Re: [PG-devel] speed up Coq Proof General by processing complete proofs

2012-08-10 Thread Hendrik Tews
   The main problem with your solution is that for the moment pg coq needs to
   see the informations that were present in the prompt before a command was
   issued to know how to back just before this command. Therefore if we want
   to be able to backtrack inside the chunks we need to read all prompts and
   link each of them to the corresponding command. If we hide the prompts then
   backtracking inside chunks will be impossible. 

Well, there is no backtracking to a position inside a proof
once you finished the proof. So if a chunk is a whole proof, you
loose nothing. Otherwise, I would say, if you switch on the
speedup-option for processing in chunks, then you loose the
ability to backtrack inside the chunks. If you want to go there,
you have to backtrack the whole chunk and then start asserting
again in smaller steps. Similarly to what you have to do now when
you want to go into the middle of a proof after finishing it.

   Dealing with errors, as David said, will be a mess.

Indeed. My plan would be the following: Before processing a chunk
I remember the chunk start position somewhere. If there is an
error inside the chunk I backtrack to the beginning of the chunk.
I am pretty sure that this can work out without creating a mess. 

   On the problem of speeding up pgcoq Hendrik please consider waiting for the
   next big change in Coq kernel: asynchronism. Or at least proof lazy
   evaluation. I have seen a prototype of that (by Enrico Tassi) and it surely
   will make pg and any other interface much faster from the user perspective
I believe that these changes will speed up the compilation of
whole files, i.e. coqc. But I doubt they will speed up my 2000
line files. If Proof General is too slow to feed coqtop such that
the latter saturates 1 of my 4 cores, how could I gain from more
parallelism? On the contrary, processing bigger chunks,
especially whole proofs, would certainly increase the chance to
profit from these improvements.

   These results are indeed surprising. As I don't see why sending commands
   separately would speed down Coq, I guess pg is slow at interpreting prompts
   (see below). Maybe I should have a look at my code on this.
It might be the case that I see this big speedup, because my
tactics are too low level. 

For the measurement I disabled the parser cache and inserted the
following hack into coq-script-parse-cmdend-forward at the end,
where it returns 'cmd:

(if (save-excursion
  (forward-line 0)
  (looking-at " *Proof"))
  (re-search-forward "Qed\\." limit t)

Further I inserted (message "QUEUE EMPTY at %s" (float-time))
inside proof-shell-filter-manage-output in the if where
proof-shell-exec-loop returns with true. I processed the buffer
with M-x eval-expression 
   (progn (message "START %s" (float-time))

The above measurement hack works only if
- you first delete all Qed's inside comments
- make sure each Qed / Defined is the last command on its line
- add ``(* Qed. *)'' after each Defined

If you send me a file, which you are interested in, I can easily
do the measurements.


ProofGeneral-devel mailing list

Re: [PG-devel] speed up Coq Proof General by processing complete proofs

2012-08-09 Thread Makarius

On Thu, 9 Aug 2012, David Aspinall wrote:

Yves Bertot asked me years ago why Proof General never used this 
mechanism, and at the time I wasn't convinced it was much of a saving 
over sending commands individually.  The simpler mechanism was a least 
common denominator for different systems and doesn't require special 
modifications to standard read-eval-print loops.

The last sentence is the main secret of success of Proof General: it did 
not require much from the prover, so everyone could easily participate 
(well almost: the HOL family is still not there yet).

These days it seems more likely that the communication would often 
dominate the processing time for a single command so batching on the 
prover side would clearly be a better mechanism.  In fact, so is having 
the prover (or some intermediate component) manage the *whole* document, 
which is the PIDE model.

Concerning the PIDE model, see also my recent paper "READ-EVAL-PRINT in 
Parallel and Asynchronous Proof-Checking" which tries 
to explain important technical aspects of PIDE in terms of the classic TTY 
model, and give hints how to get beyond it.

And indeed, most of the time and effort is spent in organizing document 
processing.  Proof checking happens eventually, too, but a single 
long-running automated proof method is counterbalanced by thousands of 
tiny commands that need to be parsed, results printed etc.

