to them. When we 
brought CGYV to your attention a couple of weeks ago we not only thought it was 
setting up nicely for a short term breakout (after which many members did 
indeed make a quick double digit gain) but we also mentioned that it was one to 
keep your eye on for the next year. The growth story they present which 
capitalizes on both CLEAN ENERGY and CHINA is simply too strong to ignore. CGYV 
is announcing big numbers and gaining major media attention so you need to make 
sure you are watching it for a longer term trade.

Today just confirms our belief in the company as they announced an amazing 
contract valued at nearly $9 million (click here to read the whole release for 
yourself). Just how big is that? Well, consider that when the final 2008 
numbers for CGYV are released they will probably have booked revenue of just 
north of $20 million. Today's announcement alone would then equal well over a 
third of last year's revenue. If you've been following CGYV since we alerted 
you to it you will also realize that this contract puts them at nearly $29 
million booked for 2009 already - and we're still only in January!

There is no telling how much CGYV will put on the books this year, but we think 
they are headed for another year of blistering growth despite a worldwide 
slump. Several people we have spoken to who know the CGYV story very well think 
the company will actually blow away last year's numbers - maybe even double 
them! When a company can deliver growth like that in a global recession you 
really need to take note.

After the 15% gain the stock made right after our first alert a couple weeks 
ago, the stock has come back a little and is still holding steady right around 
our initial alert price, so if you have forgotten about CGYV you need to get it 
back on your radar and watch for another good opportunity soon.

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caps is at Stockhideout. Get the scoop on great trades from some of the best 
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As we've been saying for the past couple weeks, we think our members should be 
ahead of the curve and be looking very closely at energy and natural resources 
stocks as there are values we think are way too attractive to pass up.

As you have probably noticed, the price of oil is trading at less than 1/3 of 
its value from just last year, we think our members should be looking to take 
advantage of what we feel could be a huge coming opportunity in this sector. 
Oil does not seem to want to go lower and we think the next move will be much 
higher. If that happens, expect the whole sector to see a rally.

Tomorrow's trade idea is a rapidly expanding energy company that has evolved 
from being an innovative leader in the design systems into one of the few 
vertically integrated smaller independent oil and natural gas companies. They 
are growing at such a rapid rate that you really need to take notice of this 
stock now before it gets away from current levels.

We have actually been watching this stock for about 6 months. We were hoping it 
would have a major pullback before we would alert everyone to it, but it has 
been holding up remarkably well. We think it is done consolidating at the 
current level and could be headed for another leg up soon. You need to be sure 
to learn more about it before that happens.

While we are not ready to announce the name of this exciting company just yet, 
we will tell you that this company's strategy is to continue to grow its 
already sizeable oil/gas operations and look for great acquisition targets.

>From a chart perspective, the price made an important bottom in mid-November 
>and a higher low on December 29th. In addition, we are seeing several 
>technical indicators flashing "buy" signals including several upside volume 
>spikes and a very bullish MACD crossover of the "0" line.

So get ready to add another exciting energy pick to your radar as we will be 
releasing the name of this amazing company tomorrow morning after the market 

And as always, after we announce our new idea, make sure to do your own 
homework. We feel confident that you will agree this company has incredible 
breakout potential.

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