Moreover, I've recently made a little experiment with Coq 8.4 beta as PIDE 
backend.  See also at rev 07c7fc8ba7bd

Both taken together gives you a proof of concept: Isabelle/PIDE/jEdit as 
front-end, Coq as backend.  The latter merely does tokenization of the 
input as in CoqIDE.  The backend can be refined further without 
substantial changes in the implemented infrastructure.  (This exercise of 
mine required merely 5 days working with the Coq sources.  More will be 
needed to make it do actual proof checking.)

If there was still enough Emacs love in the world we could surely have 
an Emacs mode for that!

In 2004-2007 you were the one to suggest giving up Emacs, and using 
Eclipse instead.

In some sense you were right, not with Eclipse but the underlying JVM 
platform.  It is not very pretty, but one of the very few platforms that 
is available on Windows-Mac-Linux, has statically typed programming 
languages on it (e.g. Scala), and fully supports multithreaded multicore 

In contrast, Emacs is just a single-threaded LISP machine with some 
editing facilities.  It was always a challange to make proper use of it 
for non-trivial things -- Proof General is the most complex elisp 
application I've ever seen.  But this also poses many portability 
problems, because the assumptions about the underlying Emacs version are 
quite strong. Proof General on Cygwin is hardly working for many years. 
Mac OS is also not first class citizen.

I am curious to see what happens with Isabelle Proof General after I've 
renounced responsibility of it last fall.  Did the new maintainers show up 
already (Larry Paulson and Jasmin Blanchette)?


ProofGeneral-devel mailing list

Re: [PG-devel] speed up Coq Proof General by processing complete proofs

2012-08-09 Thread David Aspinall

On 09/08/12 11:11, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

That's why (back when it was available), I preferred to use the
"coq-interface" protocol rather than the "coqtop -emacs" protocol,
which has chunking multiple commands cleanly. I haven't looked at it
recently, but it seems to be the PCoq interface protocol was moved to
the contribs, and can still be taken from there?

Yves Bertot asked me years ago why Proof General never used this 
mechanism, and at the time I wasn't convinced it was much of a saving 
over sending commands individually.  The simpler mechanism was a least 
common denominator for different systems and doesn't require special 
modifications to standard read-eval-print loops.

These days it seems more likely that the communication would often 
dominate the processing time for a single command so batching on the 
prover side would clearly be a better mechanism.  In fact, so is having 
the prover (or some intermediate component) manage the *whole* document, 
which is the PIDE model.  If there was still enough Emacs love in the 
world we could surely have an Emacs mode for that!

But porting PG to it might be more hassle than useful, and possibly
the "Set/Unset Prompt" route would be more expedient.

Yes, probably...  The thing to watch out for is the error behaviour, 
though.  If one command in a batch fails, PG needs to know which command 
is responsible (or else that the prover considers the whole transaction 

 - D.

ProofGeneral-devel mailing list

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Re: [PG-devel] speed up Coq Proof General by processing complete proofs

2012-08-09 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane
On Thu, Aug 09, 2012 at 11:26:55AM +0200, Hendrik Tews wrote:

> I therefore tested the following idea: When Proof General
> processes larger chunks, it can send proof scripts as a whole
> instead of sending single tactics. The results were rather
> surprising:

> There are of course a number of problems to solve before Proof
> General is really able to process proofs, sections or modules as
> one chunk. But with the prospective speed improvement I would
> like to explore this idea further.

> I believe the first problem to solve is that of multiple prompts:
> When Proof General sends several statements together, coqtop
> answers with several prompts instead of one prompt. AFAICT there
> is no command to change or disable the prompt in coqtop.

That's why (back when it was available), I preferred to use the
"coq-interface" protocol rather than the "coqtop -emacs" protocol,
which has chunking multiple commands cleanly. I haven't looked at it
recently, but it seems to be the PCoq interface protocol was moved to
the contribs, and can still be taken from there?

But porting PG to it might be more hassle than useful, and possibly
the "Set/Unset Prompt" route would be more expedient.

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